

单词 competition



C0526900 (kŏm′pĭ-tĭsh′ən)n.1. The act of competing, as for profit or a prize; rivalry.2. A test of skill or ability; a contest: a skating competition.3. Rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same customer or market.4. A competitor: The competition has cornered the market.5. Ecology The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms for a limited environmental resource, such as nutrients, living space, or light.


(ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən) n1. the act of competing; rivalry2. a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants3. a series of games, sports events, etc4. the opposition offered by a competitor or competitors5. a competitor or competitors offering opposition6. (Environmental Science) ecology the struggle between individuals of the same or different species for food, space, light, etc, when these are inadequate to supply the needs of all


(ˌkɒm pɪˈtɪʃ ən)

n. 1. the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: competition between two teams. 2. a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage: to enter a competition. 3. the rivalry offered by a competitor: small businesses getting competition from the chain stores. 4. a competitor or competitors. 5. the struggle among organisms, both of the same and of different species, for food, space, and other vital requirements. [1595–1605; < Late Latin competītiō=competī-, variant s. of competere to meet, come together (see compete) + -tiō -tion; sense influenced by competitor]




  1. As competitive as two dogs after a bitch in heat —Anon
  2. Asking him to compete fairly is like asking a hungry lion to leave the lambs alone —Mike Sommer
  3. Competition is like sugar sprinkled on cobbler pie —Elmer Kelton
  4. A non-competitive businessman is like an honest crook —Elyse Sommer
  5. Playing tennis without keeping score is like apple pie sans la mode —Anon



the Devil take the hindmost Every man for himself; survival of the fittest; similar to the more current phrase the last one in is a rotten egg, popular among children. This expression is said to have derived from an old legend concerning the Devil’s school at Toledo where students were instructed in the art of black magic. Each year, as a sort of test, the graduating class was made to run through an underground hall. The last one, if caught by the Devil, would then become his servant. The phrase was used as early as 1611.

give [someone] a run for [his] money To provide keen and tough competition, thereby inciting one’s opponent to go all out, to “give it all he’s got” to win. Dating from the 19th century, this expression was originally racing slang. The then current have a run for one’s money was suggestive of a determined struggle and subsequent victory or payoff. Today to give [someone] a run for his money means to make that person work for what would otherwise have been an easy victory.

jockey for position To maneuver or compete within the ranks for an advantageous position; to manipulate or pull strings to gain a more favorable position. The allusion is to horse racing and the jockeys’ skillful maneuvering. The expression is now frequently applied to any kind of competitive maneuvering although it has been used in reference to sports since the early part of this century.

In Alberta when there was no jury, congestion was caused by lawyers jockeying for position in order to appear before the right judge. (The Times, July, 1955)

keeping up with the Joneses Trying to maintain the social standing of one’s neighbors; creating the impression that one is on an equal social or economic stratum as one’s neighbors. This expression was coined in 1913 by Arthur “Pop” Momand, a cartoonist for the New York Globe, who satirized his own social pretensions in his long-running comic strip. The surname Jones was undoubtedly picked to represent the average American of Anglo-Saxon descent.

Why … does John Doe choose to speculate on margin? … An ages-old desire to get something for nothing; keeping up with the Joneses. (E. C. Harwood, Cause and Control of Business Cycles, 1932)

rat race See FRENZIEDNESS.

take up the gauntlet To accept or undertake willingly any challenging task; to accept an offer to fight or duel. Similarly, throw down the gauntlet means to challenge one to a fight or duel. Gauntlets were the armored gloves worn by knights in medieval times. A knight wishing to joust with another would cast his gauntlet to the ground as a challenge to combat. The other knight would pick up the gauntlet to show the challenge was accepted.

Making a proclamation, that whosoever would say that King Richard was not lawfully king, he would fight with him at the utterance, and throw down his gauntlet. (Hall, Chronicles of Richard III, 1548)

throw one’s hat into the ring To enter a competition, to become a candidate for public office, to accept a challenge. This expression, dating from the mid-19th century, is said to derive from the custom of throwing a hat into the ring to signal the acceptance of a pugilist’s challenge.

