

(ak'rō-sī-ă-not'ik), Characterized by acrocyanosis.


(ak'rō-sī-ă-not'ik) Characterized by acrocyanosis.


(ak″rō-sī-ă-nō′sĭs) [acro- + cyanosis] A blue or purple mottled discoloration of the extremities, esp. of the fingers, toes, and/or nose. This finding is associated with many diseases and conditions, e.g., anorexia nervosa, autoimmune diseases, cold agglutinins, or Raynaud's disease or phenomenon. Acrocyanosis is commonly observed in newborns and in others after exposure to cold temperatures and in patients with reduced cardiac output. In patients with suspected hypoxemia, it is an unreliable sign of diminished oxygenation. (Instead of relying on this sign, pulse oximetry or arterial blood gases should be measured.) acrocyanotic (-not′ik), adjective


(ak'rō-sī-ă-not'ik) Characterized by acrocyanosis.