

单词 anxiety



A0355300 (ăng-zī′ĭ-tē)n. pl. anx·i·e·ties 1. a. A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.b. A cause of anxiety: For some people, air travel is a real anxiety.2. Psychiatry A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.3. Eager, often agitated desire: my anxiety to make a good impression.
[Latin ānxietās, from ānxius, anxious; see anxious.]


(æŋˈzaɪɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible future misfortune, danger, etc; worry2. intense desire; eagerness3. (Psychology) psychol a state of intense apprehension or worry often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shaking, intense feelings in the gut, etc, common in mental illness or after a very distressing experience. See also angst[C16: from Latin anxietas; see anxious]


(æŋˈzaɪ ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties. 1. distress or uneasiness caused by fear of danger or misfortune. 2. earnest but tense desire: a keen anxiety to succeed. 3. a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder. [1515–25; < Latin anxietās]
anguish, anxious, anxiety - Anguish, anxious, and anxiety come from Latin angere, "to choke, squeeze, strangle."See also related terms for squeeze.




  1. Anxiety flowed through the core of his bones like lava —Calder Willingham
  2. (It is in those marriages and love affairs which are neither good or bad … that) anxiety flows like a muddy river —Norman Mailer
  3. Anxiety … is somewhat like a blow on the head —Delmore Schwartz
  4. Anxiety moved like a current through his belly —Bernard Malamud
  5. Anxiety receives them like a grand hotel —W. H. Auden
  6. Anxious as a law associate during his sixth year with a major law firm —Elyse Sommer
  7. Anxious as an aspiring Miss Universe contestant sequestered in a soundproof booth and brought out moments later to tell what she loves most about America —Susan Barron, New York Times/Hers
  8. Anxious as a mid-level manager in a corporate takeover —Mike Sommer
  9. Anxious as an investor watching his stock go down —Anon
  10. Anxious as a taxpayer with an audit notice from the IRA —Anon
  11. As worried as she would have been over a lover she had cared for passionately —Sumner Locke Elliott
  12. A case of the dreads so thick they seemed to whistle out the heating ducts and swarm the room like a dark mistral —Richard Ford
  13. Desperation rising from him like a musk —Paule Marshall
  14. A feeling of foreboding … like a wind stirring the tapestry, an ominous chill —Evelyn Waugh
  15. A feeling of vague anxiety … snuffling about me like cold-nosed rodents, like reading of a favorite baseball player whose star has descended to the point where he parks cars at a restaurant or sits in a room above a delicatessen in Indianapolis, drinking vodka and waiting for his pension —W. P. Kinsella
  16. Felt as if a serpent had begun to coil round his limbs —George Eliot
  17. Felt as if her nerves were being stretched more tightly, like strings on violin pegs —Leo Tolstoy
  18. Felt chilled as by the breath of death’s head —Victor Hugo
  19. Felt like a switchboard with all my nerves on Emergency Alert —Dorothy B. Francis
  20. Frantic as a mouse in a trap —Anon
  21. Had a chill and heavy feeling in his stomach like a lump of lead —Vicki Baum
  22. Her mild, constant worries had engraved no lines in her bisque china face but had gradually cracked it like a very old plate —Lael Tucker Wertenbaker
  23. His heart seemed to slide like the hook on a released pulley —Frank Swinnerton
  24. I’m’bout as worried as a pregnant fox in a forest fire —Peter Benchley
  25. Over it [a face that had looked hopeful] now lay like a foreign substance a film of anxiety —Thomas Hardy
  26. Second-hand cares, like second-hand clothes, come easily off and on —Charles Dickens
  27. Stress is like an iceberg. We can see one-eighth of it above, but what about what’s below —Patrice O’Connor
  28. Suspended in his own anxiety as if in a cloudy solution of some acid —Lawrence Durrell
  29. There is the same pain and panic (when your computer locks up) as when you have an attack of appendicitis —Brendan Gill quoted New York Times, August 2, 1986 in article by William E. Geist about a man (computer tutor Bruce Stark,) who helps people with their computer problems.
    This is typical of similes that are borrowed and modified to fit a personal sphere of interest.
  30. Unease … it slipped out without his being able to control it, like sweat from his pores —Clive Barker
  31. Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere —Anon



(See also FEAR.)

butterflies A queasy feeling in the stomach caused by anxiety, nervousness, fear, or excitement; the jitters, the willies, the heebie-jeebies; usually in the phrase to have butterflies in one’s stomach. The term, in use since 1908, provides an apt description of the fluttering sensation felt in the pit of the stomach during times of extreme anxiety or nervous tension.

cliff-hanger Any event or situation in which the outcome is suspensefully uncertain up until the very last moment. The term was originally applied to a serial film in which each episode ended with the hero or heroine left in a perilous plight, such as hanging from a cliff, so that the viewers anxiously awaited the next installment. The extended figurative sense of the term, and the only one commonly heard today, has been in use since at least 1948.

fussy as a hen with one chick Overprotective, overanxious, overparticular and fussy. A hen with one chick, as any mother with only one child, tends to be more possessive and protective than a parent with many offspring. This tendency usually manifests itself in finicky, fretful behavior.

get the wind up To be nervous; to be distressed or anxious. This British expression is similar to the American slang jumpy ‘tense, edgy.’ An analogous British colloquialism, put the wind up, carries a somewhat stronger sense of dread or fright.

