

单词 fast


fast 1

F0046500 (făst)adj. fast·er, fast·est 1. Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift.2. a. Accomplished in relatively little time: a fast visit.b. Acquired quickly with little effort and sometimes unscrupulously: made a fast buck scalping tickets.3. Quick to understand or learn; mentally agile: a class for the faster students.4. Indicating a time somewhat ahead of the actual time: The clock is fast.5. Allowing rapid movement or action: a fast running track.6. Designed for or compatible with a short exposure time: fast film.7. a. Disposed to dissipation; wild: ran with a fast crowd.b. Flouting conventional moral standards; sexually promiscuous.8. Resistant, as to destruction or fading: fast colors.9. Firmly fixed or fastened: a fast grip.10. Fixed firmly in place; secure: shutters that are fast against the rain.11. Lasting; permanent: fast rules and regulations.12. Deep; sound: in a fast sleep.adv. faster, fastest 1. In a secure manner; tightly: hold fast.2. To a sound degree; deeply: fast asleep.3. In a rapid manner; quickly.4. In quick succession: New ideas followed fast.5. Ahead of the correct or expected time: a watch that runs fast.6. In a dissipated, immoderate way: living fast.7. Archaic Close by; near.Idiom: fast friend A friend who is firm in loyalty: became fast friends after only knowing each other a few months.
[Middle English, from Old English fæst, firm, fixed; see past- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: fast1, rapid, swift, fleet2, speedy, quick, expeditious
These adjectives refer to something marked by great speed. Fast and rapid are often used interchangeably, though fast is more often applied to the person or thing in motion, and rapid to the activity or movement involved: a fast runner; rapid strides. Swift suggests smoothness and sureness of movement (a swift current), and fleet, lightness of movement (The cheetah is the fleetest of animals). Speedy refers to velocity (a speedy train) or to promptness or hurry (a speedy resolution to the problem). Quick most often applies to what takes little time or to what is prompt: a quick snack; your quick reaction. Expeditious suggests rapid efficiency: sent the package by the most expeditious means. See Also Synonyms at faithful.

fast 2

F0046500 (făst)intr.v. fast·ed, fast·ing, fasts 1. To abstain from food.2. To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline.n.1. The act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food.2. A period of such abstention or self-denial.
[Middle English fasten, from Old English fæstan; see past- in Indo-European roots.]


(fɑːst) adj1. acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift2. accomplished in or lasting a short time: fast work; a fast visit. 3. (prenominal) adapted to or facilitating rapid movement: the fast lane of a motorway. 4. requiring rapidity of action or movement: a fast sport. 5. (Horology) (of a clock, etc) indicating a time in advance of the correct time6. given to an active dissipated life7. of or characteristic of such activity: a fast life. 8. not easily moved; firmly fixed; secure9. firmly fastened, secured, or shut10. steadfast; constant (esp in the phrase fast friends)11. (Athletics (Track & Field)) sport (of a playing surface, running track, etc) conducive to rapid speed, as of a ball used on it or of competitors playing or racing on it12. (Dyeing) that will not fade or change colour readily: a fast dye. 13. (Dyeing) a. proof against fading: the colour is fast to sunlight. b. (in combination): washfast. 14. (Photography) photog a. requiring a relatively short time of exposure to produce a given density: a fast film. b. permitting a short exposure time: a fast shutter. 15. (Cricket) cricket (of a bowler) characteristically delivering the ball rapidly16. informal glib or unreliable; deceptive: a fast talker. 17. archaic sound; deep: a fast sleep. 18. informal a deceptive or unscrupulous trick (esp in the phrase pull a fast one)19. fast worker a person who achieves results quickly, esp in seductionsadv20. quickly; rapidly21. soundly; deeply: fast asleep. 22. firmly; tightly23. in quick succession24. (Horology) in advance of the correct time: my watch is running fast. 25. in a reckless or dissipated way26. fast by fast beside archaic close or hard by; very near27. play fast and loose informal to behave in an insincere or unreliable mannerinterj (Archery) archery (said by the field captain to archers) stop shooting![Old English fæst strong, tight; related to Old High German festi firm, Old Norse fastr]


(fɑːst) vb (intr) to abstain from eating all or certain foods or meals, esp as a religious observancena. an act or period of fastingb. (as modifier): a fast day. [Old English fæstan; related to Old High German fastēn to fast, Gothic fastan] ˈfaster n


