Acronym | Definition |
FAID➣Financial Aid (higher education) |
FAID➣Fonds d'Aide Internationale au Développement (French: International Development Help Fund; Switzerland) |
FAID➣French-American Innovation Day (Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy) |
FAID➣Fluorescent Assay Infectious Dose |
FAID➣Fatigue Audit InterDyne (model; trademark of InterDynamics Pty Ltd) |
FAID➣Federazione Associazioni Imprese Distribuzione (Italian: Federation of Associations of Firms in Commercial Distribution) |
FAID➣Friends Against Irresponsible Development (Mountville, PA) |
FAID➣Free As in Destitute (xkcd forum) |
FAID➣Fuel Assembly Integrity Device |