chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis

Ha·shi·mo·to thy·roi·di·tis

(hah-shē-mō'tō), diffuse infiltration of the thyroid gland with lymphocytes, resulting in diffuse goiter, progressive destruction of the parenchyma and hypothyroidism. Synonym(s): autoimmune thyroiditis, chronic lymphadenoid thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, Hashimoto disease, Hashimoto struma, lymphocytic thyroiditis, struma lymphomatosa

chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis

Hashimoto's disease, see there.


(thi?royd?it'is) [ thyroid + -itis] Inflammation of the thyroid gland.

chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis

Hashimoto thyroiditis.

giant cell thyroiditis

Thyroiditis characterized by the presence of giant cells, round-cell infiltration, fibrosis, and destruction of follicles.

Hashimoto thyroiditis

See: Hashimoto thyroiditis

postpartum thyroiditis

A brief alteration in thyroid function occurring in the weeks and months after delivery of a child. Affected women typically become temporarily hyperthyroid and then hypothyroid before returning to normal thyroid function.

Riedel thyroiditis

See: Riedel, Bernhard M. K. L.