

单词 botulism




B0415400 (bŏch′ə-lĭz′əm)n. A severe, sometimes fatal food poisoning caused by ingestion of food containing botulin and characterized by nausea, vomiting, disturbed vision, muscular weakness, and fatigue.
[German Botulismus, from Latin botulus, sausage.]


(ˈbɒtjʊˌlɪzəm) n (Pathology) severe poisoning from ingestion of botulin, which affects the central nervous system producing difficulty in swallowing, visual disturbances, and respiratory paralysis: often fatal[C19: first formed as German Botulismus literally: sausage poisoning, from Latin botulus sausage]


(ˈbɒtʃ əˌlɪz əm)

n. a disease of the nervous system acquired from spoiled foods in which botulin is present, esp. improperly canned foods. [1875–80; < German Botulismus < Latin botul(us) sausage]


(bŏch′ə-lĭz′əm) A severe, sometimes fatal food poisoning caused by eating food infected with a bacterium that produces a powerful nerve toxin. The bacterium grows in food that has been improperly preserved. ♦ The nerve toxin produced by this bacterium is called botulin (bŏch′ə-lĭn).


a disease of the nervous system caused by botulin developments in spoiled foods eaten by animals and man; a variety of bacterial food poisoning.See also: Poison
a toxic condition caused by a neurotoxin in improperly canned or preserved food.See also: Food and Nutrition
Noun1.botulism - food poisoning from ingesting botulin; not infectious; affects the CNS; can be fatal if not treated promptlyfood poisoning, gastrointestinal disorder - illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food




(bŏch`əlĭz'əm), acute poisoning resulting from ingestion of food containing toxins produced by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum. The bacterium can grow only in an anaerobic atmosphere, such as that found in canned foods. Consequently, botulism is almost always caused by preserved foods that have been improperly processed, usually a product canned imperfectly at home. The toxins are destroyed by boiling canned food for 30 min at 176&degF; (80&degC;). Once the toxins (which are impervious to destruction by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract) have entered the body, they interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses, causing disturbances in vision, speech, and swallowing, and ultimately paralysis of the respiratory muscles, leading to suffocation. Symptoms of the disease appear about 18 to 36 hr after ingestion of toxins. Botulinus antiserum is given to persons who have been exposed to contaminated food before they develop symptoms of the disease and is given to diagnosed cases of the disease as soon as possible. Developments in early detection have reduced the mortality rate from 65% to 10%.

See food poisoningfood poisoning,
acute illness following the eating of foods contaminated by bacteria, bacterial toxins, natural poisons, or harmful chemical substances. It was once customary to classify all such illnesses as "ptomaine poisoning," but it was later discovered that ptomaines, the
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Medicinal Use of Botulin Toxin

In a technique pioneered by Alan B. Scott, an ophthalmologist, and Edward Schantz, a biochemist, in the late 1970s, botulin toxin has been purified and used in the treatment of debilitating muscle spasms caused by the excessive firing of certain nerves. The treatment utilizes the same process that paralyzes the muscles in botulism poisoning. Injected in tiny amounts into the affected tissue, the botulin blocks the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls muscle contraction, and temporarily relieves the spasms. Botulin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989 for treatment of blepharospasm (uncontrolled rapid blinking) and strabismus (crossed eyes). The toxin is also injected to treat other conditions, such as neck muscle spasms, and to provide short-term (three to four months) cosmetic treatment of facial wrinkles.


An illness produced by the exotoxin of Clostridium botulinum and occasionally other clostridia, and characterized by paralysis and other neurological abnormalities. There are seven principal toxin types involved (A–G); only types A, B, E, and F have been implicated in human disease. Types C and D produce illness in birds and mammals. Strains of C. barati and C. butyricum have been found to produce toxins E and F and have been implicated in infant botulism. See Virulence

The three clinical forms of botulism are classic botulism, infant botulism, and wound botulism. Classic botulism is typically due to ingestion of preformed toxin, infant botulism involves ingestion of C. botulinum spores with subsequent germination and toxin production in the gastrointestinal tract, and wound botulism involves production of toxin by the organism's infecting or colonizing a wound. The incubation period is from a few hours to more than a week (but usually 1–2 days), depending primarily on the amount of toxin ingested or absorbed.

