Boris Evseevich Bykhovskii
Bykhovskii, Boris Evseevich
Born Aug. 14 (27), 1908, in St. Petersburg. Soviet parasitologist; became academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN SSSR) in 1964 (corresponding member, 1960). Member of the CPSU since 1941. Graduated from Leningrad State University in 1930.
Bykhovskii worked at the Institute of Fisheries in Leningrad during 1929-35 and at the Institute of Zoology of the AN SSSR during 1935-40 and after 1942 (director since 1962). He was vice-president of the Presidium of the Tadzhik Branch of the AN SSSR from 1940 to 1944 and academician-secretary of the Division of General Biology of the AN SSSR from 1963 to 1971.
Bykhovskii’s principal research deals with general problems in parasitology, specifically with monogenetic trematodes and other groups of flatworms. He made some important generalizations on the geographic distribution and ecological factors responsible for the formation of fish parasites in the USSR. He developed a classification of monogenetic trematodes, elucidated the phylogenetic correlations of this group with other flatworms, and placed them in an independent class. His research on the ecology of monogenetic trematodes was the basis for several prophylactic measures to control the fish diseases they cause. He has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.
Parazity ryb Kaspiiskogo moria. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939. (With V. A. Dogel’.)“Ontogenez i filogeneticheskie vzaimootnosheniia ploskikh paraziticheskikh chervei.” Izv. AN SSSR: Ser biologiche skaia, 1937, no. 4.
Monogeneticheskie sosal’shchiki, ikh sistema ifilogeniia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1957.
“O ‘promezhutochnykh’ khoziaievakh u monogenei (Monogenoidea).” Parazitologiia, 1967, vol. 1, no. 2. (With L. F. Nagibina.)