

单词 cib



Abb. for “International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, ” Rotterdam, the Netherlands.



Abbreviation for L. cibus, food.


CIBComplete in Box (auction listings)
CIBCitizens Independent Bank (Minnesota)
CIBChina Industrial Bank
CIBCorporate and Investment Banking
CIBCertificate of Indian Blood (US BIA)
CIBCriminal Invstigation Branch (police incident code; New Zealand)
CIBCentro Inter-Bibliotecario (Universita di Bologna)
CIBCommercial International Bank
CIBInternational Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
CIBCluster-in-a-Box (data storage)
CIBCitizens Information Board (Ireland)
CIBClient Information Branch
CIBCluster in a Box
CIBCollective Intelligent Bricks
CIBCapital Improvement Board (Indiana)
CIBCluster Information Base (computing)
CIBCombat Infantryman Badge (US Army)
CIBCommunications in Business (UK)
CIBCertificate in International Business (various schools)
CIBCriminal Investigation Bureau
CIBCommunities in Bloom (Canada)
CIBChartered Insurance Broker
CIBCan It Be?
CIBCriminal Investigation Branch (Australian)
CIBChina International Business (magazine)
CIBCredit Information Bureau (West Haven, CT)
CIBCarnation Instant Breakfast
CIBControlled Image Base
CIBCoffee Industry Board (Jamaica)
CIBChartered Institute of Bankers
CIBCriminal Intelligence Bureau (Hong Kong Police Force)
CIBCompanies Investigation Branch (UK)
CIBCollision Imminent Braking (vehicles)
CIBClick It Back (poker)
CIBCenter-Invest Bank (Russia)
CIBConférence Internationale des Barreaux (French: International Conference of Bar Associations)
CIBCounterfeiting Intelligence Bureau (UK)
CIBCosmic Infrared Background
CIBCampaign for an Independent Britain
CIBCorporate and Institutional Banking
CIBClassification Internationale des Brevets (French: International Patent Classification)
CIBCommonwealth Investigation Branch (Australia)
CIBComarch Internet Banking (software)
CIBCommunity Impact Board
CIBCombined Information Bureau (US DoD)
CIBContinuous Integration Build (software development)
CIBComputer Integrated Business
CIBCompliance and Information Bureau (FCC)
CIBCeltiberian (linguistics)
CIBCentral Inspection Board (Lebanon)
CIBConseil International du Batiment pour la Recherche, l'Etude et la Documentation
CIBConverter-Inverter-Brake (power electronics)
CIBCanterbury Infantry Battalion (New Zealand)
CIBChange Implementation Board
CIBContract Information Bulletin
CIBCardiff Institute for the Blind (UK)
CIBCompartmented Information Branch
CIBCommon Interactive Broadcast
CIBCook-in-Bag (food packaging)
CIBCurrent Intelligence Bulletins (NIOSH)
CIBCapital Investment Board (various governments)
CIBCard Issuing Bank
CIBCenter for Inland Bays
CIBCentralized Intercept Bureau
CIBChaudronnerie Industrielle de Bretagne (French industrial boiler company)
CIBConseil Immobilier Bretagne (French real estate company)
CIBCommand Input Buffer
CIBCentral Index Bureau (auto insurance)
CIBCritical Infrastructure Balancing (scheme; India)
CIBCobol Information Bulletin
CIBCoordinated Informed Buying (public health procurement planning)
CIBCRC32 Indication Bit
CIBChange Impact Board
CIBCollective Intelligent Brick (IBM)
CIBClub Indépendant Bordelais (French cycling club)
CIBCabinet Immobilier Boulet (French real estate company)
CIBChemical Information Bulletin
CIBCall Information Block
CIBCompressed Image Base
CIBConfiguration Investigation Board
CIBCentre d'Innovation en Biologie (French: Center for Innovation in Biology)
CIBCapabilities Information Base
CIBCommunications Information Bulletin
CIBCorporate Investment Board
CIBCurrent Interest Bond (finance)
CIBController Image Base
CIBChronic Irritative Bronchitis
CIBCommander Information Brief
CIBCorporate Initiative Brief
CIBCurrent Intelligence Briefing
CIBCommon Interface Bus (file transfer method)




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