There is classically acute onset of bilateral cranial nerve impairment and subsequent symmetrical descending paralysis or weakness. Commonly noted are dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dry mouth, diplopia (double vision), dysarthria (a neuromuscular disorder affecting speech), and blurred vision. Nausea, vomiting, and fatigue are common as well. Ileus (impaired intestinal motility) and constipation are much more typical than diarrhea; there may also be urinary retention and dry mucous membranes. Central nervous system function and sensation remain intact, and fever does not occur in the absence of complications. Fever may even be absent in wound botulism. See Toxin

In food-borne botulism, home-canned or home-processed foods (particularly vegetables) are commonly implicated, with commercially canned foods involved infrequently. Outbreaks usually involve only one or two people, but may affect dozens. In infant botulism, honey and corn syrup have been implicated as vehicles. Therapy involves measures to rid the body of unabsorbed toxin, neutralization of unfixed toxin by antitoxin, and adequate intensive care support. See Food poisoning



an acute toxic and infectious disease of the food toxemia group, caused by anaerobic bacteria and their toxins, and characterized by the overwhelmingly severe affection of the nuclei of the cranial nerves. Botulism is found in all parts of the world but more often in countries where the population uses many home-canned products. Mortality due to botulism among those affected in 1965 was 76.5 percent in England, 65 percent in the USA, 40.6 percent in Denmark, 31.9 percent in Japan, and 24.5 percent in the USSR.

The causative agent of botulism is a spore-forming rod, Clostridium botulinum, that belongs to the group of anaerobic microorganisms. There are six types of causative agents of botulism—A, B, C, D, E, and F—each of which produces a specific exotoxin which affects the nervous system. The spores of the causative agent of botulism are found in soil, from which they enter water and food products (fodder), and through them, the intestines of man and animals; they multiply in the intestines and are then dispersed on the earth’s surface in feces.

In humans Man is infected with botulism when the botulism rods and their toxins enter the digestive tract with food. Infection occurs through canned meat and fish (with unsanitary conditions of animal slaughter and processing of carcasses), vegetables, fruits, and canned mushrooms that have not been subjected to proper processing and sterilization. The exotoxin absorbed in the intestine circulates in the blood and affects the nuclei of the cranial nerves and of intracardial nerve ganglia. The incubation period—from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of disease—varies from two hours to ten days; it is usually 18–24 hours. Botulism begins suddenly with the onset of weakness, frequent repeated vomiting, and constipation; the stomach is often distended. Body temperature may be slightly elevated or remain normal. After 3–4 hours dizziness appears, vision is disturbed; the patient sees all objects as though in a fog; there is often double vision and strabismus. The patient’s mouth feels dry and he is thirsty; swallowing food and even water becomes difficult; breathing disturbances are possible. Speech becomes indistinct and the voice very weak. Sometimes convulsions are observed. Death may result from paralysis of the heart or respiratory center.

A reliable diagnosis of botulism is made upon discovery of the toxins or microbes in the blood, vomitus, and so on of the patient. He must be hospitalized as soon as possible. Treatment requires specific antitoxic serum and artificial ventilation of the lungs in respiratory disturbances. Prophylaxis of botulism calls for the observance of sanitary hygienic rules in the preparation of canned foods and in the processing, transportation, and storage of raw foods.

