

单词 cpc



(1) (Central Processing Complex) An IBM mainframe that has two or more central processors (CPs) sharing the same memory. It is the collection of processors, memory and I/O subsystems manufactured with a single serial number, typically all contained in one cabinet.

(2) (Collaborative Product Commerce) An earlier term for product life cycle management. See PLM.



Abbreviation for:
carotid pulse curve
cells per colony
central posterior curve
centrifugal partition chromatography
cerebral palsy clinic
cerebral performance category
cerebropedal commissure
certified professional chemist
chemical protective clothing
chest pain center
child protection center
Child Protection Council (NZ)
choroid plexus calcification
choroid plexus carcinoma
choroid plexus cyst
chronic passive congestion, see there
circumferential pneumatic compression
clinical pathology conference
clinicopathological conference
combat psychiatric casualty
complex partial crises
confidential personal code
cost per case (Medspeak-UK)


1. Chronic passive congestion. See Nutmeg liver.2. Clinicopathologic conference, or clinical pathology conference.

clinicopathological conference



A teaching conference in which clinical findings are presented to a physician previously unfamiliar with a case, who then attempts to diagnose the disease that would explain the clinical findings. The exact diagnosis is then presented by the pathologist, who has either examined the tissue removed at surgery or has performed the autopsy.
FinancialSeeCost per Click


