

单词 dat



abbr. digital audiotape


abbreviation for (Electronics) digital audio tape


digital audiotape.


Noun1.DAT - a digital tape recording of sounddigital audiotapeaudiotape - a tape recording of sound


that's the breaks

There is nothing we can do about the way things have unfolded, especially bad ones, so there is no reason to be upset about it; that's just the way things are. I'm pretty gutted about not getting into the grad school program I wanted, but hey, that's the breaks.See also: break

that's the breaks


them's the breaks

AMERICAN, INFORMALPeople say that's the breaks or them's the breaks to mean that this is the way life is and there is nothing you can do about it. Some days you don't play so well, but that's the breaks.See also: break

that's (or them's) the breaks

that's the way things turn out (used to express resigned acceptance of a situation). North American informalSee also: break

Tru dat

sent. That’s true.; I agree. Tru dat. I know just what you mean. See also: DAT



(computer science) digital audio tape


(1)Digital Audio Tape.


(2)Dynamic Address Translation.


(1) (DATa) See DAT file.

(2) (Dynamic Address Translator) A hardware circuit that converts a virtual memory address into a real address.

(3) (Digital Audio Tape) An earlier magnetic tape technology from Sony that was used for audio recording and data backup. Introduced in 1987, DAT used 4mm cartridges that looked like thick audio cassettes. DAT was initially a CD-quality audio format that was expected to replace analog audiotapes for consumers but wound up being used by professional musicians and sound studios. In 1988, Sony and HP defined the Digital Data Storage (DDS) format for DAT as a computer storage medium. Like videotapes, DAT used helical scan recording. In 2005, Sony ceased production of DAT drives. See magnetic tape and ADAT.

Type Native Capacity DDS-1 2GB DDS-2 4GB DDS-3 12GB DDS-4 20GB DDS-5 36GB

DAT Cartridge
DAT provided up to 36GB of native storage in a cartridge that was a little thicker than an audio cassette but smaller overall.

Helical Scan Formats
These are the helical scan tape formats used for digital storage. See helical scan.

Helical Scan Formats
These are the helical scan tape formats used for digital storage. See helical scan.



Abbreviation for dopamine transporter.


Abbreviation for:
daunomycin, Ara-C (cytarabine), 6 thioguanine
days after treatment
delayed-action tablet
dementia of Alzheimer’s type
Dental Admission Test
digital audio tape (Medspeak-UK)
direct agglutination test
direct antibody testing
direct antiglobulin test
Disability Appeal Tribunal (obsolete) (Medspeak-UK)
Disaster Action Team
Drug Action Team (Medspeak-UK)


Direct antiglobulin test, see Antiglobulin test.

antiglobulin test

A test for the presence in human blood of antibodies. The antibodies present in the blood do not, themselves, cause agglutination. It is the addition of an antibody made in animals (antiglobulin) that stimulates red blood cell clumping. The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) is used to diagnose autoimmune hemolytic anemia and hemolytic disease of the newborn. The indirect antiglobulin test (IAT), or Coombs' test, is used to identify blood types. Synonym: Coombs' test

direct antiglobulin test

Abbreviation: DAT
A laboratory test for the presence of complement or an antibody that is bound to a patient's red blood cells (RBCs). The test is used in patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and transfusion reactions. After the patient's RBCs are washed to remove unbound antibodies, they are mixed with antihuman globulin serum containing polyvalent antibodies that bind with the antibody or complement on the RBCs and cause them to agglutinate (clump). Monoclonal antibodies can be used to identify the specific class of antibody or complement component causing RBC destruction. See: Coombs' test

direct antiglobulin test

Abbreviation: DAT
A laboratory test for the presence of complement or an antibody that is bound to a patient's red blood cells (RBCs). The test is used in patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and transfusion reactions. After the patient's RBCs are washed to remove unbound antibodies, they are mixed with antihuman globulin serum containing polyvalent antibodies that bind with the antibody or complement on the RBCs and cause them to agglutinate (clump). Monoclonal antibodies can be used to identify the specific class of antibody or complement component causing RBC destruction. See: Coombs' testSee also: antiglobulin test


(di-men'cha) [L. dementia, madness] A progressive, irreversible decline in mental function, marked by memory impairment and, often, deficits in reasoning, judgment, abstract thought, registration, comprehension, learning, task execution, and use of language. The cognitive impairments diminish a person's social, occupational, and intellectual abilities. In the U.S., 4.5 million people are afflicted by dementia. The prevalence is esp. high in the very elderly: about 20% to 40% of those over 85 are demented. Dementia is somewhat more common in women than in men. It must be distinguished by careful clinical examination from delirium, psychosis, depression, and the effects of medications. See: Alzheimer disease; Huntington chorea; Parkinson disease; table


The onset of primary dementia may be slow, taking months or years. Memory deficits, impaired abstract thinking, poor judgment, and clouding of consciousness and orientation are not present until the terminal stages; depression, agitation, sleeplessness, and paranoid ideation may be present. Patients become dependent for activities of daily living and typically die from complications of immobility in the terminal stage.


