

单词 cic



Abbreviation for clean intermittent bladder catheterization; completely in the canal hearing aid.


Circulating immune complexes. See Immune complexes.
FinancialSeeChartered Investment Counselor


CICCombat Information Center
CICCommittee on Institutional Cooperation
CICCitizenship and Immigration Canada
CICCommunity Interest Company (UK Department of Trade and Industry)
CICChico (Amtrak station code; Chico, CA)
CICCertified Insurance Counselor
CICCouncil of Independent Colleges (Washington, DC, USA)
CICCentral Information Commission (India)
CICConvention Industry Council
CICCustomer Interaction Center
CICCentre d'Investigation Clinique (French: Clinical Investigation Center)
CICCompletely in the Canal (hearing aid)
CICConstruction Industry Council (UK and US)
CICCitoyenneté et Immigration Canada (French: Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
CICCommander in Chief
CICCatecismo de la Iglesia Católica (Spanish: Catechism of the Catholic Church)
CICChina Investment Corporation (wealth fund)
CICCenter for International Cooperation (various locations)
CICCase in Chief
CICCable in the Classroom (cable industry education foundation)
CICCambridge Innovation Center (Massachusetts)
CICCarrier Identification Code
CICChemical Institute of Canada
CICCollision Industry Conference
CICCentral Insurance Companies (est. 1876)
CICCommon Interest Community (various locations)
CICCircuit Identification Code
CICCanadian Islamic Congress (religious group)
CICCincinnati Insurance Company (Ohio)
CICCisco Info Center
CICCode of Canon Law (Latin: Codex Iuris Canonici)
CICCollaborative Innovation Center (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
CICChamber of Industry and Commerce (various locations)
CICCatholic Information Center
CICCommunity Information Centre
CICCredit Information Company (various companies)
CICCitizens Information Centre (Ireland)
CICCinema International Corporation (film distribution; various locations)
CICCaptive Insurance Company
CICCustomer Interface Card
CICCell Invisibility Cache
CICComputer Interface Card
CICCisco Information Center
CICContinuous Information Capture
CICComputationally Intensive Computing
CICCable in Conduit
CICClinical Investigation Center (Minnesota)
CICCulinary Institute of Charleston (Charleston, SC)
CICCrédit Industriel et Commercial (French bank group)
CICCapital Investment Committee (various locations)
CICClean Intermittent Catheterization
CICConsumer Information Center
CICCalifornia Insurance Company
CICCoordination and Information Center
CICCommission on Interracial Cooperation (est. 1919)
CICCanada-Israel Committee
CICCambridge International Centre (various locations)
CICChartered Investment Counselor
CICCommission on Integration and Cohesion (UK)
CICChristians in Commerce (various locations)
CICCentro de Investigación en Computación (International Conference on Computing)
CICCouncil of Islamic Courts
CICCarcinogen Identification Committee (California)
CICChronic Idiopathic Constipation
CICCritical Illness Cover (insurance)
CICConcepts in Concrete (Houston, TX)
CICCounterintelligence Center (US DoD)
CICCanadian International College (New Cairo, Egypt)
CICCommunity Investment Corporation
CICCentral Iowa Chapter (various organizations)
CICCertified in Infection Control (nursing)
CICCertified Irrigation Contractor
CICChesapeake Innovation Center (Maryland)
CICCeylon Indian Congress (Sri Lanka; est 1939; now Ceylon Workers' Congress)
CICCommunity Insurance Company (Ohio)
CICCounterintelligence Corps
CICChemical Industry Council
CICChoices in Childbirth (New York, NY)
CICCommand Information Center
CICCanadian Immigration and Citizenship
CICCanadian Innovation Centre
CICCombat Intelligence Center (Marine Corps; US DoD)
CICInternational Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
CICCommunity Investment Committee (United Way)
CICCommunications Interface Controller (US DoD)
CICCombined Intelligence Committee (US and UK)
CICChaudronnerie Industrielle du Centre (French: Industrial Boilermaking Center)
CICComputer-Integrated Construction
CICCirculating Immune Complex
CICCochlear Implant Center (various locations)
CICCadet Instructor Cadre (now Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service)
CICConflict of Interest Committee (various organizations)
CICCurrent Issues Committee (various organizations)
CICCharles in Charge (TV show)
CICCentro Internazionale Crocevia
CICCriminal Investigation Command
CICCellule Interministérielle de Crise (French: Interministerial Crisis Committee)
CICCertified Insurance Consultant
CICCleveland Indians Charities (est. 1989; Cleveland, OH)
CICCreative Incentive Coalition
CICCatawba Island Club (Ohio)
CICCalifornia Innovation Corridor
CICCause It's Cool
CICCampus Information Centers (University of Michigan)
CICCustomer Identification Code
CICCoupon Information Center
CICCoast Is Clear
CICCommunity Intervention Center
