Acronym | Definition |
CICR➣Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja |
CICR➣Calcium Induced Calcium Release (intracellular signaling) |
CICR➣Central Institute for Cotton Research (India) |
CICR➣Center for International Conflict Resolution (School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York) |
CICR➣Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research (Australia) |
CICR➣Centre for Innovative Cancer Research (Canada) |
CICR➣Comite Internationale de la Croix-Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross) |
CICR➣Chemical Inventory Control Regulation (Turkish regulation) |
CICR➣Committee on Information and Cultural Relations |
CICR➣Camano Island Coffee Roasters |
CICR➣Communications Intelligence Collection Requirement |
CICR➣Corporate Governance and the Audit Committee |