

单词 as well

as well

well 1

W0085000 (wĕl)n.1. A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine.2. A container or reservoir for a liquid, such as ink.3. a. A place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain.b. A mineral spring.c. wells A watering place; a spa.4. An abundant source: a well of information.5. An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building, as for stairs or ventilation.6. Nautical a. An enclosure in a ship's hold for the pumps.b. A compartment or recessed area in a ship, used for stowage: an anchor well.c. A part of a ship's weather deck enclosed between two watertight bulkheads.7. A cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive.8. An enclosed space for receiving and holding something, such as the wheels of an airplane when retracted.9. Chiefly British The central space in a law court, directly in front of the judge's bench, where the counsel or solicitor sits.v. welled, well·ing, wells v.intr.1. To rise to the surface, ready to flow: Tears welled in my eyes.2. To rise or surge from an inner source: Anger welled up in me.v.tr. To pour forth.
[Middle English welle, from Old English; see wel- in Indo-European roots.]

well 2

W0085000 (wĕl)adv. bet·ter (bĕt′ər), best (bĕst) 1. In a good or proper manner: behaved well.2. Skillfully or proficiently: dances well.3. Satisfactorily or sufficiently: slept well.4. Successfully or effectively: gets along well with people.5. In a comfortable or affluent manner: lived well.6. In a manner affording benefit or gain; advantageously: married well.7. With reason or propriety; reasonably: can't very well say no.8. In all likelihood; indeed: You may well need your umbrella.9. In a prudent or sensible manner: You would do well to say nothing more.10. In a close or familiar manner: knew them well.11. In a favorable or approving manner: spoke well of them.12. Thoroughly; completely: well cooked; cooked well.13. Perfectly; clearly: I well understand your intentions.14. To a suitable or appropriate degree: This product will answer your needs equally well.15. To a considerable extent or degree: well over the estimate.16. With care or attention: listened well.17. Entirely; fully: well worth seeing.adj. better, best 1. In a satisfactory condition; right or proper: All is well.2. a. Not ailing, infirm, or diseased; healthy. See Synonyms at healthy.b. Cured or healed, as a wound.c. Of or characterized by the maintenance of good health practices. Often used in combination: a well-baby clinic; a well-child visit to the doctor.3. a. Advisable; prudent: It would be well not to ask.b. Fortunate; good: It is well that you stayed.interj.1. Used to introduce a remark, resume a narrative, or fill a pause during conversation.2. Used to express surprise.Idioms: as well1. In addition; also: mentioned other matters as well.2. With equal effect: I might as well go. in well with Informal In a position to influence or be favored by: He's in well with management.
[Middle English wel, from Old English; see wel- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: English speakers have used well both as an adjective and as an adverb since Old English times. When applied to people, the adjective well usually refers to a state of health. Like similar adjectives, such as ill and faint, well in this use is normally restricted to the predicate, as in He hasn't been well lately. Well does see occasional use before a noun, as in Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Dick eats like a well man, and drinks like a sick." It also appears in compound adjectives like well-baby and well-child, which are widely used by health-care providers. Good, on the other hand, has a much wider range of senses, including "attractive," as in He looks good, and "competent," as in She's pretty good for a beginner, as well as "healthy." See Usage Note at good.


– too">too – as well

You use also, too, or as well when you are giving more information about something.

1. 'also'

Also is usually used in front of a verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, you put also immediately in front of the verb, unless the verb is be.

I also began to be interested in cricket.They also helped out.

If the verb is be, you put also after it.

I was also an American.

If there is an auxiliary verb, you put also after the auxiliary verb.

The symptoms of the illness were also described in the book.

If there is more than one auxiliary verb, you put also after the first one.

We'll also be learning about healthy eating.

Also is sometimes put at the beginning of a clause.

She is very intelligent. Also, she is gorgeous.

Be Careful!
Don't put also at the end of a clause.

2. 'too'

You usually put too at the end of a clause.

Now the problem affects middle-class children, too.I'll miss you, and Steve will, too.

In conversation, too is used after a word or phrase when you are making a brief comment on something that has just been said.

'His father kicked him out of the house.' – 'Quite right, too.''They've finished mending the road.' – 'About time, too!'

Too is sometimes put after the first noun phrase in a clause.

I wondered whether I too would become ill., Melissa, too, felt miserable.

However, the position of too can make a difference to the meaning of a sentence. 'I am an American too' can mean either 'Like the person just mentioned, I am an American' or 'Besides having the other qualities just mentioned, I am an American'. However, 'I too am an American' can only mean 'Like the person just mentioned, I am an American'.

Don't put too at the beginning of a sentence.

For more information, see too
3. 'as well'

As well always goes at the end of a clause.

Filter coffee is better for your health than instant coffee. And it tastes nicer as well.They will have a difficult year next year as well.
4. negatives

You don't usually use 'also', 'too', or 'as well' in negative clauses. Don't say, for example, 'I'm not hungry and she's not hungry too'. You say 'I'm not hungry and she's not hungry either', 'I'm not hungry and neither is she', or 'I'm not hungry and nor is she'.