In animals Botulism in animals is food poisoning characterized by paralysis of the pharyngeal musculature, tongue, and lower jaw. Horses, poultry, less frequently cattle, and, among fur bearers, mink are susceptible to botulism. Spores of the causative agent, entering fodder from the soil, germinate under favorable conditions. The botulism toxin, entering the intestine with fodder, is absorbed in the body. Treatment in the initial stage requires purgatives—for instance, arecoline, pilocarpine, and physostigmine—and at a later stage by heart medicines. Prophylaxis calls for the observance of hygiene in the feeding of animals. When the disease occurs on animal-breeding farms, the healthy population is vaccinated.


Bunin, K. V. Diagnostika infektsionnykh boleznei. Moscow, 1965.
Matveev, K. I. Botulizm. Moscow, 1959.
Lukashev, I.I. “Botulizm.” In Veterinarnaia entsiklopediia, vol. 1. Moscow, 1968.



[′bäch·ə‚liz·əm] (medicine) Food poisoning due to intoxication by the exotoxin of Clostridium botulinum and C. parabotulinum.


severe poisoning from ingestion of botulin, which affects the central nervous system producing difficulty in swallowing, visual disturbances, and respiratory paralysis: often fatal






Botulism is caused by botulinum toxin, a natural poison produced by certain bacteria in the Clostridium genus. Exposure to the botulinum toxin occurs mostly from eating contaminated food, or in infants, from certain clostridia growing in the intestine. Botulinum toxin blocks motor nerves' ability to release acetylcho-line, the neurotransmitter that relays nerve signals to muscles, and flaccid paralysis occurs. As botulism progresses, the muscles that control the airway and breathing fail.


Botulism occurs rarely, but it causes concern because of its high fatality rate. Clinical descriptions of botulism possibly reach as far back in history as ancient Rome and Greece. However, the relationship between contaminated food and botulism wasn't defined until the late 1700s. In 1793 the German physician, Justinius Kerner, deduced that a substance in spoiled sausages, which he called wurstgift (German for sausage poison), caused botulism. The toxin's origin and identity remained elusive until Emile von Ermengem, a Belgian professor, isolated Clostridium botulinum in 1895 and identified it as the poison source.Three types of botulism have been identified: foodborne, wound, and infant botulism. The main difference between types hinges on the route of exposure to the toxin. In the United States, there are approximately 110 cases of botulism reported annually. Food-borne botulism accounts for 25% of all botulism cases and usually can be traced to eating contaminated home-preserved food. Infant botulism accounts for 72% of all cases, but the recovery rate is good (about 98%) with proper treatment. From 1990 to 2000, 263 cases of food-borne cases were reported in the United States, most of them in Alaska. Though most were related to home canning, two restaurant-associated outbreaks affected 25 people.Though domestic food poisoning is a problem world-wide, there has been a growing concern regarding the use of botulism toxin in biological warfare and terrorist acts. The Iraqi government admitted in 1995 that it had loaded 11,200 liters of botulinum toxin into SCUD missiles during the Gulf War. Luckily, these special missiles were never used. As of 1999, there were 17 countries known to be developing biological weapons, including the culture of botulism toxins.