(fæst, fɑst)

adj. and
adv. -er, -est,
n. adj. 1. moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast typist. 2. done in or taking comparatively little time: a fast race; fast work. 3. adapted to, allowing, productive of, or imparting rapid movement: a hull with fast lines. 4. able to understand or respond quickly: a fast mind. 5. a. (of a timepiece) indicating a time in advance of the correct time. b. noting or according to daylight-saving time. 6. characterized by unrestrained or immoral conduct, esp. in sexual relations; wanton; loose: a fast crowd. 7. characterized by extreme energy and activity, esp. in the pursuit of pleasure: leading a fast life. 8. resistant (often used in combination): acid-fast. 9. firmly fixed in place; not easily moved; secure. 10. held or caught firmly: an animal fast in a trap. 11. firmly tied, as a knot. 12. closed and made secure, as a door, gate, or shutter. 13. such as to have securely: to lay fast hold on a thing. 14. firm in adherence; loyal; devoted: fast friends. 15. permanent, lasting, or unchangeable: a fast color. 16. a. (of money, profits, etc.) made quickly or easily and sometimes deviously. b. cleverly quick and manipulative in making money: a fast operator. 17. Photog. a. (of a lens) able to transmit a relatively large amount of light in a relatively short time. b. (of a film) requiring a relatively short exposure to attain a given density. 18. Horse Racing. a. (of a track condition) completely dry. b. (of a track surface) very hard. adv. 19. quickly, swiftly, or rapidly. 20. in quick succession. 21. tightly; firmly: to hold fast. 22. soundly: fast asleep. 23. in a wild or dissipated way; recklessly. 24. ahead of the correct or announced time. 25. Archaic. close; near: fast by. n. 26. a fastening for a door, window, or the like. Idioms: pull a fast one, to engage in unexpectedly unfair or deceitful behavior to achieve one's goal. [before 900; Middle English; Old English fæst firm] syn: See quick.


(fæst, fɑst)

v.i. 1. to abstain from all food. 2. to eat only sparingly or of certain kinds of food, esp. as a religious observance. v.t. 3. to cause to abstain from food; put on a fast: to fast a patient before surgery. n. 4. an abstinence from food, or a limiting of one's food, esp. when voluntary and as a religious observance. 5. a day or period of fasting. [before 1000; Middle English; Old English fæstan; c. Old Frisian festia, Old High German fastēn, Old Norse fasta, Gothic fastan; akin to fast1]


(fæst, fɑst)

n. a chain or rope for mooring a vessel. [1670–80; alter., by association with fast1, of late Middle English fest, perhaps n. use of fest, past participle of festen to fasten, or < Old Norse festr mooring rope]


