


a method of titrimetric analysis (seeTITRIMETRIC ANALYSIS) based on the use of standard solutions of Cr(II) for the determination of oxidizing agents. The analysis is carried out in acidic medium. The titration end point is established potentiometrically or amperometrically with a rotating platinum microelectrode; less often it is established using chemical indicators.

Chromometry is used for determining Cu(II), Hg(II), Ce(IV), Sn(IV), Ti(IV), As(V), Sb(V), Bi(III), V(V), Cr(VI), Mo(VI), W(VI), Mn(VII), Fe(III), and various organic compounds, such as aldehydes, quinones, azo compounds, nitro compounds, and nitroso compounds. In some cases, the consecutive titration of several elements in a single solution is possible without their separation.


Busev, A. I. Primenenie soedinenii dvukhvalentnogo khroma v analiticheskoi khimii. Moscow, 1960.