acral lentiginous melanoma

ac·ral len·tig·i·nous mel·a·no·ma

a form of malignant lentigo melanoma that occurs in palms, soles, and subungual areas.

acral lentiginous melanoma

A rare, flat, palmoplantar, subungual or intraoral (malignant) melanoma, which is more common in non-caucasians (it is the most common melanoma in Blacks and Asians); average 5-year survival < 50%; ALMs are unrelated to sun exposure, but may be related to ectopic pigmentation.

acral lentiginous melanoma

A rare, flat, palmoplantar or subungual melanoma, more common in non-whites, average 5-yr survival < 50%, unrelated to actinic exposure, but possibly related to ectopic pigmentation. See Melanoma.