Bouin fixative

Bou·in fix·a·tive

(bū-an[h]'), a solution of glacial acetic acid, formalin, and picric acid; useful for soft and delicate tissues (as those of embryos) and small pieces of tissues; it preserves glycogen and nuclei and permits brilliant staining, but penetrates slowly, distorts kidney tissue and mitochondria, and does not permit Feulgen stain for DNA.

Bou·in fix·a·tive

(bū'ahn[h] fiks'ă-tiv) A solution of glacial acetic acid, formalin, and picric acid, useful for soft and delicate tissues (as those of embryos) and small pieces of tissue; it preserves glycogen and nuclei and permits brilliant staining, but penetrates slowly, distorts kidney tissue and mitochondria, and does not permit Feulgen stain for DNA.


Paul, French histologist, 1870-1962. Bouin fixative - a solution of glacial acetic acid, formalin, and picric acid.