I tell you you’ve absolutely put the wind up Uncle Bob and Peter! They’re scared to death of your finding them up. (C. Alington, Strained Relations, 1922)

high-strung Nervous, tense, edgy; thin-skinned, sensitive, spirited. This expression, dating from the late 14th century, literally means ‘strung to a high tension or pitch.’ The allusion is probably to stringed musical instruments: the tighter the string, the higher the pitch. Taut strings are also more brittle and thus more likely to break.

Writers often tend to be high-strung creatures. (M. Lowry, Letters, 1946)

keyed up Excited, high-strung; nervous, tense; intensified, stimulated; psyched up (for), full of nervous energy and anticipation. The verb key refers literally to tuning a musical instrument —that is, raising or lowering the pitch. Since the 17th century this term has been applied figuratively to a person’s thoughts and feelings that affect the overall color or tone of his mood. Thus “key up” is to heighten, intensify, or stimulate feelings.

Although he was emotionally keyed up, Sherman yawned. (Carson McCullers, Clock Without Hands, 1961)

like a cat in a strange garret Uneasy, nervous; fearful, afraid. This expression is an allusion to the behavior of a cat in strange surroundings. The March 16, 1824 edition of the Woodstock [Vermont] Observer contains the phrase:

“What was King Caucus like?” said an old gentleman. “Why, like a cat in a strange garret, frightened at every step it took.”

like a cat on a hot tin roof Very uncomfortable, uneasy, nervous. This self-evident expression is a more current variant of like a cat on hot bricks. The latter dates from 1862 and has the additional meanings ‘swiftly, nimbly.’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was the title of a 1955 play by Tennessee Williams.

on pins and needles Apprehensive, anxious; in a state of nervous or uneasy anticipation; on tenterhooks. Pins and needles refers to the tingly, prickly sensation felt in the arms and legs when they are recovering from having been numbed or “asleep.” Although a person who is “on pins and needles” might not be experiencing the attendant physical sensations, the expression implies that he is.

He was plainly on pins and needles, did not know whether to take or to refuse a cigar. (Pall Mall Magazine, August, 1897)

on tenterhooks Taut with anxiety; in a state of painful suspense of expectation; tense, uneasy, on edge. Tenterhooks are literally the hooks of a tenter, i.e., the frame on which cloth is stretched to shape it. The word was used figuratively as early as the late 17th century; The Winthrop Papers records a 1692 usage of “the tenterhooks of expectation” by G. Saltonstall. In Roderick Random (1748) Tobias Smollett writes:

I left him upon the tenter-hooks of impatient uncertainty.

Eventually such explanatory phrases became elliptically understood, leaving us with the now common on tenterhooks.

on the anxious seat In a state of apprehension or suspense; in a state of difficulty or doubt. The figurative expression derives from the literal anxious seat or bench, or mourners’ bench, of American revivalist camp meetings, on which penitents desirous of forgiveness and seeking conversion were wont to sit while anxiously awaiting the call or sign of salvation. The term was used in its still current figurative sense early in this century:

The entire diplomatic corps at Havana is … on the “anxious bench.” (New York Evening Post, November 1, 1906)

on the rack Under great pressure or strain; in painful suspense or acute psychological torment; on tenterhooks; tense, anxious, nervous. The rack, a former instrument of torture, consisted of a frame with rollers at either end to which the victim’s ankles and wrists were attached in order to stretch his joints. The expression on the rack was used figuratively for psychological suffering as early as the 16th century.

… Let me choose, For as I am, I live upon the rack. (Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice III, ii)

the screaming meemies Excessive fretfulness or uneasiness; the jitters, the heebie-jeebies; fear-induced delirium. In World War II, American soldiers originated this phrase as a nickname for the German rocket shells. The terrifying noise and devastating effect of these weapons caused anyone within earshot to be petrified with fear. While the expression is still used today for dread and horror, it is occasionally applied jocularly to the extremes of other emotional states, such as frightful boredom.

Madison [Wisconsin] is a town that would give the ordinary thrill seeker the screaming meemies in one quiet weekend. (G. S. Penny, in Saturday Evening Post, January 1945)

sit tight See PATIENCE

sit upon hot cockles See IMPATIENCE.

sweat blood To worry or agonize; to be apprehensive or anxious; to be heavy-hearted; to be under a great strain. This expression and its variant, a bloody sweat, allude to Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane:

And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground. (Luke 22:44)

These expressions have been used figuratively in various contexts, most of which refer to suffering occasioned by awaiting a likely, if not inevitable, fate.

War … which yet, to sack us, toils in bloody sweat to enlarge the bounds of conquering Thessalie. (Thomas Kyd, Cornelia, 1594)

Noun1.anxiety - (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panicanxiety - (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panicanxiousnesspsychiatry, psychological medicine, psychopathology - the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disordersmental condition, mental state, psychological condition, psychological state - (psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic; "a manic state"castration anxiety - (psychoanalysis) anxiety resulting from real or imagined threats to your sexual functions; originally applied only to men but can in principle apply to womenhypochondria, hypochondriasis - chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailmentsoveranxiety - excessive anxietyscare, panic - sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"; "a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building"
2.anxiety - a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortuneanxiety - a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortuneemotion - any strong feelingdiscomfiture, discomposure, disconcertion, disconcertment - anxious embarrassmentworry, trouble - a strong feeling of anxiety; "his worry over the prospect of being fired"; "it is not work but worry that kills"; "he wanted to die and end his troubles"concern, fear, care - an anxious feeling; "care had aged him"; "they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction"disquiet, anxiousness - a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developmentsinsecurity - the anxiety you experience when you feel vulnerable and insecuredisquietude, edginess, inquietude, uneasiness - feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritablesinking feeling, sinking - a feeling caused by uneasiness or apprehension; "with a sinking heart"; "a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach"misgiving, qualm, scruple - uneasiness about the fitness of an actionjitteriness, jumpiness, nervousness, restiveness - the anxious feeling you have when you have the jittersangst - an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or about personal freedom