CPCCost Per Click (online advertising)
CPCClimate Prediction Center
CPCCertificate of Professional Competence (UK)
CPCCity Planning Commission
CPCCommunist Party of China
CPCCertified Professional Coder (American Academy of Professional Coders)
CPCCrisis Pregnancy Center
CPCCaspian Pipeline Consortium
CPCCentral Product Classification
CPCCarolina Population Center
CPCCellule de Prévention et de Crise (French: Crisis and Prevention Unit; est. 2011)
CPCCenter for Plant Conservation
CPCCondensation Particle Counter
CPCCommunity Preservation Committee (various locations)
CPCCanada Post Corporation
CPCCódigo de Processo Civil (Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure)
CPCCooperative Patent Classification (EU and US)
CPCComputer Physics Communications
CPCCenter for Primary Care (various locations)
CPCConservative Party of Canada
CPCCrnogorska Pravoslavna Crkva (Serbian: Montenegrin Orthodox Church)
CPCCertified Pension Consultant
CPCCorrosion Preventive Compound
CPCChromosomal Passenger Complex
CPCCentre de Promotion de la Coiffure (French beauty school)
CPCCalcined Petroleum Coke (carbon product)
CPCCertified Personnel Consultant
CPCCentral Presbyterian Church
CPCCommission for Protection of Competition (trade; EU)
CPCCommon Pleas Court (various locations)
CPCCollege Panhellenic Council (various schools)
CPCConsumer Protection Commission (various locations)
CPCCal Poly Corporation (California)
CPCColder Products Company
CPCCanadian Paralympic Committee
CPCCountry of Particular Concern
CPCCanadian Pork Council
CPCCommission Professionnelle Consultative (French: Professional Consultative Committee)
CPCCentral Processor Complex
CPCCost per Click
CPCComputer Prompting and Captioning
CPCComputing Center
CPCCard Programmed Calculator
CPCComputer Process Control
CPCCisco Provisioning Center
CPCConstant Power Control
CPCCommunist Party of Canada
CPCColor Personal Computer
CPCCommand per Clock
CPCChannel Processor Card
CPCCertified Professional Credential
CPCCalling Party Category
CPCCapital Pool Company
CPCCertified Professional Coach
CPCCalifornia Perfume Company
CPCChambre Professionnelle du Conseil (French: Professional Consulting Chamber)
CPCCertified Professional Constructor (various organizations)
CPCCanadian Polar Commission
CPCCentral Park Conservancy
CPCCreating Positive Change (various organizations)
CPCCenter Point Church (various locations)
CPCCetylpyridinium Chloride
CPCCollaborative Product Commerce
CPCCommunity Partnerships for Children (Massachusetts)
CPCCertificate of Probable Cause (legal requirement)
CPCChild Protection Conference (UK)
CPCControlled Power Company (electrical power equipment)
CPCClimate Protection Campaign (various locations)
CPCCareer Planning Center (various schools)
CPCCustoms Procedure Code (UK)
CPCChinese Petroleum Corp (Taiwan)
CPCChemical Protective Clothing
CPCContinuing Professional Competency
CPCCollege Preparatory Curriculum
CPCCivil Procedure Code
CPCCost Per Copy
CPCCustom Powder Coating (various locations)
CPCConvention Planning Committee
CPCCumberland Presbyterian Church
CPCCorrosion Prevention and Control
CPCCanadian Pony Club
CPCComprehensive Plan Committee
CPCCase Processing Centre (Canadian immigration, Vegreville, AB)
CPCCertified Pastry Culinarian
CPCContinuous Packet Connectivity (wireless networking)
CPCCrime Prevention Coalition
CPCCalling Party Control (Panasonic)
CPCColor Printing Company (various locations)
CPCContracting Parties and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties (fisheries)
CPCCentrifugal Partition Chromatography
CPCCommission Paritaire Consultative (French: Joint Advisory Committee)
CPCCircular Plastic Connectors
CPCCanadian Police College (administered by the RCMP; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
CPCChauffage, Plomberie, Climatisation (French: Heating, Plumbing, Air Conditioning)
CPCCertified Pastry Chef
CPCCommunity Pentecostal Church (Canada)
CPCCertified Professional Counselor
CPCClub Professional Championship (Professional Golfers' Association of America)
CPCCommunity Patent Convention (aka Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market or Luxembourg Convention)
CPCChoroid Plexus Cysts
CPCCooperation with the Professional Community
CPCCentral Pennsylvania College (Summerdale, PA)
CPCCalifornia Portland Cement (various locations)
CPCCommunity Prevention Coalition (various organizations)
CPCCounterproliferation Center (USAF)
CPCCapital Projects Committee (various organizations)
CPCChristian Pentecostal Church (various locations)
CPCCompound Parabolic Collector
CPCClinical Pathological Conference (medical teaching conference)
CPCCentral Processing Center
CPCCentral Pennsylvania Conservancy (Carlisle, PA)
CPCCommunity Pregnancy Clinic (various locations)
CPCCompilers for Parallel Computing
CPCComputer Prompting & Captioning Co. (Rockville, Maryland)
CPCCorporate Purchasing Card
CPCColour Personal Computer (Amstrad 8-bit computer)
CPCCalling Party Category (ITU-T)
CPCCancer Prevention Centre (various locations)
CPCClôtures et Portails du Compiégnois (French fencing manufacturer)
CPCCanadian Pallet Council
CPCCoastal Policy Council (Alaska)
CPCConference Programme Committee (various organizations)
CPCCircuit Protective Conductor
CPCCollege Personnel Committee (various universities)
