Boris Meilakh

Meilakh, Boris Solomonovich


Born June 26 (July 9), 1909, in Lepe’, in present-day Vitebsk Oblast. Soviet literary scholar. Member of the CPSU (1940).

Meilakh graduated from the department of literature at Moscow State University (1931). In 1935 he became a scholarly researcher at Pushkin House. From 1947 to 1966 he was a professor at Leningrad State University.

Meilakh’s works include Lenin and the Problems of Russian Literature of the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century (1947; 4th ed., 1970; State Prize of the USSR, 1948), works on the life and poetry of A. S. Pushkin, on the methodology of literary study, and on the psychology of literary creation. He is engaged in a complex study of artistic and scientific creative activity.


Pushkin i russkii romantizm. Moscow-Leningrad, 1937.
Pushkin i ego epokha. Moscow, 1958.
Ukhod i smert’L’va Tolstogo. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
Khudozhestvennoe myshlenie Pushkina kak tvorcheskii protsess. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.
Talant pisatelia i protsessy tvorchestva. [Leningrad] 1969.
Na rubezhe nauki i iskusstva. Leningrad, 1971.


Izmailov, N. V. “B. S. Meilakh.” Russkaia literatura, 1969, no. 4.