When Mr. Roosevelt threw his hat into the ring the other day, he gave the signal for a contest the like of which has not been seen before in this country. (Nation, March 7, 1912)

up for grabs Open to competition; available, free. This U.S. expression made its appearance in slang dictionaries by the 1940s; it is now quite commonly used in informal writing, often in reference to positions, candidacies, etc.

Right now every position is up for grabs. Every player is going to get a shot. (Boston Globe, April, 1967)

While the phrase carries the connotation of wide-open competition, it also implies the necessity of effort and competence to attain the goal. A possible but totally conjectural origin is that up for grabs derives from the jump ball in basketball.

Noun1.competition - a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customerscompetition - a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers; "business competition can be fiendish at times"business relation - a relation between different business enterprisesprice competition, price war - intense competition in which competitors cut retail prices to gain business
2.competition - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestantscompetition - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestantscontestgame - a single play of a sport or other contest; "the game lasted two hours"social event - an event characteristic of persons forming groupsathletic competition, athletic contest, athletics - a contest between athletesbout - a contest or fight (especially between boxers or wrestlers)championship - a competition at which a champion is chosenchicken - a foolhardy competition; a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stopscliffhanger - a contest whose outcome is uncertain up to the very enddogfight - a fiercely disputed contest; "their rancor dated from a political dogfight between them"; "a real dogfight for third place"; "a prolonged dogfight over their rival bids for the contract"race - a contest of speed; "the race is to the swift"tournament, tourney - a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winnerplayoff - any final competition to determine a championshipseries - (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams; "the visiting team swept the series"field trial - a contest between gun dogs to determine their proficiency in pointing and retrievingmatch - a formal contest in which two or more persons or teams competetournament - a series of jousts between knights contesting for a prizerace - any competition; "the race for the presidency"spelldown, spelling bee, spelling contest - a contest in which you are eliminated if you fail to spell a word correctlytrial - (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications; "the trials for the semifinals began yesterday"
3.competition - the act of competing as for profit or a prizecompetition - the act of competing as for profit or a prize; "the teams were in fierce contention for first place"rivalry, contentiongroup action - action taken by a group of peoplecontest - a struggle between rivalscooperation - joint operation or action; "their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission"
4.competition - the contestant you hope to defeatcompetition - the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"challenger, competitor, contender, rivalcontestant - a person who participates in competitionschamp, champion, title-holder - someone who has won first place in a competitioncomer - someone with a promising futurefinalist - a contestant who reaches the final stages of a competitionfoe, enemy - a personal enemy; "they had been political foes for years"favourite, front-runner, favorite - a competitor thought likely to winworld-beater, king, queen - a competitor who holds a preeminent positionrunner-up, second best - the competitor who finishes secondscratch - a competitor who has withdrawn from competitionsemifinalist - one of four competitors remaining in a tournament by eliminationstreet fighter - a contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methodstier - any one of two or more competitors who tie one anothertilter - someone who engages in a tilt or joust


noun1. rivalry, opposition, struggle, contest, contention, strife, one-upmanship (informal) There's been some fierce competition for the title.2. opposition, field, rivals, challengers In this business you have to stay one step ahead of the competition.3. contest, event, championship, tournament, quiz, head-to-head He will be banned from international competitions for four years.Quotations
"A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace" [Ovid The Art of Love]


noun1. A vying with others for victory or supremacy:battle, contest, corrivalry, race, rivalry, strife, striving, struggle, tug of war, war, warfare.2. A trial of skill or ability:contest, meet.3. One that competes:competitor, contender, contestant, corrival, opponent, rival.


(kəmˈpiːt) verb to try to beat others in a contest, fight etc. We are competing against them in the next round; Are you competing with her for the job? 競爭 竞争competition (kompəˈtiʃən) noun1. the act of competing; rivalry. Competition makes children try harder. 競爭 竞争2. people competing for a prize etc. There's a lot of competition for this job. 競爭者 竞争者3. a contest for a prize. Have you entered the tennis competition? 比賽 比赛competitive (kəmˈpetətiv) adjective1. (of a person) enjoying competition. a competitive child. 喜歡競爭的,好強的 好竞争的,求胜心切的 2. (of a price etc) not expensive, therefore able to compete successfully with the prices etc of rivals. 有競爭力的(價格) 有竞争力的(价格) 3. (of sport etc) organised in such a way as to produce a winner. I prefer hill-climbing to competitive sports. 比賽的 比赛的competitor (kəmˈpetitə) noun a person etc who takes part in a competition; a rival. All the competitors finished the race. 競賽者 竞争者