Past participle: fasted
Gerund: fasting
I fast
you fast
he/she/it fasts
we fast
you fast
they fast
I fasted
you fasted
he/she/it fasted
we fasted
you fasted
they fasted
Present Continuous
I am fasting
you are fasting
he/she/it is fasting
we are fasting
you are fasting
they are fasting
Present Perfect
I have fasted
you have fasted
he/she/it has fasted
we have fasted
you have fasted
they have fasted
Past Continuous
I was fasting
you were fasting
he/she/it was fasting
we were fasting
you were fasting
they were fasting
Past Perfect
I had fasted
you had fasted
he/she/it had fasted
we had fasted
you had fasted
they had fasted
I will fast
you will fast
he/she/it will fast
we will fast
you will fast
they will fast
Future Perfect
I will have fasted
you will have fasted
he/she/it will have fasted
we will have fasted
you will have fasted
they will have fasted
Future Continuous
I will be fasting
you will be fasting
he/she/it will be fasting
we will be fasting
you will be fasting
they will be fasting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fasting
you have been fasting
he/she/it has been fasting
we have been fasting
you have been fasting
they have been fasting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fasting
you will have been fasting
he/she/it will have been fasting
we will have been fasting
you will have been fasting
they will have been fasting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fasting
you had been fasting
he/she/it had been fasting
we had been fasting
you had been fasting
they had been fasting
I would fast
you would fast
he/she/it would fast
we would fast
you would fast
they would fast
Past Conditional
I would have fasted
you would have fasted
he/she/it would have fasted
we would have fasted
you would have fasted
they would have fasted
Noun1.fast - abstaining from foodfast - abstaining from food fastingabstinence - act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetitedieting, diet - the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)hunger strike - a voluntary fast undertaken as a means of protestRamadan - (Islam) a fast (held from sunrise to sunset) that is carried out during the Islamic month of Ramadan
Verb1.fast - abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"diet - follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"desist, refrain, abstain - choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"
2.fast - abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"diet - eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weightdesist, refrain, abstain - choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"
Adj.1.fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"sudden - happening without warning or in a short space of time; "a sudden storm"; "a sudden decision"; "a sudden cure"hurried - moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste; "a hurried trip to the store"; "the hurried life of a city"; "a hurried job"slow - not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time; "a slow walker"; "the slow lane of traffic"; "her steps were slow"; "he was slow in reacting to the news"; "slow but steady growth"
2.fast - (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast"slow - (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time; "the clock is slow"
3.fast - at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot"music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannerslow - at a slow tempo; "the band played a slow waltz"
4.fast - (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay"smooth - having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror"
5.fast - resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors"imperviable, impervious - not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; "a material impervious to water"; "someone impervious to argument"
6.fast - unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women"debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, profligate, riotousimmoral - deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong
7.fast - hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit"flying, quickhurried - moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste; "a hurried trip to the store"; "the hurried life of a city"; "a hurried job"
8.fast - securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car"immobile, firmfixed - securely placed or fastened or set; "a fixed piece of wood"; "a fixed resistor"
9.fast - unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or causefast - unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause; "a firm ally"; "loyal supporters"; "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; "fast friends"truehearted, loyal, firmfaithful - steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"
10.fast - (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time; "a fast lens"causative - producing an effect; "poverty as a causative factor in crime"
Adv.1.fast - quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form); "how fast can he get here?"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fast-running rivers"; "fast-breaking news"; "fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters"
2.fast - firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight"tight


1adjective1. quick, flying, winged, rapid, fleet, hurried, accelerated, swift, speedy, brisk, hasty, nimble, mercurial, sprightly, nippy (Brit. informal) She walked at a fast pace.
quick slow, leisurely, plodding, slow moving, unhurried
2. fixed, firm, sound, stuck, secure, tight, jammed, fortified, fastened, impregnable, immovable He held the gate fast.
fixed weak, unstable, wavering, unreliable, unfaithful, irresolute, inconstant
3. indelible, lasting, permanent The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast.4. dissipated, wild, exciting, loose, extravagant, reckless, immoral, promiscuous, giddy, self-indulgent, wanton, profligate, impure, intemperate, dissolute, rakish, licentious, gadabout (informal) He experimented with drugs and the fast life.5. close, lasting, firm, permanent, constant, devoted, loyal, faithful, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, unwavering The men had always been fast friends.
adverb1. quickly, rapidly, swiftly, hastily, hurriedly, speedily, presto, apace, in haste, like a shot (informal), at full speed, hell for leather (informal), like lightning, hotfoot, like a flash, at a rate of knots, like the clappers (Brit. informal), like a bat out of hell (slang), pdq (slang), like nobody's business (informal), posthaste, like greased lightning (informal), with all haste He drives terrifically fast.
quickly slowly, gradually, steadily, leisurely, at your leisure, at a snail's pace, unhurriedly
2. firmly, staunchly, resolutely, steadfastly, determinedly, unwaveringly, unchangeably We can only try to hold fast to our principles.3. securely, firmly, tightly, fixedly She held fast to the stair rail.4. fixedly, firmly, soundly, deeply, securely, tightly The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks.5. recklessly, wildly, loosely, extravagantly, promiscuously, rakishly, intemperately He lived fast and died young.6. sound, soundly, deeply When he went to bed, she was already fast asleep.


2verb1. go hungry, abstain, go without food, deny yourself, practise abstention, refrain from food or eating She had fasted to lose weight.noun1. fasting, diet, abstinence The fast is broken, traditionally with dates and water.