Edward wasn't at the ceremony, either.'I don't normally drink coffee in the evening.' – 'Neither do I.'See either, neither, nor
Adv.1.as well - in additionas well - in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"also, besides, likewise, too


(wel) comparative better (ˈbetə) : superlative best (best) adjective1. healthy. I don't feel very / at all well; She doesn't look very well; She's been ill but she's quite well now. 健康的 健康的2. in a satisfactory state or condition. All is well now. 令人滿意的狀態 令人满意的 adverb1. in a good, correct, successful, suitable etc way. He's done well to become a millionaire at thirty; She plays the piano well; Mother and baby are both doing well; How well did he do in the exam? 很好地,正確地,成功地,適合地 很好地,正确地,成功地,适合地 2. with good reason; with justice. You may well look ashamed – that was a cruel thing to do; You can't very well refuse to go. 有理由地 有理由地3. with approval or praise. He speaks well of you. 讚美地 赞扬地4. used (with eg damn, ~jolly etc) for emphasis. You can jolly well do it yourself! 用於強調 (用于加重语气)很… 5. thoroughly. Examine the car well before you buy it. 徹底地 彻底地6. to a great or considerable extent. He is well over fifty. 很多,相當多 (表示程度)很,相当 interjection1. used to express surprise etc. Well! I'd never have believed it! (表示驚訝)喔! (表示惊讶)咳!,喂! 2. used when re-starting a conversation, starting an explanation etc. Do you remember John Watson? Well, he's become a teacher. (用於重新開始對話,開始說明等) 於是… (用于重新开始说话时)喔,这个... well-1. in a good, satisfactory etc way etc, as in well-behaved. (前綴)良好的...,令人滿意的… (前綴)好的... 2. very much, as in well-known. (前綴)很,非常 (前綴)很,非常 ˌwell-beˈhaved adjective behaving correctly. well-behaved children. 有規矩的 有礼貌的ˌwell-ˈbeing noun welfare. She is always very concerned about her mother's well-being. 福祉 健康,幸福 ˌwell-ˈbred adjective (of a person) having good manners. 教養良好的 教养良好的ˌwell-ˈbuilt adjective muscular; having a strong, handsome figure. 體格健壯的 体格健壮的ˌwell-ˈdone adjective (of meat) cooked until there is no blood in it; (of food) cooked for a long time. 完全煮熟的 完全煮熟的ˌwell-ˈearned adjective thoroughly deserved. a well-earned rest. 完全應得的 应得的,正当得来的 ˌwell-ˈeducated adjective educated to a good standard. 受過良好教育的 受过良好教育的ˌwell-ˈfed adjective correctly and sufficiently fed. 營養充足的 营养充足的ˌwell-ˈgroomed adjective of smart, tidy appearance. 精心打扮的 穿着考究的ˌwell-inˈformed adjective having or showing a thorough knowledge. a well-informed person/essay. 消息靈通的 消息灵通的ˌwell-ˈknown adjective familiar or famous. a well-known TV personality. 知名的 知名的ˌwell-ˈmade adjectivea well-made table. 做工精細的 做工精细的ˌwell-ˈmannered adjective polite. 有禮貌的 有礼貌的ˌwell-ˈoff adjective1. rich. He is very well-off; a well-off young lady. 富有的 富有的2. fortunate. You do not know when you are well off. 幸運的 幸运的ˌwell-ˈread (-ˈred) adjective having read many books etc; intelligent. 博學的 博学的ˌwell-ˈspoken adjective (of a person) speaking with a pleasing voice, in a grammatically correct way etc. 談吐文雅的 谈吐文雅的,善于言词的 ˌwell-to-ˈdo adjective having enough money to live comfortably. 小康的 富有的,宽裕的 ˌwell-wisher noun a person who wishes one success etc. 祝福者 祝愿者as well in addition; too. If you will go, I'll go as well. 也,又 也,又 as well as in addition to. She works in a restaurant in the evenings as well as doing a full-time job during the day. 以及 也,又,除…之外(也) be just as well to be fortunate; to be no cause for regret. It's just as well (that) you didn't go – the meeting was cancelled. 幸運的,沒什麼可以抱怨的 幸运的be as well to to be advisable or sensible. It would be as well to go by train – the roads are flooded. 不妨 不妨very well fine, okay. Have you finished? Very well, you may go now. 好了 太好啦well done! used in congratulating a person. I hear you won the competition. Well done! 做得好 干得好well enough fairly, but not particularly, well. 還好 还好well up in knowing a great deal about. He's very well up in financial matters. 懂很多 熟悉

as well

as well

1. Also; in addition. Your mother is coming as well, so make sure to include her in the head count. I included all of my receipts as well, in case you need them.2. Used between two ideas that will have the same impact. Typically used in the phrases "might as well" and "just as well." I'm not excited about it, but I might as well go to the party because my girlfriend will be mad at me if I don't. It's just as well that I didn't get that job—I don't think I would have fit in there.See also: well

as well

also; in addition. Could I have a second helping of potatoes as well? I'm feeling tired, and dizzy as well.See also: well

as well

1. In addition, besides, also. For example, Mary is going to Italy and to France as well, or A fine conductor, he plays the violin as well. [1300s] 2. With an equal or similar result, as in Since he can't get there in time, he might as well stay at home, or It's just as well that you came today, since Harry is here, too. [1400s] See also: well

as well (as somebody/something)

in addition to somebody/something; too: Are they coming as well?They sell books as well as newspapers.She’s a talented musician as well as being a photographer.See also: well

as well

1. In addition; also: mentioned other matters as well.2. With equal effect: I might as well go.See also: well

as well

  • adv

Synonyms for as well

adv in addition


  • also
  • besides
  • likewise
  • too




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