IdiomsSeecut someone's throat



in economics, rivalry in supplying or acquiring an economic service or good. Sellers compete with other sellers, and buyers with other buyers. In its perfect form, there is competition among many small buyers and sellers, none of whom is too large to affect the market as a whole; in practice, competition is often reduced by a great variety of limitations, including copyrightscopyright,
right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain literary, artistic, and musical productions whereby for a limited period of time he or she controls the use of the product.
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, patentspatent,
in law, governmental grant of some privilege, property, or authority. Today patent refers to the granting to the inventor of a useful product or process the privilege to exclude others from making that invention.
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, and governmental regulation, such as fair-trade lawsfair-trade laws,
in the United States, a former group of statutes that permitted manufacturers to specify the minimum retail price of a commodity. The first fair-trade law was adopted (1931) by California.
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, minimum wageminimum wage,
lowest wage legally permitted in an industry or in a government or other organization. The goal in establishing minimum wages has been to assure wage earners a standard of living above the lowest permitted by health and decency.
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 laws, and wage and price controlswage and price controls,
economic policy measure in which the government places a ceiling on wages and prices to curb inflation. Also known as incomes policy, such programs have generally been avoided in the United States during peacetime.
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Competition among merchants in foreign trade was common in ancient times, and it has been a characteristic of mercantile and industrial expansion since the Middle Ages. By the 19th cent. classical economic theorists had come to regard competition, at least within the national state, as a natural outgrowth of the operation of supply and demandsupply and demand,
in classical economics, factors that are said to determine price, by correlating the amount of a given commodity producers hope to sell at a certain price (supply), and the amount of that commodity that consumers are willing to purchase (demand).
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 within a free market economy. The price of an item was seen as ultimately fixed by the confluence of these two forces.

Early capitalist economists argued that supply-and-demand pricing worked better without any regulation or control. Their model of perfect competition was marked by absolute freedom of trade, widespread knowledge of market conditions, easy access of buyers to sellers, and the absence of all action restraining trade by agencies of the state. Under such conditions no single buyer or seller could materially affect the market price of an item. After c.1850, practical limitations to competition became evident as industrial and commercial combinations and trade unions arose to hamper it.

A major theme in the history of competition has been the monopolymonopoly
, market condition in which there is only one seller of a certain commodity; by virtue of the long-run control over supply, such a seller is able to exert nearly total control over prices.
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, which represents a business interest so large that it has the ability to control prices in a given industry. Some governments attempted to impose competition through legislation, as the United States did in the Sherman Antitrust ActSherman Antitrust Act,
1890, first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts; it was named for Senator John Sherman. Prior to its enactment, various states had passed similar laws, but they were limited to intrastate businesses.
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 of 1890, which made many monopolistic practices illegal. President Teddy Roosevelt was well known for his "trust-busting," filing lawsuits against over 40 major corporations during his two terms in office (1901–9). Later legislation in the United States, such as the Clayton Act (1914), the Robinson-Patman Act (1936), and the Celler-Kefauver Act (1950), offered revisions and clarifications of the Sherman Act. The Federal Trade Commission, created in 1914, is a regulatory agency with the mission of encouraging competition and discouraging monopoly.

Until the mid-20th cent., there was widespread government acceptance of the existence of industrial and commercial combinations, together with an effort to apply regulation administered either by the state or by the industries themselves. Governments had accepted the existence of what were considered "practical monopolies," particularly in the field of public utilities (see utility, publicutility, public,
industry required by law to render adequate service in its field at reasonable prices to all who apply for it. Public utilities frequently operate as monopolies in their market.
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). This attitude changed somewhat after the 1970s; for example, the U.S. government forced the breakup (1984) of American Telephone and Telegraph and deregulated (1985) natural-gas prices. In the 1990s, state regulators began to allow competition among some utilities (especially natural-gas and electricity suppliers) in order to bring prices down. This was also a trend in some European countries; Germany, for example, deregulated its electric power industry in 1999.


