Boris Lvovich Rozing

Rozing, Boris L’vovich


Born Apr. 23 (May 5), 1869, in St. Petersburg; died Apr. 20, 1933, in Arkhangel’sk. Soviet physicist.

Rozing graduated from the department of physics and mathematics of the University of St. Petersburg in 1891. He taught at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology (1894–1918; 1924–31) and a number of other higher educational institutions; he conducted research at the Leningrad Experimental Electrotechnical Laboratory from 1924 to 1928 and at the Central Laboratory for Wire Communications from 1928 to 1931. From 1931 to 1933 he worked at the Arkhangel’sk Forestry Technology Institute.

In 1892, Rozing expounded a theory on the existence of a molecular field that causes the spontaneous magnetization of ferromagnets. In 1897 he began to experiment with the electrical transmission of images over a distance. In 1907 he proposed and patented a plan for using a cathode-ray tube to generate television pictures. In his laboratory in 1911, he demonstrated the television transmission and reception of images of simple geometric figures, with reproduction of the images on a cathode-ray screen. Rozing also proposed the general locking of television transmitters and receivers and developed a number of circuits for amplifying weak photocurrents.


Gorokhov, P. K. B. L. Rozing—osnovopolozhnik elektronnogo televideniia. Moscow, 1964.
Gorokhov, P. K. “Boris L’vovich Rozing.” In the collection Liudi russkoi nauki: Tekhnika. Moscow, 1965.
Aisberg, E. “B. L. Rosing, pionnier de la télévision électronique.” Television, 1965, no. 157.