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dis·trib·u·tive D0296700 (dĭ-strĭb′yə-tĭv)adj.1. a. Of, relating to, or involving distribution.b. Serving to distribute.2. Mathematics Of or relating to a property involving two binary operations, usually multiplication and addition, in which the product of an element with a sum of terms is equal to the sum of the individual products of that element with each term. That is, if a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c, then the operation indicated by × is distributive over the operation indicated by +.3. Grammar Referring to each individual or entity of a group separately rather than collectively, as every in the sentence Every employee attended the meeting.n. A distributive word or term. dis·trib′u·tive·ly adv.dis·trib′u·tive·ness n.ThesaurusAdv. | 1. | distributively - as individuals or as separate units (not collectively); "taken distributively, their rights are imperceptible" | | 2. | distributively - in a distributive manner; "marine vertebrates have their weight supported distributively by the water" | EncyclopediaSeedistributive |