

单词 asi




(ˈæsɪ) n (Placename) the Arabic name for the Orontes





(also Nahr al-Asi, Orontes), a river in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. The Asi is 571 km long and drains an area of 22,300 sq km. Rising in Lebanon in the al-Biqa Valley, it flows in Syria through Lake Homs (area, 60 sq km) and along the bottom of the marshy graben known as the al-Ghab. In Turkey it flows along the basin of Amik Gölü, with which it is linked by a channel, and then empties into the Gulf of Antakya of the Mediterranean Sea. The mean flow rate is approximately 80 cu m per sec, with increased water volume in winter. The Asi is used for irrigation. The cities of Homs, Syria, and Antakya, Turkey, are situated on the river.


Abbr. for “Architects and Surveyors Institute.”



A gene on chromosome 5q32 that encodes arylsulfatase I, which displays arylsulfatase activity at neutral pH when co-expressed with SUMF1. It is expressed in placenta, embryonic stem cell and in foetal eyes and lens.


Abbreviation for addiction severity index.


ASIAdvertising Specialty Institute (promotional products industry Association)
ASIATV (All Terrain Vehicle) Safety Institute
ASIArchaeological Survey of India
ASIAmerican Sheep Industry Association
ASIAddiction Severity Index (substance abuse)
ASIAutomation Solutions Inc. (various locations)
ASIAmerican Share Insurance
ASIAdvanced Study Institute
ASIArtificial Superintelligence
ASIAgenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italian Space Agency)
ASIAyres' Sensory Integration (therapy)
ASIAdvanced Semiconductor, Inc. (California)
ASIAntarctic Sea Ice
ASIAsynchronous Serial Interface (digital television)
ASIAustralasian Society for Immunology
ASIAdhesives & Sealants Industry (magazine)
ASIArchitectural Systems, Inc. (New York)
ASIAutomation Systems Interconnect (Mechanicsburg, PA)
ASIApplication Specific Information (software)
ASIAssociation de la Sommellerie Internationale (French: International Sommelier Association)
ASIAccounting Systems, Inc. (varioius locations)
ASIAdam Smith Institute (UK)
ASIAmerican Statistics Index (LexisNexis publication)
ASIAnsaldo Sistemi Industriali (Italian: Ansaldo Industrial Systems)
ASIAnalog Station Interface
ASIAsynchronous Systems Interface
ASIanti Strain Injury
ASIAuto Storiche Italiane
ASIAudio Streaming Interface
ASIAutocad Sql Interface
ASIAsynchronous Serial Interface
ASIApplication Service Interface
ASIAdobe Systems Inc.
ASIAtm Service Interface
ASIAssembler Include File
ASIAsynchronous and Synchronous Interface
ASIApplication Server Interface
ASIAirspeed Indicator
ASIAlianza Social Indigena (Italian: Indigenous Social Alliance; Colombia)
ASIAmorphous Silicon
ASIAtmospheric Structure Instrument
ASIAlenia Space Italia (Italian: Italian Space Agency)
ASIAdvanced Solutions International
ASIAutomotoclub Storico Italiano (Italian: Italian Historical Automobile Club)
ASIAdditional Skill Identifier
ASIAssistant Sub Inspector
ASIAmerican Society of Indexers
ASIAncestral South Indian (genetics)
ASIAdobe Systems India
ASIArtemis Society International (est. 1994; astronomy project)
ASIAmerican Swedish Institute (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
ASIActuator Sensor Interface
ASIAviation Safety Inspector (FAA)
ASIAllocation Supplémentaire d'Invalidité (French: Supplemental Disability Allowance)
ASIAmerican Specialties Inc. (Yonkers, NY)
ASIAmerican Supplier Institute
ASIAuthor Services, Inc
ASIAnnual Survey of Industries (India)
ASIAustralian Steel Institute (North Sydney)
ASIAlt.Support.Impotence (newsgroup)
ASIAuthorized Service Interruption (US DoD)
ASIAsociación Salvadoreña de Industriales (Spanish: Salvadoran Industrial Association)
ASIAdvanced Switching Interconnect
ASIAir-Sea Interaction
ASIArms and Security Initiative (American Strategy Program)
ASIAlgoma Steel Inc.
ASIAssociation of Surgeons of India
ASIArchitecture Studio, Inc. (Ocala, FL)