CPCCentral Processing Complex
CPCCaring Pregnancy Center
CPCCabin Pressure Controller (aircraft equipment)
CPCChoroid Plexus Carcinoma
CPCCanadian Postal Code
CPCCellular Phone Company
CPCConsumers Power Company
CPCCommune People's Committee (Viet Nam)
CPCCalifornia Pistachio Commission
CPCCertified Professional Controller (air traffic)
CPCContinuous Professional Certificate (various organizations)
CPCConsumer Protection Code
CPCComputer Policy Committee (various locations)
CPCCertified Professional Collector (DATIA)
CPCCivil Protection Committee
CPCCertified Preplanning Consultant (funeral services)
CPCCenter for Parallel Computing (University of Michigan)
CPCConflict Prevention Center
CPCComputer Program Component
CPCCommunication et Profession Comptable (French: Communication and Professional Accounting)
CPCChristian Peace Conference
CPCCrop Protection Council
CPCColumbia Presbyterian Church (Columbia, MD)
CPCCentro de Participación Comunal (Spanish, Córdoba, Argentina, City Hall peripheral offices)
CPCCanadian Polish Congress (est. 1933)
CPCCanadian Pensioners Concerned
CPCSan Martin De Los Andes, Neuquen, Argentina (Airport Code)
CPCCentro de Predicción Climática (Spanish: Center for Climate Prediction)
CPCCoalition to Preserve Community (Columbia University; New York)
CPCCorrectional Privatization Commission
CPCCerebral Palsy Connection
CPCCorsica Poker Club (France)
CPCCogswell Polytechnical College
CPCCenter for Participatory Change (Asheville, NC)
CPCCenter for Peace through Culture (Monterey, MA)
CPCCleaner Production Centers
CPCCentre de Plongée de Carvin (French: Diving Center of Carvin; Carvin, France)
CPCCalifornia Preservation Clearinghouse
CPCCyprus Productivity Centre
CPCCircuit Provisioning Center (Bellcore)
CPCClaim Production Centre (UK)
CPCCertified Photographic Consultants
CPCCommissary Privilege Card
CPCClaims Processing Center
CPCCall Processing Control (ITU-T)
CPCComputer Print Control
CPCCombat Planning Council
CPCCorn Products Corporation
CPCCenter for Palliative Care
CPCCredit Pricing Corporation (Japan)
CPCCeramic Punching Components (Groz-Beckert)
CPCCollege Poker Championship
CPCCounsellors & Psychotherapists in Primary Care
CPCCombined Precision Components plc (UK company)
CPCCertificato Protettivo Complementare (Italian: supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products)
CPCCentre de Politique Comparée (French: Cener of Compared Policy)
CPCCapitol Preservation Commission (Washington DC)
CPCCzech Cleaner Production Center
CPCCanadian Peace Congress
CPCCentral-Phenix City (Alabama)
CPCCenter Positioning Control (Taiwan)
CPCCob Project Campus (Oregon)
CPCClub Penguin Club
CPCCore Protection Calculator
CPCCommissioned Personnel Center
CPCComplementary Punctured Convolutional (code)
CPCCarrier Portability Code
CPCComputer Power Center
CPCCotton Patch Cafe (Texas/New Mexico restaurant chain)
CPCColegio de Psicólogos de Chile (College of Psychologists of Chile)
CPCClassification Policy Committee
CPCCadet Programs Conference
CPCCoastal Patrol Boat
CPCClient Program Coordinator
CPCCeylon Petroleum Company
CPCCentral Posterior Curve (ophthalmology)
CPCCapability Point Code
CPCCommon Product Code
CPCCurrent-To-Pressure Converter
CPCComanche Portable Cockpit
CPCCard Programmable Calculator (IBM)
CPCCentral Post Computer
CPCCentral Planning Center (NASA)
CPCCrisis Prevention Center(s)
CPCConsecutive Polarity Coincidence
CPCCurrent Production Code
CPCCritical Path Chart
CPCCerebral Palsy Consortium (Quebec, QC, Canada)
CPCCyclically Permutable Code
CPCCSEL Planning Computer
CPCCook's Pest Control
CPCChild Protection Coalition (Homosassa, Florida)
CPCCorporate Product Code (Nortel)
CPCCharacteristics Properties Code (NASA)
CPCCommand Pass Coordinator (US Navy)
CPCContinuous Phase Chirp
CPCChirp Pulse Compression (radar)
CPCClaims Processing Centre
CPCCentral Processsing Complex (IBM)
CPCCryogenic Power Conversion
CPCCargo Processing Center
CPCCross-Polarized Correlation
CPCCapacity Planning Center
CPCCommunications Payload Controller
CPCCommon Professional Core (education)
CPCControl Processing Console
CPCCVET (Continuously Variable Electronic Transmission) Power Corp. (Canada)
CPCCentral Processing Console
CPCCombined Planning Cell
CPCChemical Protective Cover
CPCCustomer Project Coordinator
CPCColony Public Corporation (gaming)
CPCConfirmation Prototype Craftsmanship (Ford build phase)
CPCContemporary Political Consultants (Corporation; Fairfax Station, VA)
CPCCarrier Piece Count
CPCContract Planning Conference
CPCCapital Printing Company (Austin, TX)
CPCConsolidated Payment Center
CPCCivilian Personnel Circular
CPCContract Planning and Control
CPCCorydon Presbyterian Church (Corydon, IN)
CPCCommittee of Program Coordination (United Nations)
CPCCentro Para Programas de La Comunicación (Spanish: Center for Communication Programs; Bolivia)
CPCChief Pay Clerk
CPCComplex Permittivity Contrast
CPCCall Pair Coverage
CPCCentralized Problem Control
CPCCompeting Prime Contractor
CPCClassic Parechocs (French car company)
CPCCentralized Product Control
CPCCredit Participation Certificate (loans)
CPCCarnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc.
CPCConcordia Primary Campus (Australia)
CPCCabinet Privé de Conseils, SA (Geneva, Switzerland)




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