noun uneasiness, concern, care, worry, doubt, tension, alarm, distress, suspicion, angst, unease, apprehension, misgiving, suspense, nervousness, disquiet, trepidation, foreboding, restlessness, solicitude, perturbation, watchfulness, fretfulness, disquietude, apprehensiveness, dubiety His voice was full of anxiety.
security, confidence, relief, assurance, serenity, contentment, calmness


nounA troubled or anxious state of mind:angst, anxiousness, care, concern, disquiet, disquietude, distress, nervousness, solicitude, unease, uneasiness, worry.


(ˈӕŋkʃəs) adjective1. worried about what may happen or have happened. She is anxious about her father's health. 憂慮的 忧虑的2. causing worry, fear or uncertainty. an anxious moment. 令人憂慮或不安的 令人忧虑的3. wanting very much (to do etc something). He's very anxious to please. 迫不及待的 渴望的,急切的 ˈanxiously adverb 迫不及待地 渴望地,焦急地 anxiety (aŋˈzaiəti) nounHis health is a great anxiety to me; filled with anxiety about her child's health. 憂慮 忧虑





anticipatory tension or vague dread persisting in the absence of a specific threat. In contrast to fear, which is a realistic reaction to actual danger, anxiety is generally related to an unconscious threat. Physiological symptoms of anxiety include increases in pulse rate and blood pressure, accelerated breathing rates, perspiration, muscular tension, dryness of the mouth, and diarrhea. Freud postulated that anxiety was a result of repressed, pent-up sexual energy, but later came to view it as a danger signal alerting the ego to excessive stimulation and causing repression. Anxiety disorders include observable, overt anxiety, as well as phobias and other conditions where a defense mechanismdefense mechanism,
in psychoanalysis, any of a variety of unconscious personality reactions which the ego uses to protect the conscious mind from threatening feelings and perceptions.
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 has been set up to disguise the anxiety from both the sufferer and the observer. In generalized anxiety, the individual experiences long-term anxiety with no explanation for its cause; such a condition may be called free-floating, since it is not linked to a specific stimulus. Panic disorder involves sudden anxiety attacks which are manifested in heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or fainting. The individual with a phobic disorder can identify the stimulus that causes anxiety: such stimuli as enclosed space, heights, and crowds become imbued with greatly exaggerated anxiety and are carefully avoided by the phobic individual. Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) are characterized by obsessions (mental quandries) and compulsions (physical actions) that engage the individual excessively. Extreme anxiety may be experienced if the person does not carry out the compulsion or attempts to ignore the obsession. Post-traumatic stress disorderpost-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), mental disorder that follows an occurrence of extreme psychological stress, such as that encountered in war or resulting from violence, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, or serious accident.
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 occurs when an individual has recurrent dreams, flashbacks, or panic attacks after a particularly traumatic experience.


See D. F. Klein, Anxiety (1987); D. H. Barlow, Anxiety and Its Disorders (1988); S. J. Rachman, Fear and Courage (1990).

What does it mean when you dream about anxiety?

Worries, fears, and apprehension that may have been discounted or banished from one’s mind often find expression in dreams of anxiety.


[‚aŋ′zī·əd·ē] (psychology) A physiological and mental state of apprehension and fear of something unknown to the conscious.


Psychol a state of intense apprehension or worry often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shaking, intense feelings in the gut, etc., common in mental illness or after a very distressing experience


(dreams)Experiencing much anxiety in your dream state may be related to your current difficulties and everyday life. Gaps may exist between the way things are and the way you would like them to be. Older interpretation books suggest that when you dream about anxiety, the contrary is true and that your worries will be lessened. However, always keep the compensatory nature of dreams in mind. If you are not feeling anxiety during the day, it could be that you are ignoring it and that it will appear in your dream. Therefore, look at the details of your dream and attempt to identify the anxiety-provoking situations in your daily life.





Anxiety is a multisystem response to a perceived threat or danger. It reflects a combination of biochemical changes in the body, the patient's personal history and memory, and the social situation. As far as we know, anxiety is a uniquely human experience. Other animals clearly know fear, but human anxiety involves an ability, to use memory and imagination to move backward and forward in time, that animals do not appear to have. The anxiety that occurs in posttraumatic syndromes indicates that human memory is a much more complicated mental function than animal memory. Moreover, a large portion of human anxiety is produced by anticipation of future events. Without a sense of personal continuity over time, people would not have the "raw materials" of anxiety.It is important to distinguish between anxiety as a feeling or experience, and an anxiety disorder as a psychiatric diagnosis. A person may feel anxious without having an anxiety disorder. In addition, a person facing a clear and present danger or a realistic fear is not usually considered to be in a state of anxiety. In addition, anxiety frequently occurs as a symptom in other categories of psychiatric disturbance.


Although anxiety is a commonplace experience that everyone has from time to time, it is difficult to describe concretely because it has so many different potential causes and degrees of intensity. Doctors sometimes categorize anxiety as an emotion or an affect depending on whether it is being described by the person having it (emotion) or by an outside observer (affect). The word emotion is generally used for the biochemical changes and feeling state that underlie a person's internal sense of anxiety. Affect is used to describe the person's emotional state from an observer's perspective. If a doctor says that a patient has an anxious affect, he or she means that the patient appears nervous or anxious, or responds to others in an anxious way (for example, the individual is shaky, tremulous, etc.).