Causes and symptoms

Toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum is the main culprit in botulism. Other members of the clostridium genus can produce botulinum toxin, namely C. argentinense, C. butyricum, and C. baratii, but they are minor sources. To grow, these bacteria require a low-acid, oxygen-free environment that is warm (40-120°F or 4.4-48.8°C) and moist. Lacking these conditions, the bacteria transform themselves into spores that, like plant seeds, can remain dormant for years. Clostridia and their spores exist all over the world, especially in soil and aquatic sediments. They do not threaten human or animal health until the spores encounter an environment that favors growth. The spores then germinate, and the growing bacteria produce the deadly botulism toxin.Scientists have discovered that clostridia can produce at least seven types of botulism toxin, identified as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Humans are usually affected by A, B, E, and very rarely F. Domesticated animals such as dogs, cattle, and mink are affected by botulism C toxin, which also affects birds and has caused massive die-offs in domestic bird flocks and wild waterfowl. Botulism D toxin can cause illness in cattle, and horses succumb to botulism A, B, and C toxin. There have been no confirmed human or animal botulism cases linked to the G toxin.In humans, botulinum toxin latches onto specific proteins in nerve endings and irreversibly destroys them. These proteins control the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle cells. With acetylcholine release blocked, nerves are not able to stimulate muscles. Ironically, botulinum toxin has found a beneficial niche in the world of medicine due to this action. Certain medical disorders are characterized by involuntary and uncontrollable muscle contractions. Medical researchers have discovered that injecting a strictly controlled dose of botulinum toxin into affected muscles inhibits excessive muscle contractions. The muscle is partially paralyzed and normal movement is retained. This is commonly referred to as Botox injection.The three types of human botulism include the following symptoms:
  • Food-borne. Food that has been improperly preserved or stored can harbor botulinum toxin-producing clostridia. Botulism symptoms typically appear within 18-36 hours of eating contaminated food, with extremes of four hours to eight days. Initial symptoms include blurred or double vision and difficulty swallowing and speaking. Possible gastrointestinal problems include constipation, nausea, and vomiting. As botulism progresses, the victim experiences weakness or paralysis, starting with the head muscles and progressing down the body. Breathing becomes increasingly difficult. Without medical care, respiratory failure and death are very likely.
  • Infant. Infant botulism was first described in 1976. Unlike adults, infants younger than 12 months are vulnerable to C. botulinum colonizing the intestine. Infants ingest spores in honey or simply by swallowing spore-containing dust. The spores germinate in the large intestine and, as the bacteria grow, they produce botulinum toxin that is absorbed into the infant's body. The first symptoms include constipation, lethargy, and poor feeding. As infant botulism progresses, sucking and swallowing (thus eating) become difficult. A nursing mother will often notice breast engorgement as the first sign of her infant's illness. The baby suffers overall weakness and cannot control head movements. Because of the flaccid paralysis of the muscles, the baby appears "floppy." Breathing is impaired, and death from respiratory failure is a very real danger.
  • Wound. Confirmed cases of wound botulism have been linked to trauma such as severe crush injuries to the extremities, surgery, and illegal drug use. Wound botulism occurs when clostridia colonize an infected wound and produce botulinum toxin. The symptoms usually appear four to 18 days after an injury occurs and are similar to food-borne botulism, although gastrointestinal symptoms may be absent.

Key terms

Acetylcholine — A chemical released by nerve cells to signal other cells.Antitoxin — A substance that inactivates a poison (e.g., toxin) and protects the body from being injured by it.CT scan — The abbreviated term for computed or computerized axial tomography. The test may involve injecting a radioactive contrast into the body. Computers are used to scan for radiation and create cross-sectional images of internal organs.Electromyographic test — A medical test which determines if a muscle's response to electrical stimuli. The test results allow medical personnel to assess how nerves to the muscle are functioning.Flaccid paralysis — Paralysis characterized by limp, unresponsive muscles.Lumbar puncture — A procedure in which a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the lower spine. Examination of this fluid helps diagnose certain illnesses.MRI — The abbreviated term for magnetic resonance imaging. MRI uses a large circular magnet and radio waves to generate signals from atoms in the body. These signals are used to construct images of internal structures.Neurotransmitter — A chemical found in nerves that relays nerve signals to other cells. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter.Sepsis — The presence of infection-causing organisms or associated toxins in the blood or within body tissues.Spores — A state of "suspended animation" that some bacteria can adopt when conditions are not ideal for growth. Spores are analogous to plant seeds and can germinate into growing bacteria when conditions are right.Toxin — A poisonous substance produced by a microorganism, plant, or animal.Tracheostomy — The procedure used to open a hole in the neck to the trachea, or windpipe. It is sometimes used in conjunction with a respirator.