See M. L. Greenhut et al., Economics of Imperfect Competition (1987); L. G. Telser, A Theory of Effective Cooperation and Competition (1987); T. Frazer, Monopoly, Competition and the Law: The Regulation of Business Activity in Britain, Europe and America (1988).


in biology, relationship between members of the same or different species in which individuals are adversely affected by those having the same living requirements, such as food or space. Intraspecific competition, i.e., competition among members of the same species, is illustrated by some species of birds and mammals, the males of which set up territories from which all other males of the same species are excluded. In interspecific competition members of different species compete for the same ecologically limiting factors, such as a food source. Not all relationships among organisms are competitive; for example, the commensal relationship between members of different species is noncompetitive (see commensalismcommensalism
, relationship between members of two different species of organisms in which one individual is usually only slightly benefited, while the other member is not affected at all by the relationship.
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any action in which one person or group vies with one or more other persons or groups to achieve an end, especially where the outcomes sought are scarce and not all can be successful in achieving these. Competition may be direct or indirect; it may or may not be normatively or socially regulated.

In ECONOMICS, the ‘ideal’ of competition between sellers in a market economy – the hidden hand regulating economic life – has been held to lead to low prices, equality of profits, and the promotion of economic efficiency. In the 19th century, the social benefits of competition were widely stressed by many schools of social theorists, e.g. UTILITARIANISM, SOCIAL DARWINISM, and the sociology of SPENCER. Influenced by economic and biological theories, members of the CHICAGO SCHOOL also made competition central to their accounts of URBAN ECOLOGY. Thus, competition has often been assumed to be a universal, and a productive, element of the human condition.

By contrast, Marxism has viewed competition more as a specific requirement of CAPITALISM, in which the surface appearance of fairness and effectiveness is seen as belied by actual asymmetries of power and by the underlying contradictions and conflicts which competition generates. There also exist many other theories which stress the deleterious social and individual effects of competition in some of its forms, unless regulated or offset by other values (see COOPERATION, ALTRUISM).

The implication of such contrasting views would seem to be that competition is not best seen as a universal drive. Nor is it a phenomenon that should be viewed as wholly positive or wholly negative in its implications. Rather, it should be regarded (as by Weber) as a frequent aspect of social relations, with implications which require individual analysis in each case.

The concept of‘competition’ overlaps with CONFLICT. Although the latter concept is more likely to be used to refer to situations which lack institutionalization or normative regulation, or lead to disruptive social tensions, no hard-and-fast distinction exists, as illustrated by the existence of such concepts as ‘institutionalized conflict’.



(Russian, konkurs), a contest intended to reveal which of a number of participants is the best.

(1) In labor law, the procedure for filling certain positions. In the USSR academic vacancies in institutions of higher learning are filled by competitions. In research institutions, competitions are held to fill the posts of director of a laboratory, division, or section and of senior or junior research assistants, except for posts filled by academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In theaters, ensembles, orchestras, choirs, and other concert organizations, performing artists, directors, choreographers, and designers win their positions through competitions, as do physicians in municipal hospitals. Persons chosen by competition retain their seniority after leaving their former employment. Announcements of competitions appear in the press.

(2) In higher and specialized secondary schools, competitions for a place in the entering class are held among those who have passed entrance examinations.

(3) In general and specialized educational institutions, various kinds of competitions serve as an effective means of extracurricular education, revealing and developing students’ interests and abilities. For example, competitions are held in various school subjects, in artistic and technical work, and in sports. In the USSR, all-Union, republic, and local competitions are regularly held to determine the best school compositions, the best student work in various fields of science and technology, and the best students in various technical specializations in the vocational education system.

(4) International, national, and local competitions (by field, subject, and so forth) are frequently held to determine the best solutions to scientific, technological, or artistic problems or the best performance of artistic works. Ministries, government departments, social organizations, publishing houses, and other groups periodically hold competitions, both open and closed (departmental), to work out scientific problems and technical and architectural plans, to create monuments, scientific, and educational literature, and works of fiction, to design and print books and journals, and to create works of graphic art. Newspapers and journals conduct international, national, and local competitions, generally thematic, for literary works in various genres, photography, and so forth.

