(Dicruridae), a family of birds of the order Passeriformes. The body is 25-39 cm long. The coloration is black with a metallic luster, less frequently, gray. The wings are short and rounded. The tail consists of 10-12 rectrices, with the outer ones usually elongated and deeply forked at the tips. The beak is strong, with stiff bristles at the base. There are 20 species, found in the tropics and subtropics of the eastern hemisphere; some species inhabit the temperate latitudes. In the USSR (Primor’e) there are two species—the black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) and hair-crested drongo (D. hottentota), which occur as migratory birds. Drongos are forest birds and feed on insects. Their nest is cup-shaped and is built in the forks of branches; the eggs are multicolored.