adjective1. Characterized by great celerity:breakneck, expeditious, fleet, quick, rapid, speedy, swift.Informal: hell-for-leather.Idiom: quick as a bunny.2. Accomplished in very little time:brief, expeditious, flying, hasty, hurried, quick, rapid, short, speedy, swift.3. Lacking in moral restraint:abandoned, dissipated, dissolute, gay, incontinent, licentious, profligate, rakish, unbridled, unconstrained, uncontrolled, ungoverned, uninhibited, unrestrained, wanton, wild.4. Marked by an absence of conventional restraint in sexual behavior; sexually unrestrained:easy, libertine, light, loose, wanton, whorish.5. Permanently resistive to fading:colorfast, indelible.6. Persistently holding to something:clinging, firm, secure, tenacious, tight.7. Firmly settled or positioned:firm, secure, stable, steady, strong, sure.8. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty:allegiant, constant, faithful, firm, liege, loyal, staunch, steadfast, true.adverbIn a rapid way:apace, posthaste, quick, quickly.Informal: flat out, hell-for-leather, lickety-split, pronto.Idioms: full tilt, in a flash, in nothing flat, like a bat out of hell, like a blue streak, like a flash, like a house on fire, like a shot, like a streak, like greased lightning, like the wind, like wildfire.


(faːst) adjective1. quick-moving. a fast car. 快速移動的 快速移动的2. quick. a fast worker. 動作迅速的 动作迅速的3. (of a clock, watch etc) showing a time in advance of the correct time. My watch is five minutes fast. 偏快的 偏快的 adverb quickly. She speaks so fast I can't understand her.ˈfastness noun 快速 快速fast food(s) food that can be quickly prepared, eg hamburgers etc. 快餐 快餐


(faːst) verb to go without food, especially for religious or medical reasons. Muslims fast during the festival of Ramadan. 禁食 禁食 noun a time or act of fasting. She has just finished two days' fast. 禁食期 禁食期ˈfasting noun 禁食 禁食


(faːst) adjective1. (of a dye) fixed; that will not come out of a fabric when it is washed. 不褪色的 不褪色的2. firm; fixed. She made her end of the rope fast to a tree. 固定的 固定的fast asleep completely asleep. The baby fell fast asleep in my arms. 酣睡 酣睡


很快地zhCN, 快速的zhCN
  • You were driving too fast → 你车开得太快
  • He was driving too fast → 他车开得太快
  • I think my watch is fast → 我的表可能快了


  • (as) fast as lightning
  • a fast one
  • a fast talker
  • a fast worker
  • as fast as (one's) legs can carry (one)
  • as fast as your legs can carry you
  • at a clip
  • at a fast, good, steady, etc. clip
  • at a good clip
  • Bad news travels fast
  • be as (something) as all get-out
  • be fast on the draw
  • be fast/quick on the draw
  • come thick and fast
  • fade fast
  • fancy footwork
  • fast and furious
  • fast and loose
  • fast asleep
  • fast buck
  • fast footwork
  • fast friends
  • fast lane
  • fast lane/track, in/on the
  • fast one
  • fast talk
  • fast talker
  • fast track
  • fast-talk (someone) into (something)
  • fast-talk (someone) out of (something)
  • fast-talk into
  • fast-talk out of
  • fast-track
  • feast or famine
  • get (one's) tail (somewhere)
  • get nowhere
  • get nowhere fast
  • get one’s tail somewhere fast!
  • go nowhere (fast)
  • hard and fast
  • he travels fastest who travels alone
  • hold fast
  • hold fast to something
  • in the fast lane
  • life in the fast lane
  • lightning fast
  • make a fast buck
  • make a fast/quick buck
  • make fast work of (someone or something)
  • make short work of
  • no hard and fast rules
  • not so fast
  • on the fast track
  • play fast and loose
  • play fast and loose (with someone or something)
  • play fast and loose with someone/something
  • play fast and loose, to
  • pull a fast one
  • pull a fast one (on someone)
  • pull a fast one, to
  • quick buck
  • sinking fast
  • stand fast
  • stand fast/firm
  • stand one's ground
  • stick fast
  • the fast lane
  • the fast track
  • thick and fast



1. Sport (of a playing surface, running track, etc.) conducive to rapid speed, as of a ball used on it or of competitors playing or racing on it 2. Photoga. requiring a relatively short time of exposure to produce a given density b. permitting a short exposure time 3. Cricket (of a bowler) characteristically delivering the ball rapidly



a ban for a certain period of time prescribed by some religions against eating any food or certain types of food, particularly meat, fish, and dairy products. The origin of fasts is connected with restrictions dictated by the cult in the very early class societies. The roots of the practice go back to remote antiquity, when insufficient food demanded self-restrictions in eating, which acquired the form of a ban, or taboo, sanctified by custom.

In modern religions, fasting is based on the doctrine of the preeminence of the spirit over the flesh. In Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, fasting serves to reinforce the piety of the believers.