International and national competitions of pianists, violinists, cellists, singers, chamber music ensembles, and ballet dancers attract worldwide attention. In the USSR and other countries international, national, and local competitions of variety and circus performers are also held. The first all-Union competition of dramatic readings in the USSR took place in 1936 and the first all-Union competition of variety performers in 1939. By 1970 four all-Union competitions of dramatic readings and four all-Union competitions of variety performers had been held. Beginning in 1970, all-Union competitions of variety performers were scheduled to be held once every four years. Competitions of dramatic readings are held periodically and as a rule are thematic. Since the early 1960’s international and national competitions of popular songs have become popular, including those of Sopot (Poland), Golden Orpheus (Bulgaria), Bratislava Spring (Czechoslovakia), Rostock (German Democratic Republic), and Sochi (USSR).

(5) Another form of competition are the contests (generally thematic or by occupation) included in the programs of various international and national festivals, exhibitions, fairs, and championship matches.



(in biology), relations between organisms of the same or different species during which they compete for the same means of existence and conditions of reproduction; one aspect of the struggle for existence (a second aspect is elimination, that is, destruction of the less adapted forms and the prevention of their reproduction).

Intragroup and intergroup competition are distinguished. Intragroup competition takes place between the individuals of a population (on the basis of individual differences) to preserve their lives and the lives of offspring. Intergroup competition takes place between populations (on the basis of their group differences) and results in the displacement of some populations by others and in the accumulation of differences between scattered populations, which promotes the formation of new subspecies and then species. Interspecific competition is most acute between related species. Upon a change in conditions in favor of one species, competition results in its displacing the other species. Thus, interspecific competition may lead to a divergence of related species, dying out of some groups of organisms, and wide distribution of others.




a characteristic of the commodity production based on private ownership of the means of production; such ownership engenders an antagonistic struggle between private producers for more advantageous conditions of production and marketing of goods. Under capitalism, competition is a struggle among capitalists to obtain the highest profits.

Competition results from the ownership of the means of production by private capital if the producers have no other economic relationship except the market. At the same time competition is a mechanism of spontaneous regulation of social production. Competition leads to the ruin of some producers and the enrichment of others (who are economically stronger); a differentiation of small commodity producers occurs that un-avoidably leads to the development of capitalist production relations. Under capitalism, competition has reached its highest point of development. It is manifested through the economic law of competition and the anarchy of production.

The forms and methods of the competitive struggle have changed at different stages of the development of capitalism. Under premonopolistic capitalism, free competition predominated. It was characterized by comparatively peaceful methods and culminated in the economic suppression and ruin of the rival mainly through open price competition (price cutting). During this period two main forms of competition in its purest aspect became apparent—intrasectorial competition, which was waged for influence and position on the market (such competition leads to the formation of a uniform social or market value), and intersectorial competition, waged for the most profitable fields of capital investment. Intersectorial competition results in a transfer of capital from sectors with a low profit rate into high-profit sectors; through such competition an average profit rate is established that is uniform for all production sectors. Thus, competition is an antagonistic form of the development of productive forces in the capitalist economy. Every commodity producer, capitalist, or individual monopoly, seeking to cut production expenses in order to survive in the struggle of all against all and to ruin every rival, is forced to use modern equipment and progressive technology and to develop new sectors and new kinds of production.

Competition is a powerful factor in the concentration of production, which in a certain stage leads to the formation of monopolies and “growing over” of free competition into imperialism—the highest and last stage of capitalism. Free competition is changed to monopoly. However, monopoly domination does not eliminate the competitive struggle, since the appropriation of the results of labor still exists in the private sector. Anarchy of production is preserved, as is the antagonism of interests of different monopolistic groups and of various strata of the bourgeois population. Also, the more intensive the development of monopolistic capitalism, the more intensive the competition becomes. The nature of the competition depends on the degree of monopolization of the capitalist economy. V. I. Lenin wrote: “The monopolies, which have grown out of free competition, do not eliminate the latter, but exist above it and alongside it, and thereby give rise to a number of very acute, intense antagonisms, frictions, and conflicts” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 27, p. 386). Monopoly, which grows out of free competition, becomes its direct antipode. Monopoly exists under the conditions of commodity production and is in constant opposition to it. As far as the monopolies can even temporarily establish monopoly prices, the stimulus to technological progress disappears to that degree; nevertheless, “monopoly under capitalism can never completely, and for a very long time, eliminate competition in the world market” (ibid., p. 397). Competition then takes place on a new basis.

