

 [krĭ-si´ah-sis] 1. deposition of gold particles in the tissues as a result of prolonged or excessive parenteral chrysotherapy, which commonly causes adverse reactions consisting primarily of dermatitis, stomatitis, or transient mild proteinuria; more serious toxicity involves the hematopoietic system, liver, kidney, eye (cornea, lens), or other vital organs.2. chrysoderma.


(kri-sī'ă-sis), A permanent slate-gray discoloration of the skin and sclera resulting from deposition of gold in macrophages.
See also: chrysocyanosis.
Synonym(s): auriasis, aurochromoderma [G. chrysos, gold]


(kris-ī'ă-sis) A permanent slate-gray discoloration of the skin and sclera resulting from deposition of gold in the connective tissue of the skin and eye together with increased melanin formation after administration of gold.
Synonym(s): chrysoderma.
[G. chrysos, gold]


A deposition of gold in tissues, especially the cornea and conjunctiva and the lens leading to cataract. It occurs as a result of prolonged gold therapy (e.g. gold tablets, which are occasionally used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis).