carpopedal spasm

car·po·ped·al spasm

spasm of the feet and hands observed in hyperventilation, calcium deprivation, and tetany: flexion of the hands at the wrists and of the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the fingers at the phalangeal joints; the feet are dorsiflexed at the ankles and the toes plantar flexed.

carpopedal spasm

Medicine Spasms of hands and feet due to ↓ Ca2+ or hyperventilation

car·po·ped·al spasm

(kahr'pō-ped'ăl spazm) Spasm of the feet and hands observed in hyperventilation, calcium deprivation, and tetany: flexion of the hands at the wrists and of the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the fingers at the phalangeal joints; the feet are dorsiflexed at the ankles and the toes plantar flexed.
Synonym(s): carpopedal contraction.