释义 |
Erdi a plateau in the southern Sahara, in the Republic of Chad. The plateau is separated from the more southerly plateau of Ennedi by the arid Mourdi depression. It rises to an elevation of 1,115 m. It is composed of sandstones, and its western and eastern slopes end abruptly in wadis. There is sparse xerophilic vegetation, and acacia and spurge shrubs grow in the wadis. ERDI
Acronym | Definition |
ERDI➣Emergency Response Diving International | ERDI➣European Research and Development Institutes (Mechelen, Belgium) | ERDI➣Energy Research and Development Institute (Chiang Mai University; Thailand) | ERDI➣Enhanced Remote Defect Indicator (Cisco) | ERDI➣Exploratory Research and Development Initiative | ERDI➣Early Repolarization Deviation Index (cardiac arrhythmia research parameter) | ERDI➣Early Reinjection Delayed Image (myocardial viability determination technique) |