Diagnosis of botulism can be tricky because symptoms mimic those presented by other diseases. Botulism may be confused with Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, drug reactions, stroke, or nervous system infection, intoxications (e.g. carbon monoxide or atropine), or shellfish poisoning. Sepsis is the most common initial diagnosis for infant botulism. Failure to thrive may also be suspected. Some reports have linked infant botulism to 5-15% of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS, crib death) cases. Laboratory tests are used for definitive diagnosis, but if botulism seems likely, treatment starts immediately.While waiting for laboratory results, doctors ask about recently consumed food and work to dismiss other disease possibilities. A physical examination is done with an emphasis on the nervous system. As part of this examination, CT scans, MRIs, electromyographic tests, or lumbar punctures may be ordered. Laboratory tests involve testing a suspected food and/ or the patient's serum, feces, or other specimens for traces of botulinum toxin or clostridia.



Adults with botulism are treated with an antitoxin derived from horse serum that is distributed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The antitoxin (effective against toxin types A, B, and E) inactivates only the botulinum toxin that is unattached to nerve endings. Early injection of antitoxin (usually within 24 hours of onset of symptoms) can preserve nerve endings, prevent progression of the disease, and reduce mortality.Infants, however, cannot receive the antitoxin used for adults. For them, human botulism immune globulin (BIG) is available in the United States through the Infant Botulism Treatment and Prevention Program in Berkeley, California. BIG neutralizes toxin types A, B, C, D, and E before they can bind to nerves. This antitoxin can provide protection against A and B toxins for approximately four months. Though many infants recover with supportive care, BIG cuts hospital stay in half, and therefore reduces hospital costs by 50% as well.Aside from antitoxin, no drugs are used to treat botulism. Antibiotics are not effective for preventing or treating botulism. In fact, antibiotic use is discouraged for infants because dying bacteria could potentially release more toxin into a baby's system. Antibiotics can be used, however, to treat secondary respiratory tract and other infections.

Respiratory support

Treatment for infants usually involves intensive respiratory support and tube feeding for weeks or even months. Once an infant can breathe unaided, physical therapy is initiated to help the child relearn how to suck and swallow. A respirator is often required to help adult patients breathe, and a tracheostomy may also be necessary.


Surgery may be necessary to clean an infected wound and remove the source of the bacteria that is producing the toxin. Antimicrobial therapy may be necessary.

Gastric lavage

When botulism is caused by food, it often is necessary to flush the gastrointestinal tract (gastric lavage). Often cathartic agents or enemas are used. It is important to avoid products that contain magnesium, since magnesium enhances the effect of the toxin.


With medical intervention, botulism victims can recover completely, though slowly. It takes weeks to months to recover from botulism, and severe cases can take years before a total recovery is attained. Recovery depends on the nerve endings building new proteins to replace those destroyed by botulinum toxin.


Vaccines against botulism do not exist to prevent infant botulism or other forms of the disease. However, scientists announced in 2004 that they had successfully vaccinated mice and ducks against type C and D, which may help lead to vaccines for humans. Food safety is the surest prevention for botulism. Botulinum toxin cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted, so the wisest course is to discard any food that seems spoiled without tasting it. Home canners must be diligent about using sterile equipment and following U.S. Department of Agriculture canning guidelines. If any part of a canned food container is rusty or bulging, the food should not be eaten. Infant botulism is difficult to prevent, because controlling what goes into an infant's mouth is often beyond control, especially in regard to spores in the air. One concrete preventive is to never feed honey to infants younger than 12 months since it is one known source of botulism spores. As infants begin eating solid foods, the same food precautions should be followed as for adults.



Cadou, Stephanie G. "Diagnosing Infant Botulism." The Nurse Practitioner 26, no.3 (March 2001): 76.Shapiro, Roger L. and David L. Swerdlow. "Botulism: Keys to Prompt Recognition and Therapy." Consultant (April 1999): 1021-1024.Sobel, Jeremy, et al. "Foodborne Botulism in the United States, 1990–2000." Emerging Infectious Diseases (September 2004): 1606-1612."Vaccination With Botulinum Neurotoxin Fragments Prevents Botuism." Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week (August 7, 2004): 117.