Dementia may result from many illnesses, including AIDS, chronic alcoholism, Alzheimer disease, vitamin B12 deficiency, carbon monoxide poisoning, cerebral anoxia, hypothyroidism, subdural hematoma, or multiple brain infarcts (vascular dementia).


Some medications, e.g., donepezil, nemantidine, and tacrine, improve cognitive function in some patients.

Patient care

Demented patients deserve respectful and dignified care at all stages of their disease. Caregivers assist the demented with activities of daily living and with the cognitive and behavioral changes that accompany the disease. A variety of nursing interventions may reduce the risk of inadvertently precipitating behavioral symptoms. Health care professionals should reinforce the patient's abilities and successes rather than disabilities and failures. Caregivers can help the patient make optimal use of his or her abilities by reducing the adverse effects of other health conditions, sensory impairments, and cognitive defects while maximizing social and environmental factors that support functional capacity. Daily routines should be adjusted to focus on the person rather than the task, e.g., the comfort of bathing rather than the perceived need to bathe in a certain way at a certain time.

Interaction and communication strategies should be adjusted to ensure that the message delivered is the one perceived (obtain attention, make eye contact, speak directly to the individual, match nonverbal communication and gestures to the message, slow the pace of speech, use declarative sentences, use nouns instead of pronouns). Commands including the word “don’t” and questions beginning with “why” should be avoided. Tasks should be broken down into manageable steps. Reassurance and encouragement are provided to assist the patient to act more independently. Reality grounding is not necessary for such a patient; thus, if the patient asks to see his mother (who is dead), reminding him of her death may reinforce the pain of that loss. It may be better to redirect the conversation, asking the patient to talk about his mother, instead. Written agreements and reminders may not be as useful as they would be in the care of other patients, for a demented patient may not remember what has been negotiated and agreed upon in the past. The patient’s environment should be adjusted to provide needed safety. Finding the correct balance between doing too much or too little may be difficult for the caregiver, who should recognize that the balance may shift day to day and that patience and flexibility are more helpful. Caregivers must be aware that the patient will have moments of lucidity, which should be treasured but not considered evidence that the patient is exaggerating or feigning his or her disease to obtain attention. Family members who provide care must be aware that they, too, have emotional needs and can become angry, frustrated, and impatient and that they need help to learn to forgive themselves as well as the loved one they are caring for. Finally, such caregivers must learn how to accept help and should not fear to admit that they cannot carry the burden of care by themselves.

AIDS-dementia complex

See: AIDS-dementia complex

alcoholic dementia

A form of toxic dementia in which there is loss of memory and problem-solving ability after many years of alcohol abuse.

dementia of the Alzheimer type

Abbreviation: DAT
See: Alzheimer disease

apoplectic dementia

Sudden loss of cognitive or intellectual function as a result of a large or bloody stroke or a brain tumor.

Binswanger dementia

Binswanger disease.

dialysis dementia

A neurological disturbance in patients who have been on dialysis for several years. There are speech difficulties, myoclonus, dementia, seizures, and, eventually, death. The causative agent is presumed to be aluminum in the dialysate.

epileptic dementia

An infrequent complication of epilepsy, presumed to result from injury to neurons during uncontrolled seizures.

frontotemporal dementia

A general term for any of four types of dementia: 1. frontotemporal lobar degeneration; 2. Pick’s disease; 3. primary progressive aphasia; or 4. semantic dementia. Symptoms include personality changes, apathy, compulsive or repetitive behavior, lack of social inhibition, and deterioration in language use.

Heller dementia

Regressive autism.

HIV-associated dementia

See: AIDS-dementia complex

dementia with Lewy bodies

A common neurodegenerative disease characterized by gradual and progressive loss of intellectual abilities combined with a movement disorder that resembles Parkinson disease. Those affected often have marked fluctuations in their ability to stay alert and awake and also visual hallucinations. The disease is characterized pathologically by deposits of Lewy bodies. The dementia is treated symptomatically.

mixed dementia

Dementia in which elements of both Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia are found.

multi-infarct dementia

Dementia resulting from multiple small strokes. After Alzheimer disease, it is the most common form of dementia in the U.S. It has a distinctive natural history. Unlike Alzheimer disease, which develops insidiously, the cognitive deficits of multi-infarct dementia appear suddenly, in stepwise fashion. The disease is rare before middle age and is most common in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or other risk factors for generalized atherosclerosis. Brain imaging in patients with this form of dementia shows multiple lacunar infarctions. Synonym: vascular dementia

paralytic dementia

An obsolete term for tertiary syphilis.

