Boris Repnin

Repnin, Boris Aleksandrovich


(also B. A. Repnin-Obolenskii). Date of birth unknown; died May 17 (27), 1670. Russian political and military figure; boyar (from 1639) and prince.

From 1638 to 1642, Repnin headed the Ikonnyi Prikaz (Central Administration of Icons) and the Prikaz Sysknykh Del (Bureau of Investigation), as well as the Gold Chamber, Silver Chamber, and Armory. He fell into disgrace in 1642 and was sent to Astrakhan as voevoda (military governor) from 1643 to 1646. In 1648–49 he served as a judge in the Sudnyi Prikaz (High Court) in Vladimir, and from 1652 he was a judge in the Razboinyi Prikaz (Justice Office). In 1656 and 1659, Repnin was voevoda of Smolensk, with extensive judicial, administrative, and military powers. In 1657–58 he often served as head of the Boyar Duma in the absence of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich.