Borilin, Boris Semenovich

Borilin, Boris Semenovich


Born Mar. 23 (Apr. 5), 1901; died Feb. 8, 1938. Soviet economist, doctor of economics (1934). Member of the CPSU after 1920.

Borilin studied at the Commercial Institute. He held party posts in the early 1920’s: chief of the agitation section of the Kharkov Province Party Committee (1920), and secretary of the district committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of the Ukraine in the city of Sumi (1921). He was a delegate to the tenth RCP (Bolshevik) congress (1921). Borilin studied at the Institute of the Red Professoriat (Moscow, 1923–27) and taught at Moscow higher educational institutions after 1928. In the early 1930’s he was a member of the presidium of the Communist Academy. In 1930–31 he was member of the editorial board of the journal Problemy ekonomiki. From 1931 to 1937 he was a leading official of the USSR State Planning Commission. Borilin took part in debates on questions of the political economy of socialism and the theory of imperialism.


O sovetskoi ekonomike i teoreticheskikh oshibkakh N. I. Bukharina. Moscow-Leningrad, 1930 (two editions).
Vstuplenie v period sotsializma i zavershenie postroeniia fundamenta sotsialisticheskoi ekonomiki. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.
Sovetskaia demokratiia. Moscow, 1935.