dementia paralytica

An obsolete term for tertiary syphilis.

postfebrile dementia

Dementia following a severe febrile illness.

presenile dementia

Dementia beginning in middle age, usually resulting from cerebral arteriosclerosis or Alzheimer disease. The symptoms are apathy, loss of memory, and disturbances of speech and gait.

primary dementia

Dementia associated with Alzheimer disease.

dementia pugilistica

Traumatic dementia, i.e., encephalopathy or an organic brain syndrome caused by closed head injury. It is sometimes referred to colloquially as “boxer's brain.”

semantic dementia

Any of a group of brain disorders marked by nearly complete losses in the understanding of word meanings, spelling, and the identification or recognition of facts, faces, or objects. The disease is marked pathologically by local atrophy in the neocortex of the temporal lobe of the brain.

senile dementia of the Alzheimer type

Abbreviation: SDAT
Alzheimer disease.

subcortical vascular dementia

Binswanger disease.

syphilitic dementia

Dementia caused by tertiary syphilis.

toxic dementia

Dementia caused by exposure to neurotoxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, alcohol, or cocaine.

vascular dementia

Abbreviation: VaD
Multi-infarct dementia.
< 600.1%
> 653 — 11%
> 8525 — 47%
FinancialSeeDirect Access Trading


DATData (file name extension)
DATDigital Audio Tape
DATDisaster Action Team
DATDesign and Technology (various organizations)
DATDental Admissions Test
DATDative (grammar)
DATDépartement de l'Aménagement du Territoire (French: Department of Regional Planning; Luxembourg)
DATDopamine Transporter
DATDay After Tomorrow (film)
DATDanish Air Transport (est. 1989)
DATDays After Treatment (agricultural science)
DATDéclaration d'Accident du Travail (French: Work Accident Statement)
DATDementia of Alzheimer Type (diagnosis)
DATDeutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (German Automobile Trust)
DATData Analysis Tool
DATDays After Transplanting
DATDefence Against Terrorism
DATData Analysis Team
DATDisk Allocation Table
DATDisk Array Technology
DATDirect Access Transport
DATDeformation and Tessellation
DATDirect Access Testing
DATData Access Tool
DATDisk Access Time
DATData File
DATDynamic Address Translation
DATDrug Abuse Testing (various organizations)
DATDrug Action Team (UK)
DATDirect Antiglobulin Test
DATDamage Assessment Team
DATDrug and Alcohol Testing (US Military Entrance Processing Station)
DATDifferential Aptitude Test
DATDocumentation et Assistance Technique (French: Documentation and Technical Assistance)
DATDirect Access Trading
DATDelivered at Terminal
DATDesk Appearance Ticket (summons issued to violator in lieu of arrest)
DATDine About Town (San Francisco)
DATDementia of Alzheimer Type
DATDeposito Aduanero Temporal (Spanish: Temporary Customs Warehouse)
DATSpecial Patrol (O/T forms - obsolete)
DATDisability Awareness Training
DATDivision of Apprentice Training (Massachusetts)
DATDischarge Air Temperature
DATDétachement Avancé des Transmissions (French: Advanced Signals Detachment)
DATDepartment Approved Training (Iowa)
DATDiet As Tolerated
DATDisaster Assistance Team (American Red Cross)
DATDowntown Action Team
DATDirect Antiglobulin Testing
DATDarang Deng (SIL code, China)
DATDistributed Active Transformer
DATDouble Acting Tanker
DATDirect Access Technology
DATDuplicate Address Test
DATDiskaholics Anonymous Trio (band)
DATData Assurance Team
DATDatabase Advanced Training
DATDirectorate of Army Training (Canadian Armed Forces)
DATDepartment of Advanced Technology
DATDigital Archive Tape
DATData Assessment Tool
DATDistrict Action Team
DATDynamic Algorithm Transform
DATDevelopment Around Transit
DATDirectorate of Labour Inspection (Norway)
DATDeployment Action Team (JDA)
DATDisputes Automated Tracking
DATDays After Term Award
DATDevelopment Acceptance Test
DATDirection of Arrival Tracking
DATDisconnect Actuating Tool
DATDesign Assurance Testing
DATDevelopment Assist Test
DATDays After Tasking
DATDesign Acceptance/Approval Test
DATDigital Analog Trunk (telecommunications)
DATDigitool Applied Technologies
DATDemilitarization Alternative Technology
DATDumb A$$ Tanker


  • noun

Synonyms for DAT

noun a digital tape recording of sound


  • digital audiotape

Related Words

  • audiotape




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