Coxiella burnetii

Cox·i·el·la bur·ne·ti·i

a bacterial species that causes Q fever in humans; it is more resistant than other rickettsiae and may be passed in aerosols as well as in living vectors. Acute pneumonia and chronic endocarditis are also associated with this species. The type species of the genus Coxiella.

Coxiella burnetii

Infectious disease The single species of genus Coxiella, family Rickettsiaceae, a short, rod-shaped bacterium; it is global in distribution, causes Q fever, spreads by aerosol, primarily infects cattle, sheep, goats, multiplies well in the placenta, and is shed during parturition. See Q fever.

Cox·i·el·la bur·ne·ti·i

(kok-sē-el'ă bŭr-nē'shē-ī) A species that causes Q fever in humans. It is more resistant than other rickettsiae and may be passed in aerosols as well as living vectors. Acute pneumonia and chronic endocarditis are also associated with this species. The type species of the genus Coxiella.