Key terms

Affect — An observed emotional expression or response. In some situations, anxiety would be considered an inappropriate affect.Anxiolytic — A type of medication that helps to relieve anxiety.Autonomic nervous system (ANS) — The part of the nervous system that supplies nerve endings in the blood vessels, heart, intestines, glands, and smooth muscles, and governs their involuntary functioning. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the biochemical changes involved in experiences of anxiety.Endocrine gland — A ductless gland, such as the pituitary, thyroid, or adrenal gland, that secretes its products directly into the blood or lymph.Free-floating anxiety — Anxiety that lacks a definite focus or content.Hyperarousal — A state or condition of muscular and emotional tension produced by hormones released during the fight-or-flight reaction.Hypothalamus — A portion of the brain that regulates the autonomic nervous system, the release of hormones from the pituitary gland, sleep cycles, and body temperature.Limbic system — A group of structures in the brain that includes the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. The limbic system plays an important part in regulation of human moods and emotions. Many psychiatric disorders are related to malfunctioning of the limbic system.Phobia — In psychoanalytic theory, a psychological defense against anxiety in which the patient displaces anxious feelings onto an external object, activity, or situation.Although anxiety is related to fear, it is not the same thing. Fear is a direct, focused response to a specific event or object, and the person is consciously aware of it. Most people will feel fear if someone points a loaded gun at them or if they see a tornado forming on the horizon. They also will recognize that they are afraid. Anxiety, on the other hand, is often unfocused, vague, and hard to pin down to a specific cause. In this form it is called free-floating anxiety. Sometimes anxiety being experienced in the present may stem from an event or person that produced pain and fear in the past, but the anxious individual is not consciously aware of the original source of the feeling. It is anxiety's aspect of remoteness that makes it hard for people to compare their experiences of it. Whereas most people will be fearful in physically dangerous situations, and can agree that fear is an appropriate response in the presence of danger, anxiety is often triggered by objects or events that are unique and specific to an individual. An individual might be anxious because of a unique meaning or memory being stimulated by present circumstances, not because of some immediate danger. Another individual looking at the anxious person from the outside may be truly puzzled as to the reason for the person's anxiety.

Causes and symptoms

Anxiety can have a number of different causes. It is a multidimensional response to stimuli in the person's environment, or a response to an internal stimulus (for example, a hypochondriac's reaction to a stomach rumbling) resulting from a combination of general biological and individual psychological processes.


In some cases, anxiety is produced by physical responses to stress, or by certain disease processes or medications.THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS). The nervous system of human beings is "hard-wired" to respond to dangers or threats. These responses are not subject to conscious control, and are the same in humans as in lower animals. They represent an evolutionary adaptation to the animal predators and other dangers with which all animals, including primitive humans, had to cope. The most familiar reaction of this type is the so-called "fight-or-flight" response. This response is the human organism's automatic "red alert" in a life-threatening situation. It is a state of physiological and emotional hyperarousal marked by high muscle tension and strong feelings of fear or anger. When a person has a fight-or-flight reaction, the level of stress hormones in their blood rises. They become more alert and attentive, their eyes dilate, their heartbeat increases, their breathing rate increases, and their digestion slows down, allowing more energy to be available to the muscles.This emergency reaction is regulated by a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system, or ANS. The ANS is controlled by the hypothalamus, a specialized part of the brainstem that is among a group of structures called the limbic system. The limbic system controls human emotions through its connections to glands and muscles; it also connects to the ANS and "higher" brain centers, such as parts of the cerebral cortex. One problem with this arrangement is that the limbic system cannot tell the difference between a realistic physical threat and an anxiety-producing thought or idea. The hypothalamus may trigger the release of stress hormones by the pituitary gland, even when there is no external and objective danger. A second problem is caused by the biochemical side effects of too many "false alarms" in the ANS. When a person responds to a real danger, his or her body gets rid of the stress hormones by running away or by fighting. In modern life, however, people often have fight-or-flight reactions in situations in which they can neither run away nor lash out physically. As a result, their bodies have to absorb all the biochemical changes of hyperarousal, rather than release them. These biochemical changes can produce anxious feelings, as well as muscle tension and other physical symptoms associated with anxiety. They may even produce permanent changes in the brain, if the process occurs repeatedly. Moreover, chronic physical disorders, such as coronary artery disease, may be worsened by anxiety, as chronic hyperarousal puts undue stress on the heart, stomach, and other organs.DISEASES AND DISORDERS. Anxiety can be a symptom of certain medical conditions. Some of these diseases are disorders of the endocrine system, such as Cushing's syndrome (overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal cortex), and include over- or underactivity of the thyroid gland. Other medical conditions that can produce anxiety include respiratory distress syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, porphyria, and chest pain caused by inadequate blood supply to the heart (angina pectoris).A study released in 2004 showed that people who had experienced traumatic bone injuries may have unrecognized anxiety in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder. This disorder can result from witnessing or experiencing an event involving serious injury, or threatened death (or experiencing the death or threatened death of another.)MEDICATIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE. Numerous medications may cause anxiety-like symptoms as a side effect. They include birth control pills; some thyroid or asthma drugs; some psychotropic agents; occasionally, local anesthetics; corticosteroids; antihypertensive drugs; and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like flurbiprofen and ibuprofen).Although people do not usually think of caffeine as a drug, it can cause anxiety-like symptoms when consumed in sufficient quantity. Patients who consume caffeine rich foods and beverages, such as chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea, or carbonated soft drinks (especially cola beverages), can sometimes lower their anxiety symptoms simply by reducing their intake of these substances.Withdrawal from certain prescription drugs, primarily beta blockers and corticosteroids, can cause anxiety. Withdrawal from drugs of abuse, including LSD, cocaine, alcohol, and opiates, can also cause anxiety.

