

单词 cia



see Central Intelligence AgencyCentral Intelligence Agency
(CIA), independent executive bureau of the U.S. government established by the National Security Act of 1947, replacing the wartime Office of Strategic Services (1942–45), the first U.S. espionage and covert operations agency.
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amnesia victim whose identity becomes doubtful when the same identity is claimed by an insane woman. [Ital. Drama: Pirandello As You Desire Me in Sobel, 35]See: Confusion


(1) (Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability) A widely used formulation of the INFOSEC mission of the U.S. military. Also known as the "Classic Triad," the three concepts fail to include important problems intuitively seen as breaches of security, forgeries or counterfeits, mislabeling of data and problems of data usability. See Parkerian Hexad.

(2) (CiA) See CAN bus.



A gene on chromosome 20q12-q13.12 that encodes a coregulator for alpha and beta oestrogen.
Molecular pathology
NCOA4 to RET translocations have been associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma.
LegalSeeCentral Intelligence AgencyFinancialSeeCash in Advance


CIACentral Intelligence Agency (US government)
CIACertified Internal Auditor
CIACulinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, New York)
CIACleveland Institute of Art
CIACooperative Information Agents (Prague, Czech Republic workshop)
CIACompanhia (Portuguese: company)
CIACompañía (Spanish: Company)
CIAChicks in Action
CIACollagen-Induced Arthritis
CIACriminals in Action (song)
CIACardiff International Arena (UK)
CIAConfederazione Italiana Agricoltori (Rome, Italy)
CIACounter Intelligence Agency (various locations)
CIACAN in Automation
CIACanadian Institute of Actuaries
CIACorporate Integrity Agreement
CIACaught in the Act (band)
CIACurriculum in Action (school field trips)
CIAChurch in Aurora (Ohio)
CIACompassion in Action (various organizations)
CIAComrades In Arms (gaming clan)
CIAConservation in Action (various organizations)
CIAConfidentiality, Integrity and Availability (information security)
CIACash In Advance
CIAConstruction Industry Accounts (accounting software)
CIAChemical Industries Association (UK)
CIAClassical Ip over Atm
CIAController Interface Assembly
CIAConference Interface Agent
CIACpu Intelligent Accelerator
CIACourtauld Institute of Art (UK)
CIACentre International d'Antibes (language school)
CIAContinuous Internal Assessment (education)
CIACity Initiative Augsburg (Augsburg, Germany)
CIACommunity Impact Assessment
CIAChristians In Action
CIACalgary International Airport
CIACouncil for Inter-American Security (est. 1976)
CIAChief Internal Auditor
CIACertificate of Individual Achievement (various organizations)
CIACatastrophic Incident Annex (US FEMA)
CIACredit Institutions Act (Finland)
CIACommissioner of Indian Affairs
CIAComputer Information Agency
CIAChrist In Action (Manassas, Virginia)
CIAChemical Industry Archives
CIAChristmas In April
CIACommon Iliac Artery
CIACompass Insurance Agency (Jacksonville, NC)
CIACenter for Icelandic Art
CIACommunity Improvement Association
CIAComplex Interface Adapter (Commodore)
CIACámara Inmobiliaria Argentina (Argentina)
CIAChrist Is Alive (t-shirt)
CIAConsumer Intentions and Actions (various organizations)
CIACelestial Intervention Agency (Doctor Who)
CIAChemiluminescence Immunoassay
CIAConcrete Institute of Australia
CIARome, Italy - Ciampino (Airport Code)
CIACorporations Information Act (Canada)
CIAConseillers en Informatique d'Affaires
CIAColorado Institute of Art
CIAClassical IP over ATM (Sprint)
CIAClient Intervention and Assistance (Canada)
CIACenter for Information Assurance
CIACollegium Internationale Allergologicum (Milwaukee, WI, USA)
CIACurrent Instruction Address
CIACalifornia Institute of AbnormalArts (North Hollywood, CA)
CIACaptured In Action
CIAComputer Industry Almanac, Inc.
CIAColeambally Irrigation Area
CIACarry It Anywhere (Taurus International firearms)
CIACommunity Impact Analysis
CIAControlled Industrial Area
CIACarrier Incremental Availability (US Navy)
CIAConsumer Information Act
CIACorrectional Industries Association
CIACouncil for Independent Archaeology (UK)
CIAChange Impact Assessment
CIACentral Intelligence Access (WordPerfect)
CIACommandos in Action (gaming clan)
CIAClinical Interventions in Aging
CIACosmic Internet Academy
CIACompletely Insane Anteaters (University of California Irvine athletics)
CIAComprehensive Individual Assessment
CIACentennial Ice Arena (various locations)
CIACircuitos Integrados Analogicos (Mexico)
CIACommission Internationale d'Aerostation (FAI Ballooning Commission)
CIACarnegie Involvement Association
CIACentre d'Insémination Artificielle
CIACombat Infantrymen's Association (Boynton Beach, Florida)
CIACommercial Industrial Agricultural
CIACheers in Advance
CIACooking Institute of America
CIACryptographic Information Application
CIAComputer Interface Adapter
CIACreative Investors Association
CIACosmic Intelligence Agency
CIACatalina Island Airport
CIACitizens Information Academy (Estes Park, Colorado)
CIACircumcision Information Australia
CIACanadian International Autoshow
CIACumulative Impact Area
CIAConfidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity
CIACommission of Internal Affairs
CIACharitable Immunity Act
CIACanadian Infantry Association
CIAComputer-Integrated Agriculture
CIACost Impact Analysis
CIAControl Interface Assembly
CIACedartown Insurance Agency
CIACalifornia International Airshow
CIACalling Subscriber Internet Address
CIACalifornia Intermodal Associates (Los Angeles, CA)
CIACentral Inhibitory Area (neuroscience)
CIACall Initiate Answer
CIACisco Intelligent Agents
CIAContainment Isolation Actuation
CIAChannels of the Internet Age
CIAChemical Institute of Australia
CIAControl Indicator Assembly
CIACaisse de Prévoyance des Instituteurs et Administrateurs du République et Canton
CIAClay in Action (Aims Community College, Colorado pottery club)
CIAcloud interstitial aerosol
CIACotton Insurance Association
CIACompaq Installation Assistant
CIAConventions Industry Association
CIAChemotaxis-Induced Aggregation
CIAClub Informatique Alternatif (French: Alternative Computer Club)
CIACriminally Insane Asylum (band)
CIAComputer Information Advisors
CIAClinical Investigator Agreement
CIACentre International des Alliances (Quimper, France)
CIAChanges in Attitude Hypnosis (Fort Collins, CO)
CIACentral Illinois Ag (agricultural equipment company)
CIACobb Institute of Archeology
CIACustomer Interaction Agent
CIAClub Informatique et Architecture (French: Computer and Architecture Club)
CIACommon Interface Arrangement


  • noun

Synonyms for CIA

noun an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest


  • Central Intelligence Agency

Related Words

  • Counterterrorist Center
  • CTC
  • Nonproliferation Center
  • NPC
  • independent agency
  • United States intelligence agency
  • IC
  • Intelligence Community
  • National Intelligence Community
  • United States Intelligence Community




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