

单词 ciac
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(Computer Incident Advisory Capability) A group within the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) that serves as the department's computer emergency response team (CERT) and makes its bulletins and documents available to the public. See CERT.


CIACComputer Incident Advisory Capability (US Department of Energy)
CIACComputer Incident Advisory Capability
CIACComputer Incident Advisory Center
CIACChemistry Industry Association of Canada
CIACCentre International d'Art Contemporain de Montréal
CIACConnecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference
CIACContributions In Aid of Construction
CIACColorado Information Analysis Center
CIACChangchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (China)
CIACComisión Interamericana de Arbitraje Comercial
CIACCommercial and Industrial Air Conditioning
CIACCephalopod International Advisory Council
CIACCommand Individual Augmentation Coordinator (US Navy)
CIACCouncil for Indigenous Arts and Culture
CIACChina and Inner Asia Council
CIACCambridge Independent Advice Centre (UK)
CIACCrime Information Analysis Centre (Zambia)
CIACCapital Improvement Advisory Committee
CIACCalifornia Intersegmental Articulation Council
CIACCritical Infrastructure Advisory Council
CIACChinese Information & Advice Centre
CIACConstruction Industry Advisory Council
CIACCatholic Institute Athletic Club (est. 1910)
CIACCoupon Industry Association of Canada
CIACCentro de Ingeniería Ambiental de Camagüey
CIACCeramics Information Analysis Center (Purdue University)
CIACCarolinas Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
CIACCentro Internacional de Alta Capacitación
CIACCentro Integrado de Apoio à Criança
CIACCommunity Involvement and Action Center
CIACContemporary Italian Arts and Cinema
CIACCongresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana (Vatican City)
CIACCost In Aid of Construction (Pacific Bell)
CIACConstruction Industry Advisory Committee (UK)
CIACCallcenter Industry Advisory Council
CIACCareer Information & Counseling
CIACCitizens Involvement Advisory Committee
CIACCorrections Industry Advisory Committee (Australia)
CIACChibishounen Interdimensional Adoption Center
CIACConsorzio Industrie Alimentari Calabresi
CIACCrap in a Can
CIACCrab in A Cab (band)
CIACCódigo Internacional de Autoridad Contable
CIACCounter Intelligence Analysis Center
CIACCentralized Infrastructure and Computing
CIACCentro Internacional de Atención al Cliente
CIACCheese in a Can




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