Floyd Lamb State Park

Floyd Lamb State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nevada
Location:10 miles north of Las Vegas via US 95 to Durango and then Tule Springs Road.
Facilities:Picnic areas (including 2 for group use), restrooms, walking/bicycle path.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, bicycling.
Special Features:Originally known as Tule Springs, this park was an early watering stopfor Native Americans. It later became a privately-owned working ranch,then a guest/dude ranch (circa 1950) where one could wait out the sixweek residency requirement to obtain a quick divorce. In addition tothe Ranch Historic Area, the park offers tree-shaded groves alongsidefour small fishing lakes.
Address:9200 Tule Springs Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89131

Web: www.parks.nv.gov/fl.htm
Size: 2,038 acres.

See other parks in Nevada.