The interaction of the monopoly forces and of competition is the most important feature of the economic mechanism in the era of monopoly rule. Competition becomes crucial when it occurs between the biggest corporations: intrasectorial and intersectorial competition and competition within national economies and on the scale of the entire capitalist system arise. Competition also exists between monopolies and the non-monopolized enterprises (outsiders). Here, the monopolies rely largely on methods of direct pressure, such as depriving the outsiders of buyers (through agreements with commercial companies), hindering the shipping of their goods (through agreements with the shipping companies), and drying up their credit. Some competition also takes place within the monopolistic associations. A particularly acute competitive struggle develops over the sources of raw materials and the commodity market.

The most important feature of monopolistic competition is the changing role of price competition. Price maneuvering includes systems of secret discounts and concessions for major buyers, general and partial discount sales on commodities, and the establishment of a uniform price for commodities of different quality. A characteristic feature of contemporary monopolistic competition is the wide use of different forms of nonprice competition in such areas as technological superiority, quality, and dependability of manufactured products; marketing methods; the nature of services offered and guarantees; and conditions of payment.

In the hands of the biggest corporations, innovations become an instrument of the competitive struggle on the national and world markets. That is, the largest companies acquire control over the dynamic sectors of industry, research laboratories and scientific staff, and the most important patents; they get the necessary capital and receive government subsidies and government orders. The state supplies the largest monopolies with interest-free grants, preferential tariffs, and the right to accelerated depreciation, that is, the right to establish excessively high rates of obsolescence allowances for fixed capital. Thus, the mechanism of spontaneous market regulation is under the influence of the private monopolist and the state.

One of the main means of competitive struggle is advertising. It helps redistribute markets among competitors, increase market capacity, and create new markets. In their competitive struggle, big companies commonly use such nonmarket methods as financial maneuvers, speculation with securities, lawsuits, economic boycotts, and forced mergers (sometimes using direct sabotage). All these methods and forms of competitive struggle lead to increased corporation spending, which is passed on to the public through monopolistic high prices. Monopolistic competition, on the one hand, accelerates the rate of scientific, technological, organizational, and structural changes; on the other, it intensifies the contradictions of capitalism. “In fact,” Lenin observed, “it is this combination of antagonistic principles, viz., competition and monopoly, that is the essence of imperialism, it is this that is making for the final crash, i.e., the socialist revolution” (ibid., vol. 32, p. 146).

In socialist society, which is based on the principle of public ownership of the means of production and the planned organization of production, competition does not exist. Relations of friendly cooperation and brotherly mutual aid are engendered by socialist emulation, which is the direct opposite of capitalist competition.


Marx, K. “Nishcheta filosofii.” In K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 4, p. 151.
Marx, K. Kapital, vol. 1. Ibid. vol. 23, pp. 279–80, 559.
Marx, K. Kapital, vol. 2. Ibid., vol. 24, p. 195.
Marx, K. Kapital, vol. 3. Ibid., vol. 25, ch. 1, pp. 246–47, 253 , 344–45, 391, 401–02, 480–81; ch. 2, pp. 32, 245.
Marx, K., and F. Engels. Manifest Kommunisticheskoi partii Ibid., vol. 4.
Engels, F. Anti-Dühring. Ibid., vol. 20, pp. 152, 220–21, 283.
Lenin, V. I. Imperializm, kak vysshaia stadiia kapitalizma. Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 27.
Lenin, V. I. “Kak organizovat’ sorevnovanie.” Ibid., vol. 35, pp. 195–96. Politicheskaia ekonomiia sovremennogo monopolisticheskogo kapitalizma, vol. 1. Moscow, 1970. Chapter 7.
Sedov, V. I. Novyeformy konkurentnoi bor’by v usloviiakh sovremennogo kapitalizma. Moscow, 1971.



[‚käm·pə′tish·ən] (ecology) The inter- or intraspecific interaction resulting when several individuals share an environmental necessity.


Ecology the struggle between individuals of the same or different species for food, space, light, etc., when these are inadequate to supply the needs of all



(kom'pĕ-tish'ŭn), The process by which the activity or presence of one substance interferes with, or suppresses, the activity of another substance with similar affinities.


