Anaerobic bacteria

anaerobic bacteria

Bacteria which grow without O2, either by metabolic necessity (obligate anaerobes) or by preference (facultative anaerobes). Anaerobes are the primary pathogens of wound infections. Specimens obtained from patients in whom an anaerobic infection is suspected require special handling, as O2 (i.e., open air) is toxic to cultures and they may present as “culture-negative” if exposed; once the specimen arrives in the lab, it is processed under conditions of decreased O2, and any bacteria identified are recultured to determine their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Anaerobic bacteria

Bacteria that do not require oxgyen, found in low concentrations in the normal vaginaMentioned in: Aminoglycosides, Bacterial Vaginosis, Flesh-Eating Disease, Periodontal Disease

an·aer·ob·ic bac·te·ri·a

(anār-ōbik bak-tērē-ă) Bacteria that can live and grow in the absence of oxygen. Some anaerobic bacteria are inhibited or killed by oxygen.