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Craftsman style Craftsman styleA style of house that was popular in the early 1900s, influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement; Gustav Stickley popularized the style in his magazine, The Craftsman, from 1901 to 1916.Craftsman style Craftsman style: upper hall of a residence A domestic architectural style in America in the first few decades of the 20th century, greatly influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement. Houses in this style were usually characterized by: a nonsymmetrical façade, typically sheathed with stucco, wood clapboard, or wood shingles, and less often with board and batten, brick, concrete block, or stone; often, masonry walls on the first story and clapboard or wood shingles on the second story; occasionally, a battered foundation; a gabled porch, recessed or trellised, facing the street; commonly a porte cochère at one side of the porch; usually a low to moderately pitched front-gabled roof; exposed roof rafters, beams, false beams, or triangular knee braces inserted as decorative elements under the gables; gabled dormers or shed dormers with exposed beams; double-hung windows or heavily framed casement windows. The interior commonly featured a high wainscot that was integrated with the doors and windows as part of the structural decoration. The stairway from the living room to the floor above was often an important design element. |