Learned associations

Some aspects of anxiety appear to be unavoidable byproducts of the human developmental process. Humans are unique among animals in that they spend an unusually long period of early life in a relatively helpless condition, and a sense of helplessness can lead to anxiety. The extended period of human dependency on adults means that people may remember, and learn to anticipate, frightening or upsetting experiences long before they are capable enough to feel a sense of mastery over their environment. In addition, the fact that anxiety disorders often run in families indicates that children can learn unhealthy attitudes and behaviors from parents, as well as healthy ones. Also, recurrent disorders in families may indicate that there is a genetic or inherited component in some anxiety disorders. For example, there has been found to be a higher rate of anxiety disorders (panic) in identical twins than in fraternal twins.CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND ANXIETY. Researchers in early childhood development regard anxiety in adult life as a residue of childhood memories of dependency. Humans learn during the first year of life that they are not self-sufficient and that their basic survival depends on the care of others. It is thought that this early experience of helplessness underlies the most common anxieties of adult life, including fear of powerlessness and fear of being unloved. Thus, adults can be made anxious by symbolic threats to their sense of competence and/or significant relationships, even though they are no longer helpless children.SYMBOLIZATION. The psychoanalytic model gives considerable weight to the symbolic aspect of human anxiety; examples include phobic disorders, obsessions, compulsions, and other forms of anxiety that are highly individualized. The length of the human maturation process allows many opportunities for children and adolescents to connect their experiences with certain objects or events that can bring back feelings in later life. For example, a person who was frightened as a child by a tall man wearing glasses may feel panicky years later by something that reminds him of that person or experience without consciously knowing why.Freud thought that anxiety results from a person's internal conflicts. According to his theory, people feel anxious when they feel torn between desires or urges toward certain actions, on the one hand, and moral restrictions, on the other. In some cases, the person's anxiety may attach itself to an object that represents the inner conflict. For example, someone who feels anxious around money may be pulled between a desire to steal and the belief that stealing is wrong. Money becomes a symbol for the inner conflict between doing what is considered right and doing what one wants.PHOBIAS. Phobias are a special type of anxiety reaction in which the person's anxiety is concentrated on a specific object or situation that the person then tries to avoid. In most cases, the person's fear is out of all proportion to its "cause." Prior to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), these specific phobias were called simple phobias. It is estimated that 10-11% of the population will develop a phobia in the course of their lives. Some phobias, such as agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), claustrophobia (fear of small or confined spaces), and social phobia, are shared by large numbers of people. Others are less common or unique to the patient.

Social and environmental stressors

Anxiety often has a social dimension because humans are social creatures. People frequently report feelings of high anxiety when they anticipate and, therefore, fear the loss of social approval or love. Social phobia is a specific anxiety disorder that is marked by high levels of anxiety or fear of embarrassment in social situations.Another social stressor is prejudice. People who belong to groups that are targets of bias are at higher risk for developing anxiety disorders. Some experts think, for example, that the higher rates of phobias and panic disorder among women reflects their greater social and economic vulnerability.Some controversial studies indicate that the increase in violent or upsetting pictures and stories in news reports and entertainment may raise the anxiety level of many people. Stress and anxiety management programs often suggest that patients cut down their exposure to upsetting stimuli.Anxiety may also be caused by environmental or occupational factors. People who must live or work around sudden or loud noises, bright or flashing lights, chemical vapors, or similar nuisances, which they cannot avoid or control, may develop heightened anxiety levels.

Existential anxiety

Another factor that shapes human experiences of anxiety is knowledge of personal mortality. Humans are the only animals that appear to be aware of their limited life span. Some researchers think that awareness of death influences experiences of anxiety from the time that a person is old enough to understand death.

Symptoms of anxiety

In order to understand the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of its symptoms.SOMATIC. The somatic or physical symptoms of anxiety include headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea, tingling, pale complexion, sweating, numbness, difficulty in breathing, and sensations of tightness in the chest, neck, shoulders, or hands. These symptoms are produced by the hormonal, muscular, and cardiovascular reactions involved in the fight-or-flight reaction. Children and adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder show a high percentage of physical complaints.BEHAVIORAL. Behavioral symptoms of anxiety include pacing, trembling, general restlessness, hyperventilation, pressured speech, hand wringing, or finger tapping.COGNITIVE. Cognitive symptoms of anxiety include recurrent or obsessive thoughts, feelings of doom, morbid or fear-inducing thoughts or ideas, and confusion, or inability to concentrate.EMOTIONAL. Feeling states associated with anxiety include tension or nervousness, feeling "hyper" or "keyed up," and feelings of unreality, panic, or terror.DEFENSE MECHANISMS. In psychoanalytic theory, the symptoms of anxiety in humans may arise from or activate a number of unconscious defense mechanisms. Because of these defenses, it is possible for a person to be anxious without being consciously aware of it or appearing anxious to others. These psychological defenses include:
  • Repression. The person pushes anxious thoughts or ideas out of conscious awareness.
  • Displacement. Anxiety from one source is attached to a different object or event. Phobias are an example of the mechanism of displacement in psychoanalytic theory.
  • Rationalization. The person justifies the anxious feelings by saying that any normal person would feel anxious in their situation.
  • Somatization. The anxiety emerges in the form of physical complaints and illnesses, such as recurrent headaches, stomach upsets, or muscle and joint pain.
  • Delusion formation. The person converts anxious feelings into conspiracy theories or similar ideas without reality testing. Delusion formation can involve groups as well as individuals.
Other theorists attribute some drug addiction to the desire to relieve symptoms of anxiety. Most addictions, they argue, originate in the use of mood-altering substances or behaviors to "medicate" anxious feelings.