CICCollegiate Inventors Competition
CICChauffage Individuel Centralisé (French: Centralized Individual Heating)
CICCentre International de Conférences (French: International Conference Center)
CICCredit Institute of Canada
CICCoalition Information Center
CICCommittee on Information and Communications
CICCorporate Information Center
CICChemically Imbalanced Comedy (Chicago, IL)
CICCreation Is Crucifixion
CICClimatic Impacts Centre
CICCombined Intelligence Center
CICCrew Interface Coordinator (NASA)
CICColloid and Interface Chemistry (Denmark)
CICCentro Internacional de Convenciones (Spanish: International Conventions Center; Medellín, Colombia)
CICCadet in Charge
CICCatalina Island Conservancy
CICChurch Insurance Company
CICCountry Identification Code
CICCuban Council of Churches
CICConsultants and Independent Contractors
CICClinical Information Consultancy (part of the National Health Service, England)
CICCommunity Informatics Corps (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
CICComputing Information Center
CICCentro Insular de Cultura
CICCanadian Insurance Course (Canadian Securities Institute)
CICCycle International Court (French: International Court Cycle)
CICCanada Immigration Center
CICCatalog Item Code
CICChrist I'm Confused
CICContent Indicator Code
CICCoordinated Industry Cases (US IRS)
CICConnecticut Invention Convention
CICCommunity Improvement Council
CICCombined Injectable Contraceptive
CICColégio Internato dos Carvalhos (Portugal)
CICCult Information Center
CICConcours International Combiné (French equestrian event)
CICChico, CA, USA - Chico Municipal Air Terminal (Airport Code)
CICComputing, Information and Communications Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
CICClose in Combat
CICCedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway Company
CICCentre for Intelligent Control
CICCatalogue Item Confirmation
CICCisco Integrated Client (VPN client-softwares' built-in firewall)
CICCompetition Index Control (National Hot Rod Association Competition Eliminator Class)
CICCapital Investment Council
CICCircuit Identifier Code
CICCommonwealth Interoperability Coordinator (Virginia)
CICClean Islands Council (Oil Spill Response, Hawaii)
CICCommunications Interface Coordinator (NASA)
CICCore Instructor Course
CICCascaded Integrator and Comb (decimator-interpolator)
CICCollege of Immaculate Conception (Port of Spain, Trinidad)
CICContinuous Improvement Coordinator
CICContraceptifs Injectables Combinés (French: Combined Injectable Contraceptives)
CICCall Instance Code
CICChildren in Crisis, Inc.
CICCitizens' Investigative Commission (private action group)
CICControlled Item Code
CICClerk in Charge
CICComputer Interface & Control
CICChemistry Information Centre (Berlin, Germany)
CICCombat Integration Capability
CICCommercial Industry Caucus
CICChair-Control Indicate Capability
CICCommand Integration Center
CICCardioinhibitory Center
CICCompensated Ion Chamber
CICClinton Investigative Commission (political action site/group)
CICCommand Interface Control
CICContinuing Improvement Council
CICCrisis Information Center (UN)
CICCentre d'Information de la Couleur (French: Color Information Center; est. 1952)
CICCombat In Cities
CICCurriculum Integration Coordinator
CICControl and Information Center (NASA)
CICCenter for Interethnic Cooperation (Russia)
CICChinese Institute of Communication
CICCommitted Interaction Contract
CICCurrent Injection Control
CICComputational Intelligence Centre
CICCritical Intelligence Category
CICCentral Integrated Checkout
CICCredit InfoCenter
CICComputer Interface Control Unit
CICCEBus Industry Consortium
CICCustomer Initiated Call
CICCassava Information Centre (Colombia)
CICCommittee to Impeach Clinton (political action site/group)
CICContractor Initiated Change (construction)
CICConcrete on Rolled I-Beam Continuous (civil engineering)
CICCompliance and Insurance Corporation (Philippines)
CICCode Is Cool (programming slang)
CICCall Inquiry Command
CICCommunications Interface Control
CICCentro de Inteligencia Católica (Guatemala religious group)
CICComputer Interface Cabinet
CICComputers, Information and Communications
CICCombat Integration Cell
CICClassroom Instructor Course
CICContractor Information Center
CICCollective Investments Center
CICCentrul de Informare a Cetateanului (Romania)
CICCustomer Information Call
CICCrane Institute Certification (crane operator certification)
CICConverter Interface Controller (AN/FSC-78B SATCOM terminal)
CICControlled Item Category
CICCommunications Interface Cabinet (light rail, Dallas, Texas)
CICCloudiness Intercomparison Campaign (US NOAA)
CICContainer Identification Code
CICCockpit Interface Computer
CICClaim Imaging Center (insurance)
CICCrowell's Intensity Camp
CICCreative Industries Commission
CICCathay Israel Chemistry
CICCoordinating Instructional Council




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