Boris Lvovich Modzalevskii
Modzalevskii, Boris L’vovich
Born Apr. 20 (May 2), 1874, in Tbilisi; died Apr. 3, 1928, in Leningrad. Soviet literary scholar; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1918). One of the founders of Pushkin House (Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR).
Modzalevskii graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1898. His principal works, which are devoted to A. S. Pushkin and his contemporaries, are distinguished by the breadth of their erudition and the thoroughness of their commentary on the history, literature, and everyday life of the times. As an author and editor he participated in the publication of The Russian Biographical Dictionary (1900–18) and the collections Pushkin and His Contemporaries (fascicles 1–37, 1903–28). He also published The Archives of the Raevskie (vols. 1–5, 1908–15), The Archives of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonskii (vol. 1, 1918; unfinished edition), and Pushkin’s diary (1923) and letters (vols. 1–2, 1926–28).
BibliotekaA. S. Pushkina. St. Petersburg, 1910. (Bibliographical work.)A. P. Kern. Leningrad, 1924.
Pushkin pod tainym nadzorom, 3rd ed. Leningrad, 1925.
Roman dekabrista Kakhovskogo. Leningrad, 1926.
Pushkin. Leningrad, 1929. (Collection of articles.)