Acronym | Definition |
FMS➣Fibromyalgia Syndrome |
FMS➣Flexible Manufacturing System |
FMS➣Flash Media Server (Adobe Systems) |
FMS➣Financial Management Service |
FMS➣Foreign Military Sales |
FMS➣Flight Management System |
FMS➣Federation of Management Systems |
FMS➣Faculty of Management Studies |
FMS➣Financial Management System |
FMS➣Fresenius Medical Care |
FMS➣Functional Movement Systems (est. 1995; athletics) |
FMS➣Fluorescent Mineral Society (est. 1971) |
FMS➣Film & Media Studies (various schools) |
FMS➣Flow Management System (various companies) |
FMS➣Fisher Marantz Stone (architectural lighting design firm; New York) |
FMS➣Facilities Management Software |
FMS➣Fecal Management System (healthcare) |
FMS➣Faculty of Management Sciences (various locations) |
FMS➣Fishburne Military School (Waynesboro, VA) |
FMS➣Fabric Manager Server |
FMS➣Fully Managed Service |
FMS➣Flash Media Server |
FMS➣Fleet Management System |
FMS➣False Memory Syndrome |
FMS➣Facilities Management Services (State Farm Insurance) |
FMS➣File Management System |
FMS➣Fixed Mobile Substitution (wireless) |
FMS➣Force Measurement System (various companies) |
FMS➣Marist Brothers (religious order) |
FMS➣Future of Minority Studies (various schools) |
FMS➣Facility Management System |
FMS➣Financial Monitoring Service (various locations) |
FMS➣Fuel Management System |
FMS➣Finnish Missionary Society (now Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission) |
FMS➣Freeway Management System |
FMS➣Federal Migration Service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russia) |
FMS➣Fisheries Management Strategy (Australia) |
FMS➣Fiji Meteorological Service |
FMS➣Flexible Modeling System |
FMS➣Flight Manual Supplement |
FMS➣Forms Management System |
FMS➣Feline Mcdonough Sarcoma (animal oncology) |
FMS➣Facilities Management System |
FMS➣Fédération Médico-Sociale (French: Medical-Social Federation) |
FMS➣Full Mission Simulator (military flight simulator) |
FMS➣Fluid Management System |
FMS➣Field Maintenance Squadron |
FMS➣Fellow of the Institute of Management Services (UK) |
FMS➣Fieldbus Message Specification |
FMS➣Fully Managed Service (various organizations) |
FMS➣Federation of Materials Societies |
FMS➣Fisheries Management Section (various organizations) |
FMS➣Fine-Mesh Screen |
FMS➣Fuchs Mizrachi School (Beachwood, OH) |
FMS➣Fault Management System (NEC) |
FMS➣Fédération Musicale de la Sarthe (French: Musical Federation of Sarthe; Sarthe, France) |
FMS➣Field Management System |
FMS➣Field Music School |
FMS➣Flannelmouth Sucker (fish) |
FMS➣Fédération Musicale de Savoie (French: Musical Federation of Savoy) |
FMS➣Flexible Machining System |
FMS➣Fanampiana Madagascar Solidarité (French: Madagascar Humanitarian Association) |
FMS➣Fabrication Mécanique de Sécurité (French: Manufacturing Mechanical Safety) |
FMS➣Flight Motion Simulator |
FMS➣Fixed Monitoring Station (various locations) |
FMS➣Fonds Mutuel de Solidarité (French: Mutual Solidarity Fund) |
FMS➣Fairfield Middle School (Richmond, VA) |
FMS➣Federal Medical Station (US DHHS) |
FMS➣Facility Management and Safety |
FMS➣Forskningsgruppen För Miljöstrategiska Studier (Environmental Strategies Research Group, Stockholm, Sweden) |
FMS➣Food Management System |
FMS➣Fiscal Management Services |
FMS➣FashionistaMurderSquad (blog) |
FMS➣Family Mediation Service |
FMS➣Flat Mild Steel (metal fabrication) |
FMS➣Fédération Mondiale des Sourds (French: World Federation of the Deaf) |
FMS➣Ferronnerie Métallerie Serrurerie (French metalworks company) |
FMS➣Forces Modeling and Simulation |
FMS➣Featherlite Modified Series |
FMS➣Free Monitoring System (Pandora software) |
FMS➣Fermetures et Menuiseries Schoch (French door company) |
FMS➣Farnsworth Middle School (Guilderland, New York) |
FMS➣Final Multiple Score |
FMS➣Foothills Middle School |
FMS➣Federal Mortgage Subsidy (IRS deduction) |
FMS➣Future Memory Solutions (Irvine, CA) |
FMS➣Fleet Material Support |
FMS➣Floating Machine Shop |
FMS➣Fiber Management System |
FMS➣Federal Medical Shelter |
FMS➣France Maintenance Sablage (French: Maintenance Sandblasting France) |
FMS➣Fredericksburg Motor Sports (Virginia) |
FMS➣Foundation for Mythological Studies (est. 1977; North Carolina) |
FMS➣Financial Management Society (Medical Group Management Association) |
FMS➣Faciities Management Sportif (French sports management company) |
FMS➣Fat Mobilizing Substance |
FMS➣Fria Moderata Studentföreningen |
FMS➣Fifteen Mile Stream |
FMS➣Flexent Mobility Server (Lucent) |
FMS➣Feedback Management System |
FMS➣Flow Metering System |
FMS➣Field Middle School (Suffield, OH) |
FMS➣Footprint Magnification System (science fiction) |
FMS➣Forney Middle School (Forney, Texas) |
FMS➣Force Module Subsystem |
FMS➣Frequency Modulation Synthesis (electronic music) |
FMS➣Facility Maintenance Shop |
FMS➣Ferndown Middle School (UK) |
FMS➣Fair Market Share (economics) |
FMS➣Flush Mounted Spider (oil & gas industry) |
FMS➣Firewall Management System |
FMS➣Food Management System/Subsystem |
FMS➣Fatty Meal Sonography |
FMS➣Forest Manor School |
FMS➣Frijoles Mesa Site |
FMS➣Formal Management Systems, Inc |
FMS➣Fort Myers Southern Railway Company |
FMS➣First Module in Shop |
FMS➣Fuzzy Modelling System |
FMS➣Fusion Management Services |
FMS➣Fuse Maintenance Spare |
FMS➣Fachverband der Maschinen und Stahlbau Österreichs (German: Association of Machinery and Steel of Austria) |
FMS➣France Multi Service |
FMS➣FM (Frequency Modulation) Saga (radio station; Japan) |