

单词 ebs




abbr. east by south


abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) electronic braking system


east by south.
Noun1.EbS - the compass point that is one point south of due easteast by southcompass point, point - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"


Swiss Electronic Bourse (EBS)

Computer linking system between the former stock exchange trading floors in Zurich, Geneva, and Basel, Switzerland so that trades can be carried out among traders on all three of the trading floors.


1. Swiss Electronic Bourse. A computerized system linking the trading floors of the Basel, Zurich, and Geneva stock exchanges. This allows a bid or an offer made on one exchange to be executed on any of the three.

2. Electronic Blue Sheet. A filing system the SEC requires companies and self-regulatory organizations to use when reporting some trade records. It derives its name from the fact that it was filed with physical blue sheets before the change to an electronic system.


See electronic blue sheet.


EBSE-Business Suite (Oracle Corporation)
EBSEuropean Business School
EBSEssential Business Server (software)
EBSEurope by Satellite
EBSEdinburgh Business School (Edinbugh, Scotland, UK)
EBSEmergency Broadcast System
EBSEpidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (skin condition)
EBSElectronic Braking System
EBSEnterprise Business Systems
EBSEarly Bird Special
EBSElastic Block Storage (Amazon Web Services)
EBSEmergency Bunker Surcharge (shipping)
EBSEnvironmental Baseline Survey
EBSExpeditionary Bomb Squadron (US DoD)
EBSEmergency Breathing System
EBSElectronic Business Solutions (Murray, KY)
EBSEuropean Business Studies
EBSElectronic Brake System
EBSEnterprise Backup Solution
EBSEmergency Braking System
EBSEngine Brake System
EBSE-Business Suite
EBSE-Business Server
EBSEnterprise Backup Software (various companies)
EBSEngineered Barrier System
EBSEngine Brake System (motorized vehicles)
EBSElectronic Banking System
EBSEmployee Benefits Survey
EBSElectronic Bid Submission (business proposals)
EBSExcess Burst Size
EBSEmployee Benefit Specialist
EBSEssor Bresse Saône (French soccer club)
EBSEcology Building Society (UK)
EBSEllen Browning Scripps (California)
EBSEmployee Benefit Systems, Inc.
EBSElectronic Business Strategy
EBSEmdeon Business Services (Nashville, TN)
EBSElevated Blood Sugar (health statistic)
EBSEmployee Benefit Solutions, Inc. (Houston, TX)
EBSElectronic Banking Service
EBSElectronic Brainstorming
EBSEnterprise Backup System (Compaq)
EBSElectronic Billing System (software)
EBSExecutive Business Service
EBSEfficient Business Systems (various locations)
EBSEuropean Bamboo Society
EBSEnhanced Braking System (Black & Decker Corporation)
EBSE-Business Strategy
EBSÉpidermolyse Bulleuse Simple (French: Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex)
EBSEffective Behaviour Support
EBSEmergency Breakdown Service
EBSElectronic Billing Solutions (various locations)
EBSEngineered Business Systems, Inc.
EBSEngineering Biological Systems (various organizations)
EBSElectronic Bank Statement(s)
EBSElectronic Business Set
EBSEscaliers Bois Stella (French: Stella Wood Stairs; manufacturer)
EBSElectron Bombarded Silicon
EBSEdison Brothers Stores, Inc.
EBSExternal Blob Store (Microsoft)
EBSEnglish by Stéaviñ (tutorial)
EBSEuropean Biotechnology Symposium
EBSEvening Bike Society
EBSEnd Building Node (network topology)
EBSElectronic Bid Solicitation
EBSEmballage Bois Service (French: Wood Packaging Service)
EBSEnvironnement Bâtiments Services (French: Environmental Building Services)
EBSEast Bionic Symphonia (band)
EBSEconotel Business Systems, Inc.
EBSEl-Nasr Boys' School (Alexandria, Egypt)
EBSEnemy Boat Spotted (gaming)
EBSElectronic Business Service
EBSElectronic Bid Set (USACE)
EBSElectronic Bid Set
EBSElectronic Booking System
EBSEquipment Breakdown Structure (project management)
EBSElectron Backscattering
EBSEffects Based Strategy (Australia)
EBSEdible Ballot Society (Canada)
EBSErindale Biology Society
EBSElectronic Battlefield Series (gaming)
EBSEdmund Burke School
EBSExterior Bulk Storage
EBSElnasr Boys School (Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt)
EBSElectron Beam/Bombarded Semiconductor
EBSEmergency Boration System
EBSEducation Brodcasting System (ROK)
EBSEcolab Business Solution (Germany)
EBSEvergreen Building Solutions, Ltd (Seattle, Washington)
EBSEbony Biomedical Services, Inc.
EBSEuro Bonus Silver
EBSEmployee Benefit Strategies, L.L.C.
EBSElectronic Broking Service Limited (London, UK broker for interbank spot foreign exchange)
EBSEmpire Board Supply
EBSErnst Berg Systems (Belgium)
EBSEnvironmental Brake Services Corporation
EBSEquivalent Fixed Barrier Speed
EBSEuropäischen Bildungsforum Schuhe
EBSEnvironmental Building Solutions, LLC (New York, NY)
EBSEuropean Banking Society


  • noun

Synonyms for EbS

noun the compass point that is one point south of due east


  • east by south

Related Words

  • compass point
  • point




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