Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, All-Union Institute of Vsegingeo
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, All-Union Institute of (Vsegingeo)
a scientific research institute of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR. The institute was founded in Moscow in 1939.
The main problems studied by the institute are regional hydrogeology; the dynamics, regime, and balance of underground waters; mine geology; hydrogeochemistry; land reclamation hydrogeology; regional engineering geology; karst processes, landslides, and the reworking of coasts; development of methods for investigating underground waters (geophysical, geochemical, geobotanical, nuclear, mathematical, modeling, and other methods); and the development of new technical equipment. The associates at the institute are in charge of publication of a multivolume monograph, Hydrogeology in the USSR (published since 1966); they published Guide to the Study of the Regime and Balance of Underground Waters in River Basins During the International Hydrological Decade in 1968 and a hydrogeological map of the USSR on a scale of 1:2,500,000 in 1969. The results of scientific projects are published in the institute’s Trudy, which deals with questions of hydrogeology and engineering geology, as well as in subject collections.