Borovsk Pafnutev Monastery
Borovsk Pafnut’ev Monastery
an architectural complex near Borovsk (Kaluga Oblast).
Founded in 1444, the Borovsk Pafnut’ev Monastery was built mainly in the 16th-17th centuries. Severe fortress-like walls with square tent-shaped towers (17th century; Vkhod-naia, Georgievskaia, and Oruzheinaia towers—architect T. Sharutin) protect the territory on which are located the Rozhdestvenskii Cathedral with five cupolas (1591–96; wall paintings, 1644), a three-story refectory (1511) with a single-pillared chamber, and a belfry. (The bottom tier of the belfry was built in 1522; the two upper tiers and the facades in Naryshkin style were built in the late 17th century. Tiles are by the master S. I. Polubes.)
Mashkov, I. “Krepostnye sooruzheniia Borovskogo Pafnut’-evskogo Monastyria Kaluzhskoi Gubernii.” Drevnosti: Trudy Komissii po sokhraneniu drevnikh pamiatnikov . . . Moskov-skogo arkheologicheskogo obschchestva, vol. 4. Moscow, 1912. Pages 313–21.Nikolaev, E. V. Po Kaluzhskoi Zemle.... 2nd ed. Moscow, 1970. Pages 11–24.