The diagnosis of anxiety is difficult and complex because of the variety of its causes and the highly personalized and individualized nature of its symptom formation. There are no medical tests that can be used to diagnose anxiety by itself. When a doctor examines an anxious patient, he or she will first rule out physical conditions and diseases that have anxiety as a symptom. Apart from these exclusions, the physical examination is usually inconclusive. Some anxious patients may have their blood pressure or pulse rate affected by anxiety, or may look pale or perspire heavily, but others may appear physically completely normal. The doctor will then take the patient's medication, dietary, and occupational history to see if they are taking prescription drugs that might cause anxiety, if they are abusing alcohol or mood-altering drugs, if they are consuming large amounts of caffeine, or if their workplace is noisy or dangerous. In most cases, the most important source of diagnostic information is the patient's psychological and social history. The doctor may administer a brief psychological test to help evaluate the intensity of the patient's anxiety and some of its features. Some tests that are often given include the Hamilton Anxiety Scale and the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS). Many doctors will check a number of chemical factors in the blood, such as the level of thyroid hormone and blood sugar.


Not all patients with anxiety require treatment, but for more severe cases, treatment is recommended. Because anxiety often has more than one cause and is experienced in highly individual ways, its treatment usually requires more than one type of therapy. In addition, there is no way to tell in advance how patients will respond to a specific drug or therapy. Sometimes the doctor will need to try different medications or methods of treatment before finding the best combination for the particular patient. It usually takes about six to eight weeks for the doctor to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment regimen.


Medications are often prescribed to relieve the physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety. Most agents work by counteracting the biochemical and muscular changes involved in the fight-or-flight reaction. Some work directly on the chemicals in the brain that are thought to underlie the anxiety.ANXIOLYTICS. Anxiolytics are sometimes called tranquilizers. Most anxiolytic drugs are either benzodiazepines or barbiturates. Barbiturates, once commonly used, are now rarely used in clinical practice. Barbiturates work by slowing down the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to other parts of the body. They include such drugs as phenobarbital (Luminal) and pentobarbital (Nembutal). Benzodiazepines work by relaxing the skeletal muscles and calming the limbic system. They include such drugs as chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and diazepam (Valium). Both barbiturates and benzodiazepines are potentially habit-forming and may cause withdrawal symptoms, but benzodiazepines are far less likely than barbiturates to cause physical dependency. Both drugs also increase the effects of alcohol and should never be taken in combination with it.Two other types of anxiolytic medications include meprobamate (Equanil), which is now rarely used, and buspirone (BuSpar), a new type of anxiolytic that appears to work by increasing the efficiency of the body's own emotion-regulating brain chemicals. Buspirone has several advantages over other anxiolytics. It does not cause dependence problems, does not interact with alcohol, and does not affect the patient's ability to drive or operate machinery. However, buspirone is not effective against certain types of anxiety, such as panic disorder.ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND BETA-BLOCKERS. For some anxiety disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic type anxiety, a type of drugs used to treat depression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; such as Prozac and Paxil), are the treatment of choice. A newer drug that has been shown as effective as Paxil is called escitalopram oxalate (Lexapro). Because anxiety often coexists with symptoms of depression, many doctors prescribe antidepressant medications for anxious/depressed patients. While SSRIs are more common, antidepressants are sometimes prescribed, including tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine (Tofranil) or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) such as phenelzine (Nardil).Beta-blockers are medications that work by blocking the body's reaction to the stress hormones that are released during the fight-or-flight reaction. They include drugs like propranolol (Inderal) or atenolol (Tenormin). Beta-blockers are sometimes given to patients with post-traumatic anxiety symptoms. More commonly, the beta-blockers are given to patients with a mild form of social phobic anxiety, such as fear of public speaking.


Most patients with anxiety will be given some form of psychotherapy along with medications. Many patients benefit from insight-oriented therapies, which are designed to help them uncover unconscious conflicts and defense mechanisms in order to understand how their symptoms developed. Patients who are extremely anxious may benefit from supportive psychotherapy, which aims at symptom reduction rather than personality restructuring.Two newer approaches that work well with anxious patients are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and relaxation training. In CBT, the patient is taught to identify the thoughts and situations that stimulate his or her anxiety, and to view them more realistically. In the behavioral part of the program, the patient is exposed to the anxiety-provoking object, situation, or internal stimulus (like a rapid heart beat) in gradual stages until he or she is desensitized to it. Relaxation training, which is sometimes called anxiety management training, includes breathing exercises and similar techniques intended to help the patient prevent hyperventilation and relieve the muscle tension associated with the fight-or-flight reaction. Both CBT and relaxation training can be used in group therapy as well as individual treatment. In addition to CBT, support groups are often helpful to anxious patients, because they provide a social network and lessen the embarrassment that often accompanies anxiety symptoms.