In Eastern Orthodoxy, four lengthy periods of fasting are prescribed. Lent, or the Great Fast, lasts seven weeks; St. Peter’s Fast continues from one to five weeks, depending on when Easter is observed; the Assumption fast lasts two weeks; and the Christmas fast extends over six weeks. In addition, there are one-day fasts on Wednesday and Friday of each week and on certain other days, such as the vigil of the Epiphany and Holy Cross Day. During a fast, meat and dairy foods are excluded. In all, the Eastern Orthodox Church sanctions about 200 days of fasting per year.

There are no prolonged fasts in Catholicism. Fasts are observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the vigils of Assumption and Christmas. With the exception of the Anglican Church, obligatory fasts are unknown in Protestantism.

In Islam, the main fast is the uraza, during which, throughout the entire month of Ramadan, eating, drinking, and smoking are forbidden each day from sunrise to sunset. There also exist individual fasts, practiced in fulfillment of vows or for “redemption” with regard to violations by the believer of the precepts of the Koran and the sharia.

In Judaism, there are both public fasts, prescribed as a sign of mourning, on days of repentance, and in memory of various events in the history of the people, and individual fasts in fulfillment of a vow.

In present-day circumstances, when for the sake of strengthening the shaky position of religion various churches have modernized their dogmas and liturgies, a more flexible approach has been taken toward fasts, which are not required to be as strictly observed.



[fast] (graphic arts) A relative term given to the speed of emulsion.


(body)Federation Against Software Theft.


(language)Fortran Automatic Symbol Translator.


An asynchronous communications protocol used to quickly transmit files over high-quality lines. Error checking is done after the entire file has been transmitted.



 [fast] 1. immovable, or unchangeable; resistant to the action of a specific drug, stain, or destaining agent.2. abstention from food.


(fast), 1. Durable; resistant to change; applied to stained microorganisms that cannot be decolorized.
See also: acid-fast.
2. To not eat. [A.S. foest, firm, fixed]


(făst)intr.v. fasted, fasting, fasts 1. To abstain from food.2. To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline.n.1. The act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food.2. A period of such abstention or self-denial.


Face Arm Speech Test. A validated clinical instrument used to evaluate people with sudden onset of neurological symptoms, for stroke or transient ischaemic attack.
Face Arm Speech Test
Facial weakness—Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?
Arm weakness—Can the person raise both arms?
Speech problems—Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
Test all three symptoms.


Nutrition A period of abstinence from solid foods or fluids as well, which may be required of a Pt before general surgery or before obtaining a specimen of blood for certain analytes. See 72-hr fast, Vegetable juice fast, Water fast Vox populi Vroom. (!).


(fast) 1. Durable; resistant to change; applied to stained microorganisms that cannot be decolorized.
See also: acid-fast
2. Abstinence from ingesting food. [A.S. foest, firm, fixed]


(fast) 1. Durable; resistant to change; applied to stained microorganisms that cannot be decolorized.
See also: acid-fast
2. Abstinence from ingesting food. [A.S. foest, firm, fixed]

Patient discussion about fast

Q. Is it true that fasting (occasionally) is good for health? Many people say that fasting helps the body clean itself, it there a truth behind this?A. Fasting does help "clean" the intestine for a short period of time. I cannot say it is especially recommended medically-wise to fast every now and then, because our bodies are functioned to digest food and there is usually no problem doing so, and an occasional fast does not show any benefitial healthy effects on the GI system.

Q. how to loose a beer gutt fast! A. exercise by doing high intensity interval training and cut back on eating junk and drinking beer.

Q. What is a fast and effective way to get bigger biceps and triceps? I am one of the regular goers to gym for the past 6 months and I am very fond of disposing my biceps and triceps. What is a fast and effective way to get bigger biceps and triceps?A. I would not do any curls at all. Instead focus on multi joint, compound movements. Try back workouts, pull ups, chin ups, etc.
These will work your biceps. Make sure to go as heavy as possible without hurting yourself, and consume protein. The rest and drink alot of water. Sleep adequately.

