


a family of Spanish architects and sculptors of the 17th and 18th centuries. The most famous family member was José Benito Churriguera (born Mar. 21, 1665, in Madrid; died there Mar. 2, 1725), after whom the Spanish version of the baroque style—the Churrigueresque—was named. José combined baroque techniques with Gothic and plateresque motifs in his buildings, altars, and retables. He used fanciful architectural ornament (curved, wavy cornices and columns) and abundant sculptural decoration. José’s works include the retable of the Church of San Estéban in Salamanca (1693–96), a palace in Madrid (after 1689; now the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, rebuilt in 1774), and the town of Neuvo Baztán (1709–13; palace, church, and factory). José’s brothers, Joaquin (1674–1724) and Alberto (1676–1740), worked in Salamanca.