(bo͞osēkō`), c.1366–1421, marshal of France and crusader against the Ottoman Turks, whose real name was Jean III le Meingre. Captured by Ottoman Sultan Beyazid I at NikopolNikopol, town (1993 pop. 4,897), N Bulgaria, a port on the Danube River bordering Romania. Farming, viticulture, and fishing are the chief occupations. Founded in 629 by Byzantine emperor Heraclius, Nikopol (then Nicopolis) became a flourishing trade and cultural center of the
..... Click the link for more information. (1396), he was ransomed. He was governor (1401–7) of Genoa, then under French rule, was captured by the English at Agincourt (1415), and died in England. He wrote several ballads and other poems. He commissioned the book of hoursbook of hours,
form of prayer book developed in the 14th cent. from the prayers of clerics appended to the main service. The subjects of the miniature illustrations (see miniature painting) were frequently derived from the appendix of the Psalter.
..... Click the link for more information. that is named after him.