释义 |
cariostatic[¦kar·ē·ə¦stad·ik] (physiology) Acting to halt bone or tooth decay. cariostatic
car·i·o·stat·ic (kār'ē-ō-stat'ik), Exerting an inhibitory action on the progress of dental caries.car·i·o·stat·ic (kar'ē-ō-stat'ik) Referring to a material or procedure that prevents or retards the formation and progression of dental caries. [L. caries, decay, + G. statikos, bringing to a stop]car·i·o·stat·ic (kar'ē-ō-stat'ik) Exerting inhibitory action on progress of dental caries. [L. caries, decay, + G. statikos, bringing to a stop] |