Boris Vladimirovich Shtiurmer
Shtiurmer, Boris Vladimirovich
Born 1848; died Aug. 20 (Sept. 2), 1917, in Petrograd. Russian state figure; large-scale pomeshchik (landowner).
After graduating from the faculty of law at the University of St. Petersburg, Shtiurmer served in the ministries of justice and the court. In 1894 he was named governor of Novgorod Province, and in 1896 he became governor of Yaroslavl Province. Appointed director of the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior in 1902, he became one of V. K. Pleve’s closest associates. Shtiurmer was appointed to the Council of State in 1904. On Jan. 20,1916, with the support of G. E. Rasputin, he was named chairman of the Council of Ministers; from Mar. 3 (16) to July 7 (20), 1916, he also served as minister of the interior, and on July 7 (20) he was appointed minister of foreign affairs.
Shtiurmer fought against the revolutionary movement and bourgeois opposition. On Nov. 10 (23), 1916, he was released from his duties. After the February Revolution of 1917, Shtiurmer was arrested; he died in the Peter and Paul Fortress.