(kom'pĕ-tish'ŭn) The process by which the activity or presence of one substance interferes with, or suppresses, the activity of another substance with similar affinities.


the interaction between organisms striving for the same end, including competition for resources (food, living space), mates, etc. Such interaction may adversely affect their growth and survival. See INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION, INTRASPECIFIC COMPETITION.



Intra- or intermarket rivalry between or among businesses trying to obtain a larger piece of the same market share.


The attempt by two or more companies or other organizations to secure the business of a customer. Competition occurs when different companies offer better quality products and/or lower prices in order to encourage economic actors to become and remain customers. For example, two grocery stores may advertise that they offer better quality meat or lower prices for peanut butter so shoppers patronize one grocery store and not the other. Nearly all economists believe that competition is necessary for innovation and growth, though few agree on how best to foster competition.


the process of active rivalry between the sellers of a particular product as they seek to win and retain buyer demand for their offerings. Competition can take a number of forms including price cutting, ADVERTISING and SALES PROMOTION, quality variations, packaging and design, and market segmentation (see MARKETING MIX). The nature and intensity of competitive relationships in a market, in turn, depends on various factors such as product and buyer characteristics, the extent of market concentration, and cost and demand considerations (see MARKET STRUCTURE, MARKET CONDUCT). For example, where products are standardized, competition is usually focused on price, whereas in markets where buyers demand a wide range of product variety and quality mixes, PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION competition tends to be emphasized. In markets characterized by high levels of seller concentration, suppliers tend wherever possible to substitute product differentiation competition for price competition because of the mutually ruinous consequences of price wars. Moreover, in some instances, mutual interest considerations may well lead suppliers to control competition so as to promote orderly and profitable trading conditions by, for example, establishing price fixing CARTELS. Business strategy and marketing analysts are especially concerned with identifying and exploiting product and buyer characteristics as a means of establishing COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES over rival suppliers. From a wider public interest angle, the nature and strength of competition has an important effect on MARKET PERFORMANCE and hence is of particular relevance to the application of COMPETITION POLICIES.


  1. 1a form of MARKET STRUCTURE in which the number of firms supplying the market is used to indicate the type of market it is, e.g. PERFECT COMPETITION (many small competitors), OLIGOPOLY (a few large competitors).
  2. a process whereby firms strive against each other to secure customers for their products, i.e. the active rivalry of firms for customers, using price variations, PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION strategies, etc. From a wider public interest angle, the nature and strength of competition has an important effect on MARKET PERFORMANCE and hence is of particular relevance to the application of COMPETITION POLICY. See COMPETITION METHODS, MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION, MONOPOLY.


  • noun

Synonyms for competition

noun rivalry


  • rivalry
  • opposition
  • struggle
  • contest
  • contention
  • strife
  • one-upmanship

noun opposition


  • opposition
  • field
  • rivals
  • challengers

noun contest


  • contest
  • event
  • championship
  • tournament
  • quiz
  • head-to-head

Synonyms for competition

noun a vying with others for victory or supremacy


  • battle
  • contest
  • corrivalry
  • race
  • rivalry
  • strife
  • striving
  • struggle
  • tug of war
  • war
  • warfare

noun a trial of skill or ability


  • contest
  • meet

noun one that competes


  • competitor
  • contender
  • contestant
  • corrival
  • opponent
  • rival

Synonyms for competition

noun a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers

Related Words

  • business relation
  • price competition
  • price war

noun an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants


  • contest

Related Words

  • game
  • social event
  • athletic competition
  • athletic contest
  • athletics
  • bout
  • championship
  • chicken
  • cliffhanger
  • dogfight
  • race
  • tournament
  • tourney
  • playoff
  • series
  • field trial
  • match
  • spelldown
  • spelling bee
  • spelling contest
  • trial

noun the act of competing as for profit or a prize


  • rivalry
  • contention

Related Words

  • group action
  • contest


  • cooperation

noun the contestant you hope to defeat


  • challenger
  • competitor
  • contender
  • rival

Related Words

  • contestant
  • champ
  • champion
  • title-holder
  • comer
  • finalist
  • foe
  • enemy
  • favourite
  • front-runner
  • favorite
  • world-beater
  • king
  • queen
  • runner-up
  • second best
  • scratch
  • semifinalist
  • street fighter
  • tier
  • tilter




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