Faddeev, Liudvig

Faddeev, Liudvig Dmitrievich


Born Mar. 23, 1934, in Leningrad. Soviet mathematician and theoretical physicist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1976). Son of D. K. Faddeev.

L. D. Faddeev graduated from Leningrad State University in 1956 and became a professor at the university in 1969. In 1976 he was appointed deputy director of the Leningrad Division of the V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics.

Faddeev’s work deals with mathematical and theoretical physics. He solved the three-body problem of quantum mechanics in 1963 (the Faddeev equations) and the inverse problem in scattering theory for the n-dimensional case in 1966. He developed in 1967 a method for quantizing fields with infinite-dimensional invariance groups, such as the Yang-Mills field and the Einstein gravitational field, by means of continuous integration. In 1975 he formalized the quantization of particle-like solutions (solitons) of field-theory equations. Methods developed by Faddeev are employed in various areas of mathematics, in quantum mechanics, and in the theory of elementary particles.

Faddeev received the State Prize of the USSR in 1971 and the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics of the American Physical Society in 1975.


Matematicheskie voprosy kvantovoi teorii rasseianiia dlia sistemy trekh chastits. (Tr. Matematicheskogo in-ta AN SSSR, vol. 69). Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.
“Kovariantnoe kvantovanie gravitatsionnogo polia.” Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1973, vol. Ill, issue 3. (With V. N. Popov.)
“Obratnaia zadacha kvantovoi teorii rasseianiia,” part 2. In Sovremennyeproblemy matematiki, vol. 3. Moscow, 1974.