More discussions about fast


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FASTFunctional Analysis Screening Tool
FASTFemoral Artery Stenting Trial
FASTFunctional Assessment Staging Tool (Alzheimer's staging tool)
FASTFactory Appearing Stock Tire (drag racing format)
FASTForward Area Support Terminal
FASTFAA Acquisition System Toolset
FASTForum for the Analysis of Sport Technology
FASTFamily Advocacy Staff Training
FASTFast Acceleration of Symbolic Transition
FASTFormation and Safety Team (aircraft)
FASTFMRIB's Automated Segmentation Tool
FASTFuture Aviation Safety Team (Europe and USA)
FASTFacilitated Application Specification Technique (facilitator training)
FASTFace Arms Speech Time (stroke symptoms evaluation & response test)
FASTFlorida Association of State Troopers
FASTFirst Alert System Text Corp. (Port Orange, FL)
FASTFeasible Adjoint Sensitivity Technique
FASTFolding Articulated Square Truss
FASTFailure Analysis Service Technology
FASTForfeit Abatement and Seizure Team (Houston, TX)
FASTFuture Advanced Sequencer Technology
FASTFast Acquisition Search and Track
FASTFly-Away Satellite Terminal
FASTFlexible Ada Simulation Tool
FASTFamilies and Survivors of Tsunami Project (International Federation of Social Workers Asia Pacific)
FASTFugitive Apprehension Service Team
FASTFugitive Apprehension Strike Task Force
FASTFluorinel and Storage (facility)
FASTFacility for Absorption and Surface Tension
FASTForward Air Strike
FASTFleet Antiterrorism Support Team (US Navy)
FASTFoundations in Area Studies for Translators
FASTFederation of American Statisticians of Track
FASTFlexible Accelerated Stress Test
FASTFugitive Assessment Sampling Train
FASTField Assistance Support Team
FASTFunctional Agility and Speed Training
FASTFiber Access thru Sewer Tubes (Alcatel)
FASTForeign-deployed Advisory Support Team (DEA)
FASTFreshmen Aggies Spreading Traditions
FASTFlying Ambulance Surgical Trauma (Team)
FASTFuel Assembly Stability Test
FASTField Automation Support Team
FASTFugitive Apprehension Strike Force
FASTFreight Automated System for Traffic Management
FASTFugitive Apprehension Select Team
FASTFuture Army Schools Twenty-One (21st Century)
FASTFlow Analysis System for TRANSCOM
FASTFleet Aircrew Simulation Training (US Navy)
FASTForce Automated Surveillance and Targeting
FASTField Adaptable Systems Technology
FASTFederal Aviation Administration Acquisition System Toolsets
FASTForward Alpha Scattering Technique
FASTFoundation for the Advancement of Science & Technology, Inc. (Makati City, Philippines)
FASTFoundation for the Advancement of Science & Technology (university in Pakistan)
FASTFocused Assessment of Sonography for Trauma
FASTFan And Supersonic Turbine
FASTFuel And Sensor Tank
FASTFacilitated Awareness Stimulus Training Technique (trademark of Ronald Nathan)
FASTFaculty Administration Support Tool
FASTField Artillery Survey Team
FASTFuture Analytical Support Team
FASTFleet Assist and Support Team
FASTFuze Activating Static Target
FASTFriends At Socializing Time (Woodgrove Primary School Singapore)
FASTFuture Aircrew Sustainment Trainer
FASTForce Analysis Simulation Technique
FASTFriendly, Accurate, Speedy, Trained (Arby's)
FASTFlorida Alliance of Substitute Teachers
FASTField Automation Sales Tool (Sprint)
FASTFacilities Assessment Study Team
FASTFuture Area Shelterized Tower
FASTFleet AAW System Trainer
FASTForward Area Shelterized Tower
FASTFrame-based ATM over SONET Transport
FASTField's Automated Sales Technology
FASTFirefighters Accident & Sickness Trust
FASTFuel Aerosol Simulation Test
FASTFuels Automated Sample Tracking
FASTFully Automatic Systems Test
FASTFinancial Assistance to Student of Telangana (Telangana, India)


  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for fast

adj quick


  • quick
  • flying
  • winged
  • rapid
  • fleet
  • hurried
  • accelerated
  • swift
  • speedy
  • brisk
  • hasty
  • nimble
  • mercurial
  • sprightly
  • nippy


  • slow
  • leisurely
  • plodding
  • slow moving
  • unhurried

adj fixed


  • fixed
  • firm
  • sound
  • stuck
  • secure
  • tight
  • jammed
  • fortified
  • fastened
  • impregnable
  • immovable


