anacrotic limb


 [lim] 1. one of the paired appendages of the body used in locomotion and grasping; see arm and leg. Called also member, membrum, and extremity.2. a structure or part resembling an arm or leg.anacrotic limb ascending limb (def. 2).artificial limb a replacement for a missing limb; see also prosthesis.ascending limb 1. the distal part of loop" >Henle's loop.2. the ascending portion of an arterial pulse tracing; called also anacrotic limb.catacrotic limb descending limb (def. 2).descending limb 1. the proximal part of loop" >Henle's loop.2. the descending portion of an arterial pulse tracing; called also catacrotic limb.lower limb the limb of the body extending from the gluteal region to the foot; it is specialized for weight-bearing and locomotion. See also leg.pectoral limb the arm (limb" >upper limb), or a homologous part.pelvic limb the leg (limb" >lower limb), or a homologous part.phantom limb the sensation, after amputation of a limb, that the absent part is still present; there may also be paresthesias, transient aches, and intermittent or continuous pain perceived as originating in the absent limb.residual limb stump.thoracic limb pectoral limb.upper limb the limb of the body extending from the deltoid region to the hand; it is specialized for functions requiring great mobility, such as grasping and manipulating. See also arm.

an·a·crot·ic limb

the ascending limb of an arterial pulse tracing.

anacrotic limb

The ascending portion of the pulse wave.See also: limb