ASIAerospace Science Instructor (AFJROTC)
ASIAssociation de Solidarité Internationale (French: Association for International Solidarity)
ASIAdvance Systems, Inc. (Green Bay, WI)
ASIAlphabetical Subject Index
ASIAdvertising Systems, Inc. (various locations)
ASIAccess Services Inc
ASIActuarial Society of India
ASIAmerica's Shield Initiative
ASIApplied Sciences Inc. (Cedarville, OH)
ASIAdvanced Structures Inc.
ASIAARP Services Inc.
ASIAdvanced Scientific Instruments (Herbert Knauer GmbH)
ASIAllied Security Innovations (Staten Island, NY)
ASIAdvertising Specialties, Inc. (Boca Raton, FL)
ASIAir Safety Investigator
ASIApplied Systems Intelligence, Inc
ASIAtlantis Systems International (Canada)
ASIAdvanced Sciences Inc. (Oak Ridge, TN)
ASIArterial Stiffness Index
ASIAutomotive Services, Inc.
ASIAdapter Support Interface
ASIAvondale Shipyards Inc. (New Orleans, LA)
ASIArchitect's Supplemental Instructions
ASIArchitectural Supplemental Information (construction)
ASIAutomatic Systems, Inc. (Kansas City, Missouri)
ASIAlzheimer Society of Ireland
ASIAnalog Station Interface (software)
ASIAssign and Display Switch Initialization (US DoD)
ASIAdjacent Satellite Interference
ASIATM Service Interface (Cisco)
ASIAsynchronous SCSI Interface
ASIAlbert Schweitzer Institute (Hamden, Connecticut)
ASIAustral Summer Institute
ASIAsynchronous Service Interrupt
ASIAudience Studies, Inc
ASIApplication Solutions Inc.
ASIAssessment Strategies Inc (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
ASIAssociated Systems Inc (Fredericksburg, VA)
ASIAlternative Solutions Inc. (East Hartford, CT)
ASIAhorro Sistematico Integral (Mexico)
ASIArmor Systems International
ASIAndrews Software, Inc. (Cleveland, OH)
ASIAlternate Space Inversion
ASIAugmented Spark Igniter
ASIAgencia de Seguridad Israelí (Guatemala security agency)
ASIAmerica Standards Institute
ASIAgency Safety Initiative (NASA)
ASIActor Sensor Interface
ASIAfrican Strategic Impact (Bujumbura, Burundi)
ASIAutomated Shore Interface
ASIAircraft Station Interface
ASIAnalytical Services, Incorporated
ASIAxial Shape Index (nuclear reactors)
ASIAchats Service International (Niger)
ASIArmy Space Institute
ASIAerospace Studies Institute
ASIAsphaltene Stability Index (stability of asphaltene species within a grade of crude oil)
ASIAll Staffing, Inc.
ASIAlarm Status Indicator
ASIAgri Sales, Inc.
ASIAutomated System Initialization
ASIAssociate of the Securities & Investment Institute
ASIArtificial Social Intelligence
ASIAccuracy Support Infrastructure
ASIAccess Server Integration
ASIAssign Switch Initialization
ASIAircraft System Interface
ASIAlenia Marconi Systems, Inc.
ASIAxial Scientific Instrument
ASIAtlanta Suzuki Institute (Atlanta, Georgia)
ASIAzimuth Speed Indicator
ASIAcrobat Systems Incorporated
ASIAntenna Software Initiative (Antenna Center of Excellence)
ASIAgencia Spatiale Italiano
ASIAdvanced Services Implementation
ASIAdroit Systems Incorporated
ASIAmpere-Second Integration
ASIAlex Software Inc.
ASIAdvanced Science Instrument
ASIArchitectural and Surveying Institute
ASIApex Security & Investigations
ASIAncillae Secular Institute
ASIAdvanced Technology International, Incorporated
ASIAdverse System Interaction
ASIAdvanced Studies Institute of NATO
ASIAircraft Supplementary Information (Royal Australian Air Force)
ASIAtlantic Studies Institute (University of Michigan)
ASIAutomatic SACCS Interface
ASIApplication Specific Increment
ASIAstrological Society of India
ASIAdvanced Simulation Initiative
ASIAgency Selection Inventory
ASIArc Second Imager
ASIAmended Shipping Instrument
ASIAssisted Self Install
ASIAustin Semiconductor Incorporated
ASIArt Street Interactive, Inc (San Diego, CA)
ASIAny Soldier, Inc.
ASIAcquisition Streamlining Initiative
ASIAll Systems Installations, Inc (Algonquin, IL)
ASIAdvanced Stucco of Iowa




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