  • weak
  • unstable
  • wavering
  • unreliable
  • unfaithful
  • irresolute
  • inconstant

adj indelible


  • indelible
  • lasting
  • permanent

adj dissipated


  • dissipated
  • wild
  • exciting
  • loose
  • extravagant
  • reckless
  • immoral
  • promiscuous
  • giddy
  • self-indulgent
  • wanton
  • profligate
  • impure
  • intemperate
  • dissolute
  • rakish
  • licentious
  • gadabout

adj close


  • close
  • lasting
  • firm
  • permanent
  • constant
  • devoted
  • loyal
  • faithful
  • stalwart
  • staunch
  • steadfast
  • unwavering

adv quickly


  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • swiftly
  • hastily
  • hurriedly
  • speedily
  • presto
  • apace
  • in haste
  • like a shot
  • at full speed
  • hell for leather
  • like lightning
  • hotfoot
  • like a flash
  • at a rate of knots
  • like the clappers
  • like a bat out of hell
  • pdq
  • like nobody's business
  • posthaste
  • like greased lightning
  • with all haste


  • slowly
  • gradually
  • steadily
  • leisurely
  • at your leisure
  • at a snail's pace
  • unhurriedly

adv firmly


  • firmly
  • staunchly
  • resolutely
  • steadfastly
  • determinedly
  • unwaveringly
  • unchangeably

adv securely


  • securely
  • firmly
  • tightly
  • fixedly

adv fixedly


  • fixedly
  • firmly
  • soundly
  • deeply
  • securely
  • tightly

adv recklessly


  • recklessly
  • wildly
  • loosely
  • extravagantly
  • promiscuously
  • rakishly
  • intemperately

adv sound


  • sound
  • soundly
  • deeply

verb go hungry


  • go hungry
  • abstain
  • go without food
  • deny yourself
  • practise abstention
  • refrain from food or eating

noun fasting


  • fasting
  • diet
  • abstinence

Synonyms for fast

adj characterized by great celerity


  • breakneck
  • expeditious
  • fleet
  • quick
  • rapid
  • speedy
  • swift
  • hell-for-leather

adj accomplished in very little time


  • brief
  • expeditious
  • flying
  • hasty
  • hurried
  • quick
  • rapid
  • short
  • speedy
  • swift

adj lacking in moral restraint


  • abandoned
  • dissipated
  • dissolute
  • gay
  • incontinent
  • licentious
  • profligate
  • rakish
  • unbridled
  • unconstrained
  • uncontrolled
  • ungoverned
  • uninhibited
  • unrestrained
  • wanton
  • wild

adj marked by an absence of conventional restraint in sexual behavior; sexually unrestrained


  • easy
  • libertine
  • light
  • loose
  • wanton
  • whorish

adj permanently resistive to fading


  • colorfast
  • indelible

adj persistently holding to something


  • clinging
  • firm
  • secure
  • tenacious
  • tight

adj firmly settled or positioned


  • firm
  • secure
  • stable
  • steady
  • strong
  • sure

adj adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or a duty


  • allegiant
  • constant
  • faithful
  • firm
  • liege
  • loyal
  • staunch
  • steadfast
  • true

adv in a rapid way


  • apace
  • posthaste
  • quick
  • quickly
  • flat out
  • hell-for-leather
  • lickety-split
  • pronto

Synonyms for fast

noun abstaining from food


  • fasting

Related Words

  • abstinence
  • dieting
  • diet
  • hunger strike
  • Ramadan

verb abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons

Related Words

  • diet
  • desist
  • refrain
  • abstain

verb abstain from eating

Related Words

  • diet
  • desist
  • refrain
  • abstain

adj acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly

Related Words

  • sudden
  • hurried


  • slow

adj (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time


  • slow

adj at a rapid tempo

Related Words

  • music


  • slow

adj (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds

Related Words

  • smooth

adj resistant to destruction or fading

Related Words

  • imperviable
  • impervious

adj unrestrained by convention or morality


  • debauched
  • degenerate
  • degraded
  • dissipated
  • dissolute
  • libertine
  • profligate
  • riotous

Related Words

  • immoral

adj hurried and brief


  • flying
  • quick

Related Words

  • hurried

adj securely fixed in place


  • immobile
  • firm

Related Words

  • fixed

adj unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause


  • truehearted
  • loyal
  • firm

Related Words

  • faithful

adj (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time

Related Words

  • causative

adv firmly or closely


  • tight




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