Acronym | Definition |
FAF➣Forgive And Forget |
FAF➣Fish and Fisheries (journal; Wiley) |
FAF➣Fine Arts Festival |
FAF➣Freedom Isn't Free |
FAF➣Federação Angolana de Futebol (Portuguese: Angolan Football Federation; Angola) |
FAF➣First American Financial Corporation (Santa Ana, CA) |
FAF➣Family and Friends |
FAF➣Friends Asking Friends (software) |
FAF➣Fast and Furious |
FAF➣First Amendment Foundation (Florida) |
FAF➣Finnish Air Force |
FAF➣Financial Accounting Foundation |
FAF➣Forged Alliance Forever (gaming community) |
FAF➣French Air Force |
FAF➣Fuel Adjustment Factor (shipping industry) |
FAF➣Freight Analysis Framework |
FAF➣The Fast and the Furious (movie) |
FAF➣Friendship Ambassadors Foundation |
FAF➣Fire-And-Forget |
FAF➣Fonds d'Assurance Formation (French: Insurance Training Fund) |
FAF➣Find All Files |
FAF➣Financial Aid Form |
FAF➣Faith and Freedom (various locations) |
FAF➣Film Arts Foundation (San Francsisco, CA) |
FAF➣Final Approach Fix |
FAF➣File and Forget |
FAF➣Fifty Amp Fuse (band) |
FAF➣Fine Arts Facility (Westlake High School; Austin, TX) |
FAF➣FishAmerica Foundation |
FAF➣Fédération des Aveugles et Handicapés Visuels de France (French: Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired of France) |
FAF➣Family Assistance Fund (various organizations) |
FAF➣Find a Facilitator (Mid-Atlantic Facilitators Network) |
FAF➣Family of the Americas Foundation |
FAF➣Full Auto Frame (computer graphics) |
FAF➣Farmworker Association of Florida |
FAF➣Financial Aid Fund (various organizations) |
FAF➣Families Are Forever |
FAF➣Facility Failure |
FAF➣Foreign Accumulation Fund (Australia) |
FAF➣Fund for Arkansas' Future (Little Rock, AR) |
FAF➣Fast, Accurate, and Friendly (McDonald's employee training) |
FAF➣Fundación Angélica Fuentes (Spanish: Angelica Fuentes Foundation; Guatemala) |
FAF➣France Aux Français (French) |
FAF➣Forward Available Fleet (UK Royal Air Force) |
FAF➣Family Assessment Form (Children's Bureau evaluation software) |
FAF➣Family Arabian Foal (Breyer mold) |
FAF➣Frost and Flame (online game) |
FAF➣Forum Atomique Français |
FAF➣Fast Access Format |
FAF➣Flora Academic Foundation |
FAF➣Free Art Friday |
FAF➣Future Animators of the Future |
FAF➣Friends Are Forever |
FAF➣Foreign Assistance Framework |
FAF➣Fondation Alliance Française (French: French Alliance Foundation) |
FAF➣fee assessment form |
FAF➣Feature Activation File |
FAF➣Forward Air Field (South African Air Force) |
FAF➣Fuzing, Arming & Firing |
FAF➣Facts and Fables (speech database, Carnegie Mellon Universit) |
FAF➣Forward and Aft Fuselage (aviation) |
FAF➣First Appearance Facility (parking ticket cancellation guidelines; Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |