EBREnterprise Business Representation (various companies)
EBREast Baton Rouge
EBRExtended Boot Record (computing)
EBREngin Blindé de Reconnaissance (French: Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle)
EBREncyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception
EBRExperimental Breeder Reactor
EBREmbedded Block Ram
EBRExternal Beam Radiation
EBRExtended Boot Record
EBRElectron Beam Recorder
EBREnvironmental Bill of Rights (Ontario, Canada)
EBREuropean Business Register (European Economic Interest Group)
EBRElectronic Book Review (peer-reviewed journal)
EBREnhanced Battle Rifle
EBREstablished Business Relationship
EBRElectronic Batch Record
EBRExperience Based Repair
EBREdge Bead Removal (semiconductor wafer manufacturing)
EBRExternal Beam Radiotherapy
EBRElectron-Beam Recording
EBRErik Buell Racing (East Troy, WI)
EBREfficacité Biologique Relative (French: Relative Biological Effectiveness)
EBREvil Black Rifle (slang for black color of AR-15 rifle)
EBREvidence Based Research, Inc (Vienna, Virginia)
EBREquity Backing Ratio
EBREnhanced Bit Rate
EBREnterprise Backup and Restore
EBRExtra-Budgetary Resources (India)
EBRExchequer Borrowing Requirement (Ireland)
EBREast Border Region (Ireland)
EBREndogenous Biological Regulators
EBREagle Board of Review (scouting)
EBRExtended Business Reporting
EBRElgin B. Robertson, Inc. (Dallas, Texas)
EBRElectronic Badge Reader
EBRExternal Backup and Restore
EBREffective Bit Rate
EBRExtended Bandwidth Request
EBREvents-Based Routing
EBREvidence Based Reimbursement
EBREuropean Blue Review (UK TV show)
EBREnhanced Book Replacement
EBRExecutive Business Review
EBRElectronic Business Relationship (e-business term relating to customer relationship management)
EBREconomic Based Reliability
EBRExclusive Buyers Realty (San Antonio, Texas)