 [boch´u-lizm] 1. any poisoning caused by Clostridium botulinum in the body; it produces a neurotoxin called toxin" >botulinum toxin.2. specifically, a rare but severe, often fatal, form of food poisoning due to ingestion of improperly canned or preserved foods contaminated with Clostridium botulinum. Called also foodborne botulism. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, weakness, constipation, and nerve paralysis (causing difficulty in seeing, breathing, and swallowing), with death from paralysis of the respiratory organs. To prevent botulism, home canning and preserving of all nonacid foods (that is, all foods other than fruits and tomatoes) must be done according to proper specific directions.Treatment. Treatment is determined based on the type of botulism, but careful respiratory assessment and support are always required. An antitoxin to block the action of toxin circulating in the blood can be used for foodborne and wound botulism if the problem is diagnosed and treated early.foodborne botulism botulism (def. 2).infant botulism that affecting infants, typically 4 to 26 weeks of age, marked by constipation, lethargy, hypotonia, and feeding difficulty; it may lead to respiratory insufficiency. It results from toxin produced in the gut by ingested organisms, rather than from preformed toxins.wound botulism a form resulting from infection of a wound with Clostridium botulinum.


(bot'yū-lizm), Food poisioning usually caused by the ingestion of the neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum from improperly canned or preserved food; mainly affects humans, chickens, water fowl, cattle, sheep, and horses; characterized by paralysis in all species; can be fatal; pigs, dogs, and cats are somewhat resistant. In some cases (for example, in infants) botulism may be formed in the gastrointestinal tract by ingested organisms.
See also: Clostridium botulinum.
[L. botulus, sausage]


(bŏch′ə-lĭz′əm)n. A severe, sometimes fatal food poisoning caused by ingestion of food containing botulin and characterized by nausea, vomiting, disturbed vision, muscular weakness, and fatigue.


A potentially fatal condition characterised by paralysis caused by a potent neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum under anaerobic conditions, either linked to canned food or acquired via wounds.
Clinical findings
Progressive dizziness, blurred vision, slurred speech, dysphagia, nausea, decreased gag reflex.
Clinical forms
Infant botulism, food-borne botulism, wound botulism, idiopathic.
Botulinum antitoxin.


A paralyzing disease caused by a potent toxin produced by C botulinum under anaerobic conditions, which is either foodborne or is acquired via wounds Clinical Progressive dizziness, blurred vision, slurred speech, dysphagia, nausea, ↓ gag reflex Clinical forms Infant botulism, food-borne botulism, wound botulism, idiopathic Treatment Botulism antitoxin


(boch'ŭ-lizm) Food poisoningcaused by the ingestion of the neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum and related bacteria, usually in improperly canned or preserved food; causes paralysis and can be fatal; can also result from inhalation of preformed botulinum toxin.
See also: Clostridium botulinum
[L. botulus, sausage]


Food poisoning by the toxin of the organism Clostridium botulinum which may contaminate homemade meat pastes and tinned foods. The toxin causes vomiting, abdominal pain and severe muscle paralysis, including paralysis of the respiratory muscles. A small dose may be fatal.


a dangerous type of food poisoning, caused by toxins from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, an obligate ANAEROBE that grows well in airtight containers (e.g. tins) which have not been properly sterilized before being filled. The toxin acts against the nervous system, particularly the CRANIAL NERVES, producing weakness and sometimes paralysis. The disease is named after the Latin botulus meaning sausage, a common source of the bacterium.


Related to botulism: Infant botulism, Botulism toxin
  • noun

Words related to botulism

noun food poisoning from ingesting botulin

Related Words

  • food poisoning
  • gastrointestinal disorder




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