Surgery on the brain is very rarely recommended for patients with anxiety; however, some patients with severe cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been helped by an operation on a part of the brain that is involved in OCD. Normally, this operation is attempted after all other treatments have failed.

Alternative treatment

Alternative treatments for anxiety cover a variety of approaches. Meditation and mindfulness training are thought beneficial to patients with phobias and panic disorder. Hydrotherapy is useful to some anxious patients because it promotes general relaxation of the nervous system. Yoga, aikido, t'ai chi, and dance therapy help patients work with the physical, as well as the emotional, tensions that either promote anxiety or are created by the anxiety.Homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine approach anxiety as a symptom of a systemic disorder. Homeopathic practitioners select a remedy based on other associated symptoms and the patient's general constitution. Chinese medicine regards anxiety as a blockage of qi, or vital force, inside the patient's body that is most likely to affect the lung and large intestine meridian flow. The practitioner of Chinese medicine chooses acupuncture point locations and/or herbal therapy to move the qi and rebalance the entire system in relation to the lung and large intestine.


The prognosis for resolution of anxiety depends on the specific disorder and a wide variety of factors, including the patient's age, sex, general health, living situation, belief system, social support network, and responses to different anxiolytic medications and forms of therapy.


Humans have significant control over thoughts, and, therefore, may learn ways of preventing anxiety by changing irrational ideas and beliefs. Humans also have some power over anxiety arising from social and environmental conditions. Other forms of anxiety, however, are built into the human organism and its life cycle, and cannot be prevented or eliminated.



"Lexapro Found to be as Effective as Paxil." Mental Health Weekly Digest (April 12, 2004): 16.Masi, Gabriele, et al. "Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Referred Children and Adolescents." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (June 2004): 752-761."Patients With Traumatic Bone Injuries Have Unrecognized Anxiety." Health & Medicine Week (June 28, 2004): 824.


 [ang-zi´ĭ-te] a multidimensional emotional state manifested as a somatic, experiential, and interpersonal phenomenon; a feeling of uneasiness, apprehension, or dread. These feelings may be accompanied by symptoms such as breathlessness, a choking sensation, palpitations, restlessness, muscular tension, tightness in the chest, giddiness, trembling, and flushing, which are produced by the action of the autonomic nervous system, especially the sympathetic part of it.
Anxiety may be rational, such as the anxiety about doing well in a new job, about one's own or someone else's illness, about passing an examination, or about moving to a new community. People also feel realistic anxiety about world dangers, such as the possibility of war, and about social and economic changes that may affect their livelihood or way of living. Most persons find healthy ways to deal with their normal quota of anxiety.Nursing Diagnosis. Anxiety was accepted as a nursing diagnosis by the North America Nursing Diagnosis Association and defined as “a vague, uneasy feeling of discomfort or dread, accompanied by an autonomic response (the source often nonspecific or unknown to the individual); a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger.” It is an alerting signal that warns of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger and enables the individual to take measures to deal with the threat. It is differentiated from fear in that the anxious person cannot identify the threat, whereas the fearful person recognizes the source of fear.
Factors that can precipitate an attack of anxiety include any pathophysiological event that interferes with satisfaction of the basic human physiological needs. Situational factors include actual or perceived threat to self-concept, loss of significant others, threat to biological integrity, change in environment, change in socioeconomic status, and transmission of another person's anxiety to the individual. Other etiologic factors are associated with a threat to completion of developmental tasks at various life stages, for example, a threat to an adolescent in the completion of developmental tasks associated with sexual development, peer relationships, and independence.
Interventions. Measures to assist the individuals suffering from anxiety are aimed at helping them recognize their anxiety and their usual means of coping with it, and providing alternate, more healthful coping mechanisms that give a sense of physiological and psychological comfort.
anxiety disorders a group of mental disorders in which anxiety is the most prominent disturbance or in which anxiety is experienced if the patient attempts to control the symptoms. Everyone occasionally experiences anxiety as a normal response to a dangerous or unusual situation. In an anxiety disorder, the person feels the same emotion without any apparent reason and cannot identify the source of the threat that produces the anxiety, which actually has its origin in unconscious fears or conflicts.
People with anxiety disorders experience both the subjective emotion and various physical manifestations resulting from muscular tension and autonomic nervous system activity. This can produce a variety of symptoms, including sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, loss of appetite, and palpitations. The source of the anxiety lies in unconscious fears, unresolved conflicts, forbidden impulses, or threatening memories. Symptoms are often triggered by an apparently harmless stimulus that the patient unconsciously links with a deeply buried, anxiety-producing experience. Chronic anxiety can lead to various somatic alterations. The onset of anxiety may be gradual or sudden. Some persons experience incapacitating acute anxiety (as in panic disorder) while others manifest their anxiety through avoidant behavior patterns (phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder). Anxiety disorders include: panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and substance-induced anxiety disorder.
free-floating anxiety severe, generalized anxiety having no apparent connection to any specific object, situation, or idea.performance anxiety a social phobia characterized by extreme anxiety and episodes of panic when performance, particularly public performance, is required.anxiety reaction a reaction characterized by abnormal apprehension or uneasiness; see also anxiety disorders.separation anxiety apprehension due to removal of significant persons or familiar surroundings, common in infants 12 to 24 months old; see also separation anxiety disorder.situational anxiety that occurring spcifically in relation to a situation or object.


