Acronym | Definition |
CICM➣Centrex IP Client Manager (Nortel) |
CICM➣Customer Icm |
CICM➣College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (UK) |
CICM➣Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia |
CICM➣Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics |
CICM➣Commission Internationale Catholique pour Les Migrations (French: International Catholic Migration Commission) |
CICM➣Continuous Inductor Current Mode |
CICM➣Center of Integrative Chinese Medicine (Monterey, CA) |
CICM➣Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (US DoD) |
CICM➣Certified International Configuration Manager (International Society of Configuration Management) |
CICM➣Missionhurst, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (religious order) |
CICM➣Communications Interface Control Module |
CICM➣Communications Integration and Cosite Mitigation |