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ergastoplasm (ɜːˈɡæstəˌplæzəm) n (Biology) biology endoplasm that is associated with protein synthesisErgastoplasm
ergastoplasm[‚ər′gas·tə‚plaz·əm] (cell and molecular biology) A cytoplasm component which shows an affinity for basic dyes; a form of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ergastoplasm a basophilic cytoplasmic component of animal and plant cells, rich in ribonucleic acid, such as Nissl bodies in neurons. An electron microscope reveals such components in an ordered arrangement forming a granular endoplasmic reticulum. ergastoplasm
gran·u·lar en·do·plas·mic re·tic·u·lumendoplasmic reticulum in which ribosomes are located on the cytoplasmic surface of the cisternae; involved in the synthesis of protein destined to be transported via membrane-bound vesicles to the extracellular space. Synonym(s): chromidial substance, ergastoplasm, rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulumgran·u·lar en·do·plas·mic re·tic·u·lum (gran'yū-lăr en'dō-plaz'mik rĕ-tik'yū-lŭm) Endoplasmic reticulum in which ribosomal granules are applied to the cytoplasmic surface of the cisternae; involved in the synthesis and secretion of protein through membrane-bound vesicles to the extracellular space. Synonym(s): ergastoplasm. |