(ang-zī'ĕ-tē), 1. Experience of fear or apprehension in response to anticipated internal or external danger accompanied by some or all of the following signs: muscle tension, restlessness, sympathetic (automonic) hyperactivity (for example, diarrhea, palpitation, rapid breathing or jitteriness), or cognitive signs and symptoms (for example, hypervigilance, confusion, decreased concentration, or fear of losing control). It may be transient and adaptive or pathologic in intensity and duration. 2. In experimental psychology, a drive or motivational state learned from and thereafter associated with previously neutral cues. [L. anxietas, anxiety, fr. anxius, distressed, fr. ango, to press tight, to torment]


(ăng-zī′ĭ-tē)n. pl. anxie·ties Psychiatry A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.


A mood disorder characterised by somatic, emotional, cognitive and behavioral components encompassing chronic fear, dread, worry and panic attacks.
Clinical findings
Insomnia, recurring negative thoughts are common, as well as nausea, palpitations, dizziness and dyspnoea.
Anxiolytics (benzodiazepines), serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 5-HT1A receptor agonists (azapirones), barbiturates; somatic symptoms of anxiety may respond to beta-receptor blockers, e.g., propranolol.


Psychology The emotional component of biological responses to imagined danger, linked to intrapsychic conflict Clinical-physical Tachycardia, dyspnea, trembling, cognitive difficulties, hypersensitivity, dizziness, weakness, dysrhythmia, sweating, fatigue Clinical-mental Sense of impending doom, powerlessness, apprehension, tension Types External stress–exogenous anxiety, internal stress–endogenous anxiety; it is pathological when it interferes with effectiveness in living, achieving of goals or satisfaction, or reasonable emotional comfort. See Anxiety disorder, Anticipatory anxiety, Castration anxiety, Free-floating anxiety, Monitor anxiety, Performance anxiety, Separation anxiety, Signal anxiety.


(ang-zī'ĕ-tē) 1. Apprehension of danger and dread accompanied by restlessness, tension, tachycardia, and dyspnea unattached to a clearly identifiable stimulus. 2. experimental psychology A drive or motivational state learned from and thereafter associated with previously neutral cues. [L. anxietas, anxiety, fr. anxius, distressed, fr. ango, to press tight, to torment]


The natural response to threat or danger, real or perceived and characterized, in its extreme form, by a rapid heart rate, tremulousness, a dry mouth, a feeling of tightness in the chest, sweaty palms, weakness, nausea, bowel hurry with diarrhoea, insomnia, fatigue, headache, and loss of appetite. Anxiety is a response to stress and is a concomitant of a wide spectrum of diseases. But it is also a vital motivating factor causing us to respond constructively to dangers of all kinds and to make greater efforts in all kinds of situations. Anxiety disorders include PANIC DISORDERS, OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDERS, PHOBIAS, POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER and GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER.


(ang-zī'ĕ-tē) Experience of fear or apprehension in response to anticipated internal or external danger accompanied by a range of findings. It may be transient and adaptive or pathologic in intensity and duration. [L. anxietas, anxiety, fr. anxius, distressed, fr. ango, to press tight, to torment]

Patient discussion about anxiety

Q. Social Anxiety I have found myself wondering more and more about social anxiety. My partner seemed to develop social anxiety around the same time she was diagnosed bipolar. i am wondering how many of you also suffer from soical anxiety and if you feel it is a result of bipolar disorder (perhaps personal knowledge of the possible behaviours associated with the illness) or if it is a seperate and unrelated symptom?A. hi,
social anxiety disorder is best defeated by groups like
the Toastmasters International or the dale carnegie course.
The nwork without drugs


Q. what are anxiety symptoms for a teen? before i get to school my heart beats really fast when i talk to someone i somtimes get hot or start to sweat. i dont feel like myself i also don't talk to some people anymore because i'm scared its going to be akward..A. Sounds like social anxiety.The butterflies people get when getting ready to speak in front of a group, for example. Start off by talking to one person at a time. and build up from there.

More discussions about anxiety


Related to anxiety: generalized anxiety disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, anxiety attack, Social anxiety
  • noun

Synonyms for anxiety

noun uneasiness


  • uneasiness
  • concern
  • care
  • worry
  • doubt
  • tension
  • alarm
  • distress
  • suspicion
  • angst
  • unease
  • apprehension
  • misgiving
  • suspense
  • nervousness
  • disquiet
  • trepidation
  • foreboding
  • restlessness
  • solicitude
  • perturbation
  • watchfulness
  • fretfulness
  • disquietude
  • apprehensiveness
  • dubiety


  • security
  • confidence
  • relief
  • assurance
  • serenity
  • contentment
  • calmness

Synonyms for anxiety

noun a troubled or anxious state of mind


  • angst
  • anxiousness
  • care
  • concern
  • disquiet
  • disquietude
  • distress
  • nervousness
  • solicitude
  • unease
  • uneasiness
  • worry

Synonyms for anxiety

noun (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic


  • anxiousness

Related Words

  • psychiatry
  • psychological medicine
  • psychopathology
  • mental condition
  • mental state
  • psychological condition
  • psychological state
  • castration anxiety
  • hypochondria
  • hypochondriasis
  • overanxiety
  • scare
  • panic

noun a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune

Related Words

  • emotion
  • discomfiture
  • discomposure
  • disconcertion
  • disconcertment
  • worry
  • trouble
  • concern
  • fear
  • care
  • disquiet
  • anxiousness
  • insecurity
  • disquietude
  • edginess
  • inquietude
  • uneasiness
  • sinking feeling
  • sinking
  • misgiving
  • qualm
  • scruple
  • jitteriness
  • jumpiness
  • nervousness
  • restiveness
  • angst




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