


a balneological health spa in Rumania, 26 km from the Toplita railroad station, located in one of the most picturesque corners of Transylvania, in the foothills of the Giurgeului Mountains, at an altitude of 900 m. Borsec has a mid-mountain climate that is moderately humid; the average annual temperature is 5° C (averaging -7° C in January and 14.5° C in July); precipitation is approximately 800 mm a year. The spa’s therapeutic resources are the cold (9° C) carbonated springs of the hydrocarbonate-calcium-mag-nesium type, whose waters are used for bathing, drinking, and bottling (up to 20 million liters a year). The spa is prescribed for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestinal disorders, and bladder disorders. Borsec has sanatoriums, rest homes, balneological hospitals, and watering pavilions. There is a mountain weather station. The spa is open year-round.


Borisov, A. D. Vazhneishie kurorty sotsialisticheskikh stran Ev-ropy. Moscow, 1967.