

单词 cpe



(computer science) computer performance evaluation


Customer Premises Equipment


(Customer Premises Equipment) Communications equipment that resides on the customer's premises.



Abbreviation for:
carboxypeptidase E
cardiogeneic pulmonary edema
cathodic protection equipment
cellulose polyethylene
Certificate for Physical Education (Medspeak-UK)
chlorinated polyethylene
chronic pulmonary emphysema (COPD is widely preferred)
circadian periodicity experiment
continuing professional education, see there
cytopathic effect, see there


CPECustomer Premise Equipment (telecommunications provisioning)
CPECustomer Premises Equipment (home telecommunicatons equipment)
CPEContinuing Professional Education
CPEClinical Pastoral Education
CPECertificate of Proficiency in English (Cambridge ESOL exam)
CPEConseiller Principal d'Éducation (French: Principal Educational Advisor)
CPEComputer Engineering
CPECouncil on Postsecondary Education
CPEContrat Première Embauche (French: contract first engages)
CPEContinuing Pharmacy Education
CPECentre de Promotion des Entreprises (French: Business Promotion Center)
CPEChlorinated Polyethylene (cable jacket)
CPECompatibility and Power Electronics (workshop)
CPECytopathic Effect
CPECommon Platform Enumeration (MITRE Corporation)
CPECentre de La Petite Enfance (French: kindergarten)
CPEConseil Permanent des Écrivains (French: Permanent Council of Writers)
CPEComparative Political Economy (various organizations)
CPEChampion Power Equipment (Santa Fe Springs, CA)
CPECouncil for Private Education (Singapore)
CPECustomer Premise Equipment
CPECreate Parity Error
CPEController Processor Electronics
CPEControl Processing Equipment
CPEContinued Professional Education
CPECall if Parity Even
CPECooperative Process Oriented Environment
CPECytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element (RNA)
CPECoordination Paysanne Européenne
CPEChimie Physique Electronique
CPECollege Park Elementary (various locations)
CPEColumbia Pictures Entertainment
CPECommon Professional Examination (UK)
CPECustomer Provided Equipment
CPECertified Professional Ergonomist (BCPE)
CPECorporate and Professional Education (various organizations)
CPEContrat de Première Embauche
CPECentre de Perfectionnement des Entreprises (French: Business Development Center)
CPECustomer & Partner Experience (Microsoft)
CPECUNY Proficiency Exam
CPEChemical and Process Engineering
CPECertified Professional Estimator
CPECertified Professional Electrologist
CPECoalition for Public Education (various organizations)
CPECoastal Planning & Engineering (various locations)
CPECorrugated Polyethylene Pipe
CPECertified Physician Executive (American College of Physician Executives)
CPECentre Populaire d'Enseignement (French: Popular Education Center)
CPEClinical Performance Evaluation (various universities)
CPEComputer Performance Evaluation
CPEConditions Particulières d'Emploi (French: Specific Conditions of Employment)
CPECertified Plant Engineer
CPEComplete Physical Examination (also seen as CPX)
CPECertificate for Primary Education (various locations)
CPEContrat d'Études Prospectives (French: Contract for Prospective Studies)
CPEConcept Partenaire Entreprises (French: Business Partner Concept)
CPEComprehensive Physical Examination (medical care)
CPECentre for Protein Engineering
CPEContrato del Primer Empleo (Spanish)
CPECenter for Popular Economics
CPEContractors' Plant and Equipment Insurance
CPEContributions to Political Economy
CPECenter for Parent Education
CPECommon Phase Error
CPECentre for Program Evaluation
CPECentral Processing Element
CPEContractor Performance Evaluation
CPEClinical Proficiency Examination
CPECollective Protection Equipment
CPECover Page Editor
CPECommission de Politique Exterieure
CPEChinese Pidgin English (SIL code, Nauru)
CPECorrugated Polyethylene
CPECentre de Psychologie Économique (French: Economic Psychology Center)
CPECollège Pratique d'Ethnobotanique (French: Practical Ethnobotany College)
CPECampeche International Airport (airport code, Mexico)
CPEContingency Planning Exchange, Inc.
CPECountry Programme Evaluation (various locations)
CPECampaign to Promote Engineering
CPECritical Political Economy
CPECircular Probable Error
CPECollege Preparatory English
CPECurrent Product Engineering
CPECenter for Protein Engineering
CPEContact Point Embassy (NATO)
CPECharged Particle Equilibrium
CPECenter for Popular Education
CPECenter for Petroleum Engineering
CPEConfederation of Polish Employers (Poland)
CPECycles Per Element
CPECommunications, Participation and Education (program)
CPEConsumer Products Enterprises, Inc.
CPECentral Processing Equipment
CPECanine Performance Event
CPEChemical Potential Energy
CPECalifornia Power Exchange
CPEClinical Perfusion Education
CPEChannel Parameter Estimation
CPEContinence Product Evaluation
CPEChief Program Engineer
CPECoupe Progressive d'Ensemencement (French: Shelterwood Seeding; timber management)
CPECatalytic Process Engineering
CPECertified Professional Editor (Editors' Association of Canada)
CPECommander's Predictive Environment
CPEComprehensive Provincial Examination
CPECoolest Person Ever
CPECertified Process Engineer
CPECritical Process Equipment (a pressurized vessel in which the fundamental chemico-physical reaction takes place)
CPECounseling and Psychology in Education
CPEChange Package Engineer (NASA)
CPEConsumer Provided Equipment
CPEContinued Proficiency Endorsement
CPEContinuous Particle Electrophoresis
CPEComunitat Política Europea
CPECaring for People in Everyway
CPEConstruct Protect Engineering (Belgium)
CPEComité Permanant sur l'Éthique (Canada)
CPEClaims Per Employee (insurance)
CPECarrier Phase Estimator
CPECTAS Processing Equipment (HWCI)
CPECentres for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship (Israel)
CPECompanion Pet Enterprises
CPECritical Program Error
CPECommand Post Equipment (SCTIS terminal)
CPECloud Processing Equipment
CPEChannel Processing Element (mainframes)
CPECapacity Performance Engineering
CPECore Physical Education (academics)
CPECoulomb Wave-Plane Wave Description with Effective Screening
CPECorporate Platform Expansion
CPEContinuous-Phase Encoder/Encoding
CPECentrally Procured Equipment
CPECentral Programmer & Evaluator
CPEConventional Planning & Execution
CPECertified Principal Engineer
CPECytosoluble Protein Extract (immunology)
CPECoastal Projects Engineer




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